Tuesday 19 September 2017

The new Samsung phone might offer the best slow-mo filming yet

Time to get slow (Picture: Samsung)
Samsung’s next phone release could let you make slow-motion clips like you’ve never done before.
The Samsung Galaxy S9 (the last one was called the S8, so the next one will probably be the S9), will feature a camera that allows you to film at 1,000fps (frames per second) for super slow motion videos, according to industry rumours.
The iPhone 7 offers 240fps, so videos taken on the upcoming Samsung phone will allow you to make videos more than four times slower than this.
1,000fps is about 40 times slower than real time.
Here’s a clip from beloved Youtubers The Slow Mo Guys which shows you exactly how slow 1,000fps is.

Sony has a patent on the current technology needed to achieve this frame rate, so Samsung might have come up with an entirely new way to achieve slow motion filming in phones.
The Galaxy S8 already has one of the best cameras of any phone available, so if this rumour turns out to be true it could mean Samsung are trying to corner the photography/filmography corner of the mobile phone market.
The S9 is expected to be released around March 2018, but nothing can be confirmed until Samsung themselves announce the new release.

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