Tuesday 19 September 2017

Look at this photos and see what you never seen before, two planes perilously close to each other

Was this a 'near miss' or just an optical illusion?

The two planes look perilously close to each other (Picture: Chris Hine/Featureworld)
The sight of two passenger jets on top of each other is certainly something you don’t see every day.
The alarming ‘near miss’ was taken by keen plane spotter Chris Hine, 70, as he sat in his garden in Byfleet, Surrey.
Both aircrafts were circling above the retired engineer’s home as they waited in a queue to land at Heathrow.
Mr Hine said he was watching the two planes with added interest as they appeared to be flying a lot closer to each other than normal.
Taking his camera out for a closer look, he caught the moment the two planes looked as if they were flying in sequence.
Was this a 'near miss' or just an optical illusion?

Chris Hine spotted the ‘near miss’ in his garden in Surrey (Picture: Mark Large/Daily Mail)
Was this a 'near miss' or just an optical illusion?

A line of British Airways aircraft on the tarmac at Heathrow (Picture: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg/Getty)
Despite the high altitude, he could make out one plane was a Virgin Atlantic A340 and the other was a British Airways 787 Dreamliner.
Both these planes would have been travelling with hundreds of passengers on board, the Daily Mail reports.
Mr Hine said: ‘When you think both planes would have been travelling at around 288mph it does make you wonder how safe our crowded skies are.’
UK Aviation Consultant John Hutchinson pointed out that while the planes do look very close there was likely a space of about 1,000 feet between them.
He said: ‘Planes are fitted with excellent alerting systems which ensure they never get too near to one another as well as being closely monitored by Air Traffic Control.
‘It is therefore extremely unlikely that at any point there was any danger of any collision.

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