"My eyes rolled back into my sockets. There was a tingling s£nsat!on in my vagina followed by my muscles tensing up quickly. I didn't want the s£nsat!on to go away so I kept rubbing my cl!t at a faster pace. The faster I rubbed, the better the sweet s£nsat!on got. Everything kept coming to a climax. I didn't care where I was or how I got to that stage. I kept rubbing it so hard till my muscles contracted, fluids flowed out and my body felt at peace"
Most women have never experienced orgasm. They have heard the word and heard tales of what it felt like to experience this s£nsat!on. A good percentage of these women will leave this world never knowing what orgasm feels like.
I used to be like those women. The ones who believed sex was only about thrusting in and out of the penis. I used to be like the women who had no idea what an orgasm was. All that changed when I tried out masturbation.
A good percentage of men do not understand women's needs. They believe all that there is to making a lady cum is sU-Cking her nipples, pressing her nyash and using their fingers to rub roughly on the vagina.
For men, reaching orgasm is easy. On the other hand, it takes a lot of effort to make a lady reach orgasm.
No one will ever know or understand your body like you will. These men do not care so much for our sexual needs and we on the other hand just fake orgasms to save their pride and end a boring sex session quickly.
Every lady should try out masturbation at least once or twice. Although this solo sexual act has been condemned by the religious fanatics in Nigeria, it does a lot of good.
- Masturbation keeps you happy
- Masturbation helps in keeping that p**sy tight because of the contraction of the pelvic floors. Why waste your time on kegel?
- Masturbation relives stress
- Masturbation makes you more in tune with your body thus boosting self confidence
- Masturbation makes you enjoy sexual activity with your partner.
- If you have been having sleepless nights, try masturbating and watch yourself sleep like a baby.
Every lady deserves to experience what orgasm really feels like. If you ever want to know what true orgasm is, then lay yourself on that bed, grab some porno and play with your vayjay. You can't tell a man how to sex you if you do not what brings you maximum pleasure.
If you are able to bring yourself to orgasm, you will stop settling for the crappy sex most men offer.
PS Masturbation can become addictive.
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