Thursday 5 January 2017

Watch How This Woman Survives Being Crushed By A 38-Coach Train (Video)

A mother in Madhya Pradesh, India, survived what might be the most miraculous moment of her life when she and her daughter decided to slip under a stranded goods train to get across the road.
They got the shock of their lives when the train started to move just immediately they got underneath it, with the quick-thinking mother pushing her daughter out of the way.
Considering how they got no warning at all, there was no time for the 35-year-old woman to get out, so she quickly took position between the train tracks, making sure to avoid being smashed by the dangerous 38-coach freight train.

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She was there for the next three minutes, but thankfully survived the ordeal as she came out unscathed and rushed to give her young daughter a hug. The pair held each other as they cried tears of joy, thankful for the miracle of a second chance.
Who says miracles do not happen?
Watch the incredible video below;

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