Thursday 5 January 2017

Disabled teenager tied up and beaten while people shout Donald Trump insults in racially charged attack

hicago police are questioning four people over a video in which a disabled teenager appears to be tied up and tortured while someone yells “f*** Donald Trump” and “f*** white people”.
Captured in a broadcast on Facebook Live, the footage shows a young white man sitting in the corner of a room with tape over his mouth.
It shows a large knife being held to his face and his scalp being cut, before he is kicked repeatedly and forced to drink toilet water.
The victim is clearly forced to drink toilet water in the Facebook Live video Fox 32
The group are shown taunting and swearing at the victim, while large parts of the footage focus on a woman rambling incoherently.
While police officials did not confirm the races of the suspects or victim, video from Chicago media outlets appeared to show someone off-camera using profanities about "white people" and President-elect Mr Trump.
Police superintendent Eddie Johnson said criminal charges against the four people arrested, two men and two women, were expected to be announced on Thursday.
“It’s sickening," he said.
“You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that.”
He said the victim, who has "mental health challenges," was recovering.
Police said it was too soon to know whether the attack was racially motivated.
Detectives say the victim met acquaintances in the northwest Streamwood suburb, before he was driven to Chicago in a stolen vehicle.

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