Saturday 31 December 2016

How to be succesfull in life by knowing where your destiny belongs to...see below

1.     KNOW YOUR SELF: How do you know yourself?  Someone can know him or herself by knowing the background your came from, example your family background, things you can do in life and things you can’t do, (i.e.) when you know yourself that’s when you start to pursue your destiny in life.
2.     KNOW YOUR PURPOSE FOR LIFE: The best a person can do is to know his/her purpose for life, how do you know your purpose for life?...As a person created by God he has a reason for creating you in life…but the purpose is left for you to make it come to pass, Then you need to go close to the God that created you. So as his purpose for you will come to pass, with God his purposed for you will be hidden.
3.     KNOW THINGS YOU LOVE DOING (YOUR CARRIER): Your carrier takes you to your destiny, what you love doing is the only thing that can give you joy at any point in life, let’s say you are an engineer and it’s what you love doing, don’t be surprise you will be the best in that at all angle you find yourself and you will be the best in the field among your mates. 
4.     GO EXTRA MILE IN ALL YOU DO: In all you do in life you have to go extra mile to attain the level where your destiny is in life, i.e. when others are sleeping you have to be awake and make up with something extra ordinary and if you are a student you have to make a timetable which will lead you to cover your topics before your semester exams starts.
5.     BELIEVE IN YOUR SELF: Self esteem propels a lot in life, things you do in life may not be appreciated at that moment by people but you have to appreciate it and believe you are the best at that point so as to encourage your self until people starts looking into your work.

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