Saturday 1 April 2017

Why I defiled my 7-month-old child – Man, 57

A 57-year-old man, Magaji Dansale, on Friday admitted that he defiled his seven-month-old stepdaughter.
He said his action was “regrettable and an act of the devil”.

The native of Dangaske Village of Jikamshi in Danmusa Local Government Area said: “I had dreamt that if I had sex with the girl, I would stop my frequent travels, so I went ahead and did what I did.”
Dansale spoke when he was paraded alongside other suspected criminals at the Katsina Police Command headquarters.
He added that before he married the girl’s mother, he was fond of travelling frequently and never stayed in one place but when his first wife left him with six children, he began to stay at home.
“No sooner had I remarried than my past habit of travelling returned, that was when I had the dream one night.

When asked why he chose the step daughter instead of his biological daughter, Dansale said, “She is also my child, I just don’t know how it happened. I regret my action and want to plead for leniency.”
“I swear, there was no motive behind my action, it was just ordained by God that such would happen to me and it happened,” he said.
The girl’s mother, 25-year-old Zinnai Muntari, said when she woke up for the morning prayers and saw blood on the private part of the baby, her husband asked her to bring the child and after observing her, said it was pile and hurried out to bring some herbs to use on her.
“As a mother, I felt this was unusual and reached out for help at the General Hospital Malumfashi where the doctor confirmed it was a forceful entry that tore the vagina up to the anus.

The girl’s biological father, Ibrahim Nuhu, said there was no going back until justice is served.
“They later referred us to the Umar Turai Children and Maternity Hospital in Katsina,” she said.
“All I want now is to save the life of my daughter and for justice to take its course to serve as deterrent to others,” he said.
The state Commissioner of Police, Usman Abdullahi, described the matter as “disheartening and very pathetic”.
“We suspect that the woman was drugged, for how come with probably all the screaming of the baby the mother couldn’t wake up?
“I assure you, we will charge him to court to get the case to its logical conclusion.
“It is worrisome for Katsina, the rise in rape cases is alarming. Last year alone, over 110 cases of rape were handled”.
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Man dies from exhaustion after sex romp with four ladies in Lagos

A 29-yr-old man, Olanimu Babatunde, also known as Kokomaster has died of exhaustion after having an all-night sex romp with no fewer than four ladies in his house on Thomas Street, Lagos Island.
His young sex partners, now answering questions on the man’s curious death from the police, claimed that they never knew Olanimu was dead until around 4am on the fateful day when they realized he no longer responded to their touch.
According to an eyewitness, identified as Jide, who rushed to the scene when he heard the girls screaming, Olanimu was confirmed dead same day.
He said: “The girls, who were already intoxicated at that time, said they thought he was enjoying it, so they kept going on taking turns and just having fun. It was when they noticed that he wasn’t breathing that they started screaming.
“People rushed into the deceased’s apartment to find the four undressed girls and his lifeless body. They immediately alerted the police, who came few minutes later to arrest the suspects.”
“The driver asked where we were heading, we said we were going anywhere he was heading to. He smiled and asked us to get in. When we all got in, he enquired if we were hungry, we said yes, so he took us to a restaurant and we all ordered whatever we wanted to eat. While we ate white rice and pepper soup, Olanimu ate pounded yam and egusi soup.
“After we finished eating, we continued our journey. Now, it was dark, when we arrived at Olanimu’s residence. We got out of the car and entered his apartment. While we were seated, he asked us what we wanted and we said we wanted to get high and that he should turn on the music, so he did and afterwards arranged drinks for everyone. While we drank and danced Olanimu, started touching us, kissing and spraying money. Overwhelmed by happiness, we responded and equally caressed him.”
They later ended up in his room and continued what they had started doing in the sitting room, handling one another, and having sex.
Rather, it was linked to sex induced exhaustion. The girls were released on bail last Saturday morning, while the remains of the deceased had since been buried by his family in line with Muslim rites.
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Nigeria, France renew commitment to fighting terrorism

Nigeria and France have expressed commitment to continue to deepen the buoyant diplomatic, economic and miltary relationships between the two countries, even as both the Federal Government and the French Republic are now exploring new ways to confront and defeat the ideologies fuelling terrorism.
This was the highlight of the bilateral meeting between Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, and French Prime Minister, Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve, in Paris after the Vice President attended and spoke at the just concluded global forum on Anti-Corruption and Integrity hosted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD.
“One thing left for us to deal with is deradicalization, defeating the ‘ideology’ behind the mindless killing and violence. This is now what we have to deal with,” according to the Vice President.
Continuing, he observed that there was the view that some of the issues involved in the fuelling of terrorism is governance related, and economic, but added that “it goes beyond that to ideological, and we are now focussing on the challenge, and on how to deal with it.”
The Vice President stated that the Federal Government would be happy to work with France, and others among its diplomatic partners who may also have to deal with such problems as the challenge of deradicalization.
According to the Vice President, “we are thankful for the work you are doing with Nigeria. President Hollande has been to Nigeria twice and his support against terrorism in the countries in the region is by words and action, showing that the French is committed and standing side by side with us.”
He added that “generally, the stemming of the sprad of terrorism in the Sahel is much due to French’s role, and we thankful for that contribution.”
In his own remarks, Prime Minister Cazeneuve recalled recent terror attacks in France, saying “we know the consequences of terror attacks on populations. We are aware of the problem and we know it cannot be solved by countries working alone.”

The French government, he added will be focussing on how to enhance and deepen relationship with Nigeria, including on issues of “counter terrorism and sharing information when it comes to deradicalization.”
He also noted that the French government has a process of deradicalization, involving teams working with families, stressing however that “it’s a very difficult job.”
The Prime Minister also congratulated the Nigerian President and military over the degrading of Boko Haram. He asked the Vice President at the Thursday afternoon meeting to convey to President Buhari “our message of admiration of his efforts to modernize your country.”
He then commended the Nigerian Vice President on how he is supporting the President, especially by holding the fort as Acting President while President Buhari was away.
“You played a significant role for your country while holding forth for your country. Also you play an important role in relaunching the Nigerian economy, ” the Prime Minister observed, adding that French investors will take advantage of the opportunity the Nigerian economy offers.
Vice President Osinbajo welcoming the idea added that the recently released FG’s Economic Revovery and Growth Plan is private sector led, adding that government’s “role is to facilitate and make life easier for investors where we can.”
While appreciating the French government for its hospitality to him and members of his delegation in France, the Vice President commiserated with the government and people of France on the French school children injured in the recent Westminster terror attack in London.
He congratulated the Prime Minister who was appointed to the position in December.
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Customs will go ahead with import duties payment – Controller-General Hameed Ali

The Controller-General of the Nigerian Customs, Colonel Hameed Ali (rtd) has disclosed that Customs will proceed with its planned verification of payment of duties on imported vehicles at the appropriate time.
The policy is currently on hold following the widespread outcry on account of its retroactive nature.
The policy allows Customs personnel to stop and impound any vehicle imported into the country over the last seven years for which no import duty has been paid.
The Senate, which is locked in a showdown with Ali over his refusal to appear before it in Customs uniform, passed a resolution asking the organization to stop the vehicle duty verification policy.
Ali said in an interview in Abuja on Friday that the policy is not all about the revenue it will generate for government, but also for security reasons
“Somebody can pick your car and go and commit armed robbery or another offence because we do not have the data, we cannot trace the car to the owner. But if every car is tied to the owner, it would make crime detection easier.
“I can tell you today that there are cars on our streets that have not been registered and there are people with different number plates in their houses. They just attach the number plate on any car they decide to drive and zoom off. This is simply not right.
“For those of us who have lived in the United States of America, your plate number is your identity. Once they compute your plate number, everything about you will be reflected there. That is the position we want to be in this country.
“Also, there is the revenue aspect. You will not deny that we need all the legal money that we need in this country today. It is going to be tasking on us all, but the payment of dues in some country is necessary.
“We need to understand that some countries survive on tax. It is only in Nigeria that we shy away from paying our dues and people question why they should pay.”
He further explained that in enforcing the policy, “the Customs will not be as hard as people think.
“We are human beings. In fact, when the policy came up, I had to go back and look at my own cars to make sure that I am not driving a car that has the wrong papers, while I am expected to enforce the same law on violators.
“This is what we want people in Nigeria to begin to understand. Yes, we regret he hardship, but honestly, for us to be able to move forward in terms of our security, we must grow a level higher in this country. We cannot attain any level without hardship.
“It may tamper with our ways of doing things, but in the long run, we shall all be better for it. So for now, you know we have suspended the policy.
“We are asking for feedback, we will look at the policy and refine it and then we see how best we can apply it without causing hardship to Nigerians. So we have not put a date to it yet. We are still consulting. When we do, we will let Nigerians know.”
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