Saturday 1 April 2017

Nigeria, France renew commitment to fighting terrorism

Nigeria and France have expressed commitment to continue to deepen the buoyant diplomatic, economic and miltary relationships between the two countries, even as both the Federal Government and the French Republic are now exploring new ways to confront and defeat the ideologies fuelling terrorism.
This was the highlight of the bilateral meeting between Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, and French Prime Minister, Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve, in Paris after the Vice President attended and spoke at the just concluded global forum on Anti-Corruption and Integrity hosted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD.
“One thing left for us to deal with is deradicalization, defeating the ‘ideology’ behind the mindless killing and violence. This is now what we have to deal with,” according to the Vice President.
Continuing, he observed that there was the view that some of the issues involved in the fuelling of terrorism is governance related, and economic, but added that “it goes beyond that to ideological, and we are now focussing on the challenge, and on how to deal with it.”
The Vice President stated that the Federal Government would be happy to work with France, and others among its diplomatic partners who may also have to deal with such problems as the challenge of deradicalization.
According to the Vice President, “we are thankful for the work you are doing with Nigeria. President Hollande has been to Nigeria twice and his support against terrorism in the countries in the region is by words and action, showing that the French is committed and standing side by side with us.”
He added that “generally, the stemming of the sprad of terrorism in the Sahel is much due to French’s role, and we thankful for that contribution.”
In his own remarks, Prime Minister Cazeneuve recalled recent terror attacks in France, saying “we know the consequences of terror attacks on populations. We are aware of the problem and we know it cannot be solved by countries working alone.”

The French government, he added will be focussing on how to enhance and deepen relationship with Nigeria, including on issues of “counter terrorism and sharing information when it comes to deradicalization.”
He also noted that the French government has a process of deradicalization, involving teams working with families, stressing however that “it’s a very difficult job.”
The Prime Minister also congratulated the Nigerian President and military over the degrading of Boko Haram. He asked the Vice President at the Thursday afternoon meeting to convey to President Buhari “our message of admiration of his efforts to modernize your country.”
He then commended the Nigerian Vice President on how he is supporting the President, especially by holding the fort as Acting President while President Buhari was away.
“You played a significant role for your country while holding forth for your country. Also you play an important role in relaunching the Nigerian economy, ” the Prime Minister observed, adding that French investors will take advantage of the opportunity the Nigerian economy offers.
Vice President Osinbajo welcoming the idea added that the recently released FG’s Economic Revovery and Growth Plan is private sector led, adding that government’s “role is to facilitate and make life easier for investors where we can.”
While appreciating the French government for its hospitality to him and members of his delegation in France, the Vice President commiserated with the government and people of France on the French school children injured in the recent Westminster terror attack in London.
He congratulated the Prime Minister who was appointed to the position in December.

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