Monday 10 April 2017

Thousands of Police mourn officer killed in Westminster attack

Thousands of Police mourn officer killed in Westminster attack
Thousands of police officers on Monday lined the streets of London to pay tribute to their colleague, Keith Palmer, killed in the Westminster terrorist attack about three weeks ago.
The 48-year-old policeman was stabbed by attacker Khalid Masood outside the parliament on March 22.
No fewer than 5,000 police officers from across Britain looked on as the hearse carrying Palmer’s coffin passed through central London to Southward cathedral.
Palmer was unarmed as he guarded the entrance to parliament when he was stabbed by 52-year-old Masood, who was then shot dead by police.
Prior to attacking Palmer, Masood deliberately drove a car into pedestrians, killing four people and injuring no fewer than 50.

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