Monday 10 April 2017

Syria: Nurse killed in hospital attack in Dael, Daraa

Syria: Nurse killed in hospital attack in Dael, Daraa
One nurse was killed and staff were wounded in an attack on a hospital in Dael, Daraa on Monday.
The hospital was hit by an airstrike at about 1:30 a.m on April 9, 2017, destroying an ambulance, damaging the hospital and putting it out of service.
Recall that on April 3, there was a reported chemical agent attack (chlorine suspected) in Habeet, Idlib suburbs which injured a 5-day old baby. The infant succumbed to injuries from chemical agent inhalation on Friday, April 7.Syria baby
The mother of the infant is devastated and had moved to the area seeking refuge after the father was killed five months ago.
Similarly, a primary health care centre in Idilb was attacked on April 8 at 3:00 P.M., damaged and put out of service, according to the Turkey Health Cluster. The facility provided an average of 1980 consultations a month.
The escalation of violence and use of internationally banned weapons continued through the weekend.
Furthermore, on April 8, he city of Latamneh, in the Hama suburbs was attacked with phosphorous bombs and there were reports of napalm used in attacks in Latamneh, Maaret Harmah, and Bsams.
This assault continued on April 9 as there were reports of phosphorus attacks in Saraqeb. These incendiary weapons have caused horrific burns to patients, and the difficultiesto treat put a tremendous strain on the medical infrastructure.
Syria hospital
“The sickening attacks on Khan Sheikhoun and the subsequent worldwide outrage have done little to stop attacks on civilians in Syria.
“The people of Khan Sheikhoun are terrified and have fled their homes. It breaks my heart to hear about the 5-day old baby which died on Friday. No mother should have to go through that.
“Hospitals are still being bombed and incendiaries are still deployed in populated areas, disfiguring civilians. We have seen a drastic uptick in violence in the past month and now more than ever, we need a peaceful solution to this conflict,” said Dr. Anas Al Kassem, Chairman of UOSSM Canada.  

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