Tuesday 18 April 2017

North Korea continues missile test

North Korea will continue to test missiles, a senior official has said in Pyongyang, despite international condemnation and growing military tensions with the United States.
“We’ll be conducting more missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis,” Vice Foreign Minister, Han Song-ryol, told the BBC.
He said that an “all-out war” would result if the U.S took military action.
Earlier, U.S Vice-President, Mike Pence, warned North Korea not to test the U.S.
He said his country’s “era of strategic patience” with North Korea was over.
Mr. Pence arrived in Seoul on Sunday hours after North Korea carried out a failed missile launch.
Tensions have been escalating on the peninsula, with heated rhetoric from both North Korea and the U.S.
Mr. Han told the BBC: “If the U.S is planning a military attack against us, we will react with a nuclear pre-emptive strike by our own style and method.”
North Korea has accelerated its nuclear and missile tests in recent years, despite international condemnation and United Nations sanctions.

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