Friday, 21 April 2017

New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Photos Surprisingly Support Jon Snow Theory

R+L = J was the mother of all “Game of Thrones” theories, but this one is da big papa.
For a while now, fans have speculated that Jon Snow would learn of his heritage in the Winterfell crypts. There are empty tombs in the crypts, set to be the future resting places for Starks, and the theory claims Ned Stark may have put proof of Snow’s parentage down there. As support, Jon has dreams about the crypts in George R.R. Martin’s books.
Now, HBO has released new Season 7 photos, and looky what we got here:
Snow way!
That’s Jon Snow, and he might be in the Winterfell crypts. We don’t know for sure, but the lighting does seem similar to this scene from the show, in which Sansa and Littlefinger talk in the crypts.
If so, Jon might finally find out that his daddy and mommy are Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.
Other photos have us freaking out, too. Tormund and Brienne appear together (Just make them a couple already, HBO!), and the location Dany shows up in looks like the same spot where those leaked “Game of Thrones” photos were taken.
All men (and women) must speculate:
  • Jaime maybe thinking about killing Cersei?
  • Dany possibly at Dragonstone?
  • Hmm ... this one looks like those photo leaks.
  • Varys is looking awfully cold.
  • Sam and Gilly perhaps discovering a cure to Jorah’s greyscale?
  • Uh oh. What’s Littlefinger doing back there?
  • Only the good Missandei young. (Hah, right? Right, guys ...)
  • Tyrion, possibly looking at Jon Snow?
  • Tormund asking Brienne out perhaps?
  • Sansa maybe turning on Littlefinger?
  • The Hound in the North!?
  • Ar-ya back at Winterfell yet?
  • Davos is becoming a Winterfella.
  • Bran perhaps traveling south of the Wall!

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