Friday 28 April 2017

I thought it's an easy something to be a president, Trump says

President Donald Trump of the United States of America (USA) has confessed that he never expected being a president to be as tough as it has turned out.
Trump said this as 

Reflecting on his first 100 days in the White House, President Donald Trump told Reuters Thursday he’s been surprised by aspects of his new job, including how much work it is when compared with running his business empire.
“I loved my previous life,” Trump said. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”
According to Reuters, Trump also said he was surprised at how little privacy he has now, despite being used to not having much of it in his “old life.”
The president, who never held public office before he was elected to the nation’s highest office, told the news agency he’s still getting used to his 24-hour Secret Service protection.

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