Friday 9 December 2016

South Korean First Female President, Park Geun-Hye impeached


South Korean first female President, Park Geun-hye, has been impeached by the country’s parliament following a mass protest.
According to ITV news, the parliament voted to impeach Geun-hye in the wake of mass protest of about 100,000 persons who accused her of corruption.
Park’s impeachment succeeded after a vote of 236 for and 56 against, with 9 invalid votes and abstentions.
President Geun-Hye was accused of giving her friend, Choi Soon-sil access to sensitive government information and granting financial benefits to her.
Ms Choi was arrested on charges of fraud after she tried to extort tens of millions of dollars from South Korean companies.
It was gathered that rallies against Geun-hye had been ongoing every Saturday for the past six weeks.
The country awaits the next step if the country’s Constitutional Court will decide whether to uphold the motion and remove Park from office or reject it and reinstate her.
If her impeachment is upheld, Park will become the country’s first democratically-elected leader to be removed from power.
PHOTOS Of Protest…park-hye

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