Monday 12 December 2016

Online Dating/Blind Date: 7 Things You Should Do On The First Day You Meet

So there’s this dude you met online. You’ve been chatting for two weeks now and the chemistry is fire and you guys decide to take it up a notch and meet in person. But you’re nervous and you don’t know what to do. Relax, This post got you covered. Do these things and you’re good to go.
1. DON’T RUSH THINGS: First dates can, however, become second dates. Revealing yourself slowly will create just enough mystery to score some additional face time. This exact air of mystery is also ideal for when you’re setting up your online dating profile: reveal just a little bit, and discuss the rest through chat or in real life. One of the simplest ways to keep yourself from sharing too much too soon is a 70/30 split. Try listening about 70 percent of the date and speaking 30 percent. Stay attentive, ask questions, and casually say little things about yourself when it makes sense. You’ll give off an air of mystery that will have your date begging to learn more about you. Hello, second date.
2. A LITTLE TOUCHING DON’T HURT NOBODY: There is a strong case for letting your date slip into your personal space on your first night out. Physical contact creates an instant bond between the two of you. The goal here is to keep the vibe between you light and fun, so think graze, not grope. For the ladies, try softly brushing your date’s knee when they crack a joke, or lightly tapping their arm to emphasize a point. A gentle touch lets him know you’re interested, and his response to that touch will tell you if he’s into you too.
3. ALLOW THE MAN LEAD IF NEEDED: As cheesy as it sounds in this day and age, when it comes to your first date, it’s a good idea to let your guy be the man. Let me explain the rhyme for this reason:Some men are genuine gentlemen, and when their nerves take over, that instinct goes into overdrive. Setting gender roles aside on the first date gives you both one less thing to stress about. If your partner wants to hold the door open for you, let him. If he wants to pull your chair out for you, let him. If he wants to cover the check, let him. Who are you to stop him from proving that chivalry is alive and well in the 21st Century? Go Dutch on the next date.
4. EMBRACE THE AWKWARD SITUATIONS: Perfect dates happen in perfect worlds. Here on Earth, drinks are spilled, first names are forgotten, and laughter is punctuated with snorts. You and your match may even find yourselves at a loss for words IRL. The best thing to do under these circumstances is break the ice by acknowledging the awkward energy. Addressing the quirks head on will show your date that you’re down-to-earth, and put them at ease.
5. PUT SOME RESPECT ON THE DATE: Everyone deserves a certain measure of basic human respect. As you’ve only previously conversed online without the company of others, now would be a great time to show your date that you’re a great person to be out in public with. Show your date a bit of common courtesy by arriving at your meeting place on time. Be polite to both your date and the wait staff. Converse with your cutie actively and attentively. Treat them like they’re the only person in the room. Also, feel free to leave your phone in your purse or pocket during the date. It goes without saying, but treating someone with courtesy and compassion will only help you establish a lasting relationship. Be nice.
6. DRESS APPROPRIATELY: It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of your first date. We are often more concerned with wowing our date than the activity itself. That said, wearing a cocktail dress to a sports bar is never a good look. And showing up in sweats and a ratty t-shirt to a fine dining restaurant will only get you ditched. Over/under dressing for an occasion can attract unwanted attention and make both you and your date feel uncomfortable. To avoid any unnecessary awkwardness, use your date’s setting as a style guide. Once you’ve created a foundation for your look, you can use flirty accessories to dazzle your date *if you’re a woman* or you can jazz it up with some timeless pieces *if you’re a dude*. There is a time and a place for every outfit. Play your cards right, and you’ll have the opportunity to break out that cocktail dress or that fancy button up on your second date.
7. S3X ON THE FIRST DATE: We all know women who’ve been tossed aside after putting out on the first date. We also know plenty of couples who’ve married their first-date sex partner. Every date is a unique experience. Listen to your gut, follow your moral compass, and do what feels right. Make your final impression the way you see fit. If things don’t turn out the way you planned, own your part and move on.

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