Sunday 11 December 2016

How to drive and escape from accident through out your life time....


They are many ways a person can drive without involving yourself in an accident, and all this below are things you must do to abstain your self from accident and live longer....
  1. Knowing how to drive: The first you do is to learn how to drive, learn how to control a car and the signs like, The direction light, the head lamp, wiper etc, 
  2. Concentration: Being distracted while driving is a bad idea, as you can't give your full attention to the road and your reaction time becomes slower as a result.
  •  Using cell phones while driving -- whether you're making a call, texting or doing something else -- is seriously detrimental in terms of its effect on your attention to driving. If you need to make a call, pull over and stop the car first.
  • Also be careful when driving with children and pets, as they can be a potential distraction. Make sure children are secured with seat belts and pets are contained in a pet carrier.
      3. Know all the road signs: Before you drive on the road as a driver you must know the signs                  on the road. like:
  • Zebra crossing : This are the lines you meet at a place like schools, market churches...etc. which means, people always cross at that point, when you see a place like that you are advice to slow down

  • Bending: This is a place where the road is no more straight, at this point speeding, overtaking, and loosing concentration are not required because anything bad can happen if you tries any of this things

       4.  Having courage: This is the only thing that would save you from a dangerous accident,          courage is the key to driving, you may know those things mentioned above but without courage you can fall a victim of accident which is too bad in human life because you have many things to loose if that happens, at the point of accident you can escape when you have the mind to escape (courageous) 

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