Wednesday 2 November 2016

Women journalists seek prosecution of policeman, another for allegedly raping minors

The Nasarawa State Chapter of
Nigerian Association of Women
Journalists, NAWOJ, has called for
the prosecution of two men,
including a policeman, for
allegedly raping two minors.
In a statement by the NAWOJ
chairperson in Nasarawa State,
Tina Cyril, the association
expressed disgust over the
alleged rape of the nine-year-old
and the five-year-old by the
The NAWOJ leader said it would
monitor the handling of the two
cases to logical conclusions and
expressed its commitment to the
protection of the rights of women
and children.
She advised parents to monitor
the movement of their wards and
report any case of abuse to
relevant authorities.
She lamented the increasing
cases of rape of young girls
across the country and urged
authorities to bring the suspects
to justice.
Ms. Cyril said that NAWOJ would
continue to collaborate with
others in the fight against child
and women abuse in the country.

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