Sunday 27 November 2016

How we do bus conductor at day, rob at night – suspects

Two bus conductors in Lagos State, identified as 22-year-old Lateef Sodiq and Tunde Lawal, 21, have been arrested by men of the Lagos State Police Command after robbing a motorist of his Honda saloon car.
The two young men confessed to belong to a car-snatching gang operating in the state.
The suspects said they support their bus conductor’s work with robbery.
Sodiq told Punch that he was nabbed in a bus by men of the Alakara Police Division, Lagos, who were trailing him without his knowledge.
According to him, after concluding his conductor work on Wednesday, he went to join the other members of his gang and they snatched the Honda at Sabo area of Yaba, Lagos and dumped the driver of the vehicle at Obanikoro along Ikorodu Road.
Sodiq said, “We did not beat the owner of the vehicle, we just asked him for the security codes of the car.
“This is the second time I would follow the gang to snatch a vehicle. I was given N50,000 the first time my gang took me along on an operation. Our leader is called Coded. He has not been caught since he ran way.
“I have been an armed robber for just one month. I came to Lagos from my state, Kwara, last year when I could no longer stand the farming business my father forced me into when he could no longer sponsor me to school.
“Now, I really feel bad about what I have done. I regret my life now. By the grace of God, if I am released, I will run back to my village immediately.”
Sodiq said he was not educated beyond primary school.
“When I finished primary six, my father did not have money for me to continue schooling,” he said.
Lawal on the other hand, said he saw robbery as an easy way to make money than his normal bus conducting work.
He said, “My work as a bus conductor is a tough job. that’s why I decided to join the robbery gang. But now, I know better, the problem in robbery is worse. I wish I can just be released to go back to my conductor business.”
Lawal further claimed that he was brought into the gang by Sodiq.
He said his duty in the gang was to ransack any vehicle they snatched and gathering every valuable found in such vehicles.
According to him, “I don’t hold a gun, all I did was gather money, phones and other valuables,” he said.
Lawal, who hails from Oyo State said he did not know other members of the gang except Sodiq.
He said the first operation he participated in, they were almost arrested when policemen were chasing them but they escaped.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police in the state, Fatai Owoseni, has said efforts were being made to arrest other members of the gang.
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Igbo can achieve Biafra through unity – Al- Mustapha

Major Hamza Al-Mustapha

Former Chief Security Officer, CSO, to ex-Military Head of State, late Gen Sani Abacha, Major Hamza Al- Mustapha, has advised the Igbo race to be united in order to achieve their purpose.
Mustapha made the appeal yesterday at this year’s Odumegwu Ojukwu’s memorial service in Owerri, Imo State.
Noting that Ojukwu was a committed military leader, the former CSO said the Igbo race has all it takes to lead the world.
According to Mustapha, “In the absence of unity of purpose, Ndigbo will end up wasting their time and achieving practically nothing.
“We equally feel the pains of Ndigbo. There are palpable traces of poverty in every street in this land”.
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Dogs Remember Even the Stupid Things We Do

Dogs Remember Even the Stupid Things We Do
Credit: WilleeCole Photography /

Dogs pay more attention to us than previously thought, with new research showing that they remember our actions and other events even when the occurrences didn't hold any particular importance at the time they happened.
The discovery, reported in Current Biology, adds dogs to the short list of other animals — including rats, pigeons and primates — that are known to have what's called "episodic memory." This is opposed to "semantic memory," which is a recollection of facts and rules that an individual knows without the need of remembering a specific event.
"So the difference between episodic and semantic memory can be thought of as the difference between remembering and knowing," lead author Claudia Fugazza of MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Budapest, Hungary, told Seeker.
People use episodic memory all of the time, she said. For example, if someone asks you, "What did you do first when you woke up this morning?" you could think back to that time, like rewinding video, and play the moment back in your head.
Now it's known that dogs can do something very similar.

The skill is usually tied to self-awareness, so the findings intriguingly hint that dogs could possess that form of cognition too, although Fugazza says it's "extremely challenging to design a study to test for it in dogs."
RELATED: Your Grouchy Dog May Actually Have Autism
As it stands, she and her colleagues Ákos Pogány and Ádám Miklósi had to overcome difficulties in testing canine memory skills. They took advantage of a dog trick called "Do as I Do." Dogs trained to "Do as I Do" can watch a person perform an action and then do the action themselves. For example, if their owner jumps in the air and then gives the "Do it!" command, the dog would jump in the air too.
Successfully performing the trick is not enough to prove that a dog has episodic memory, though. That's because they had to demonstrate that dogs remember what they just saw a person do even when they weren't expecting to be asked or rewarded.
To get around this problem, the researchers first trained 17 dogs to imitate human actions with the "Do as I Do" training method. Next, they did another round of training in which dogs were trained to lie down after watching the human action, no matter what it was. Examples included silly things like grabbing a purse covered with dog photos, or touching an umbrella.
After the dogs had learned to lie down reliably, the researchers surprised them by saying "Do It!" and the dogs did what they saw the person do earlier. In other words, the dogs recalled what they'd seen the person do beforehand, even though they had no particular reason to think they'd need to remember.
RELATED: Would Your Dog Choose Praise Over Food?
In addition to showing that dogs have episodic memory, the study is the first "to assess memory of actions performed by others, not by the subjects themselves," Fugazza said, adding that it also suggests dogs remember much of what we do all of the time, "although it may seem irrelevant for them."
"This is a skill," she continued, "that might be useful for a species living in a rich and complex environment where there is so much to discover, and their human companions can be considered as knowledgeable partners to learn from."
Next, she and her team plan to investigate whether dogs understand the goals of others, or if they are just imitating the observed movements, regardless of the goal. They are curious about such matters, Fugazza said, because dogs may prove to be a great model for studying the complexity of episodic memory "especially because of their evolutionary and developmental advantage to live in human social groups."
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Why Fewer Americans Say They Want to Lose Weight

Credit: aboikis/
Americans today are less likely to say they want to lose weight, compared to those surveyed a decade ago, according to a new poll.
The poll, from Gallup, found that an average of 53 percent of American adults who were polled between 2010 and 2016 said that they wanted to lose weight. That's down from an average of 59 percent who said that they wanted to lose weight in polls done from 2000 to 2009.
What's more, the percentage of Americans who describe themselves as overweight has also decreased in recent decades. In the 1990s, 44 percent of Americans said that they were overweight, compared to 41 percent in the 2000s and 37 percent in the years 2010 to 2016, Gallup said.
The findings seem to be in contrast to other data that show that obesity rates are rising in the United States. Over the past 15 years, the nation's obesity rate rose from 30.5 percent in the years 1999 to 2000, to 37.7 percent in 2013 to 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The reason for the findings is not clear, but Gallup also found that Americans' perception of their ideal weight is changing. Americans surveyed in the 1990s said that their ideal weight was 153 lbs., on average. But in polls that were done in the 2000s, the average ideal weight was 159 lbs., and in polls done in 2010 to 2016, it was 161 lbs., Gallup said. [Lose Weight Smartly: 7 Little-Known Tricks That Shave Pounds]
"The benchmark for their ideal weight continues to be set higher," Gallup said.
Previously, Gallup reported that in 2015, 49 percent of Americans said that they wanted to lose weight, marking the first time in at least 25 years that less than half of Americans said that they wanted to lose weight.
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Exercise May Prevent the Inflammation That Comes with Overeating

Credit: Maridav/
Worried about eating too much over the holidays? Exercise may protect against the inflammation that can come with overindulging for a week, a very small new study suggests.
In the study, researchers looked at four lean, active adults in their early 20s who consumed 30 percent more calories than usual for one week. The participants were instructed to eat normally, with the extra calories coming from Boost shakes. All participants exercised aerobically for at least 150 minutes over the course of the week.
After the week was up, the researchers measured the participants' "glucose tolerance," which is a test of how well the body can use and break down the sugar glucose. Previous studies have shown that even one week of overeating can impair people's glucose tolerance.However, none of the adults in the study developed impaired glucose tolerance. [7 Foods You Can Overdose On]
The researchers also collected fat samples from the participants' bellies, in what Alison C. Ludzki, a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan and the first author on the paper, likened to a "mini liposuction."
The samples showed that the study participants did not have increases in important markers of fat tissue inflammation, which otherwise would have been expected in people who consumed 30 percent extra calories for a week, the researchers said. This finding also indicates that exercise may protect against the inflammatory effects of short-term overeating, the researchers wrote in a preliminary write-up of their results.
The researchers hope to collect more data, in a larger number of participants, and also to compare these results against those of participants who overeat but do not exercise, in order to measure the strength of these effects, Ludzki said.
Inflammation is an immune reaction that can be triggered by a variety of factors, including excess eating, Ludzki told Live Science. In people who overeat, inflammation coincides with both weight gain and insulin resistance (a reduced sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that keeps blood sugar in check), but scientists aren't yet sure whether it causes insulin resistance and problems with metabolism or if it's merely associated with them and some other factor is at play. But in people with obesity, inflammation becomes a "sort of chronic immune response" in fat tissue, Ludzki said.
The results are still preliminary; so far, the lab has been able to test only four active adults, though the scientists have plans to perform additional testing on more participants, Ludzki said. She also noted that the study relied on self-reporting; the researchers provided the calorie supplement drink Boost to the participants, and they used a popular diet-tracking app to monitor their caloric intake. [Thanksgiving: 10 Tips for Sticking to Healthy Portions]
Ludzki said it also would be beneficial to look at the effects of overeating over longer periods of time, such as two or four weeks, to see if the association between exercise and protection against inflammation held steady. Future research could also investigate the effects of gender, the types of exercise that people do (aerobic versus anaerobic) and different food types on the results.
"It's important to know that it's still preliminary," Ludzki said of their results. She told Live Science that the lab was mainly trying to determine whether they would see results in a very short-term overeating intervention.
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I’m Not Ready For Marriage – Timaya

Even after having two children with his baby mama, Timaya has revealed that he is still not ready to get hitched.
Despite his unwillingness to get married, the singer has promised that he would not have kids with different women like his male colleagues are known to do.
He affirmed this to his baby mama according to an interview published on November 26, 2016, by Punch News Saturday Beats.
“I am not getting married soon. My life is a journey. My career is my journey.
“I didn’t lie to my baby mama when she was pregnant; I told her I wasn’t ready to get married.
“I never said I wasn’t going to get married. But at the moment, I am not ready. When she told me she was pregnant, I accepted the pregnancy.
“She told me she hoped I wasn’t going to be like other musicians who had kids from different women.
“I told her no. My two kids are from same woman. I know what I am doing.”
According to Timaya, he had no idea that he could love a person as much as he loves his two daughters, describing the first as his best friend.
“I never knew I could love anyone the way I love my daughters. My first daughter is my best friend. I didn’t know what I wanted when I had her.”
The singer who began a solo career in the year 2005 is known for songs such as ‘Ukwu’, ‘Plantain boy’, ‘I concur’ and many others.

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Falz Used As Case Study In School

Popular singer and internet sensation, Falz The Bahd Guy is on a roll this year!
From nabbing a big win as the 2016 BET Viewer’s Choice Best International Act, singer, Falz is now being researched in schools.
He took to the photo sharing app, Instagram, today, November 25, 2016, with a photo of a project done by a Miss Onyeani Chiamaka Faith.
Titled, “Language Use In The Entertainment Industry: A Study Of Falz The Bahd Guy”, Falz is currently looking for the lady.
“Somebothy find deez babe for me plix!!” he wrote on Instagram.
Falz recently got over a million followers on Instagram. He took to the photo sharing app yesterday, August 16, 2016 writing, “As a thank you gesture, 10 lucky fans ave shanze toe ‘ang out wit me! Stay tuned for the simpu taks u wee do toe qualivy!”
Falz has continued to stand out in terms of his creativity and ingenuity, and has carved a niche for himself in the Nigerian industry.
He is known for his funny skits on social media, breaking out into a fast rising entertainer in Nigeria and far beyond.

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Biafra Agitation: MASSOB Urges Igbo To Return Home

The Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) has directed all Igbo living outside Igbo land to start returning home and re-establish their businesses and investments in the South-East.
Decrying what he described as the nonchalant attitude and insensitivity of many Igbo people residing in northern and western parts of the country, the MASSOB National Director of Information, Mr. Uchenna Madu, said that, “we have decided and promised to provide adequate security for lives and property in Igboland.
“MASSOB shall defend Igboland with our blood, valour and enthusiasm. It is our unflinching service to our father land.
“MASSOB has vowed to stop kidnapping, armed robbery and other criminal tendencies in Igbo land because there is no place in Nigeria like Igbo land.
“Nigeria is a state where others are first class citizens but treat the Igbo as second class citizens, a state where others are born to rule but treat the Igbo as perpetual outcasts, a state where state policies deliberately deny Igbo land critical developmental infrastructure.
“Nigeria has vowed to continue to be a state where prejudice, tribalism, exclusion and hate are elevated while nation building is ignored, a state where it seems the only logic for unity is to share oil resources and not on the basis of consent, mutual respect, fraternity and brotherhood.
“Today in Nigeria, true nationhood has remained elusive to Nigeria which still remains in perpetual strife and ever increasing crisis since independence.
“These undeniable realities are the reasons the Nigeria state is afraid of Biafra which represents the truth they cannot legitimately counter,” Madu said.
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Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Outlines Projects to Reduce Fake News

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Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivers a keynote conference on the opening day of the World Mobile Congress at the Fira Gran Via Complex in Barcelona, Spain, on Feb. 22, 2016.
Credit: David Ramos/Getty Images
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg posted a comment to his home page last night that finally addresses the problem of fake news on his social media site. "Normally we wouldn't share specifics about our work in progress, but given the importance of these issues and the amount of interest in this topic, I want to outline some of the projects we already have underway," he wrote.
The importance of and interest in the topic arose shortly after the election when journalists like New York Magazine's Max Read began faulting social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Reddit for Donald Trump's unexpected win. "The most obvious way in which Facebook enabled a Trump victory has been its inability (or refusal) to address the problem of hoax or fake news," Read wrote.
"Fake news is not a problem unique to Facebook, but Facebook's enormous audience, and the mechanisms of distribution on which the site relies — i.e., the emotionally charged activity of sharing, and the show-me-more-like-this feedback loop of the news feed algorithm — makes it the only site to support a genuinely lucrative market in which shady publishers arbitrage traffic by enticing people off of Facebook and onto ad-festooned websites, using stories that are alternately made up, incorrect, exaggerated beyond all relationship to truth, or all three," Read wrote.
In just the last year, nearly 140 new hoax news sites arose, reported Buzzfeed, including,,, and — all, oddly enough, originating from a Macedonian town of Veles. They're not the only websites of their kind.
RELATED: Is Hypnosis A Complete Hoax?

On Nov. 12 Zuckerberg acknowledged the presence of these and other hoax news sites on Facebook, but downplayed their influence, saying "...more than 99% of what people see on Facebook is authentic."
But what people see may not influence them as much as what they share. And therein lies the problem of fakery. It likes to go viral, more so than real news.
Analysis from BuzzFeed founding editor, Craig Silverman, revealed that the "... 20 top-performing false election stories from hoax sites and hyperpartisan blogs generated 8,711,000 shares, reactions and comments on Facebook." In the same time period real stories from 19 actual news sources generated a 7,367,000 shares, reactions and comments.
Dozens of other sites have continued to write about the fake new problem, picking away at this post-election wound. Even President Obama called attention to it this past Thursday while visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. He said, "Because in an age where there's so much active misinformation, and it's packaged very well, and it looks the same when you see it on a Facebook page or you turn on your television, where some overzealousness on the part of a U.S. official is equated with constant and severe repression elsewhere, if everything seems to be the same and no distinctions are made, then we won't know what to protect. We won't know what to fight for. And we can lose so much of what we've gained in terms of the kind of democratic freedoms and market-based economies and prosperity that we've come to take for granted."
Finally last night at 9:30 pm, after Zuckerberg landed in Lima for the APEC Summit, he posted a response that seemed to take a different tone. "We've been working on this problem a long time and take this responsibility seriously," Zuckerberg wrote.
He outlined at least seven areas the company is working on in order to reduce fake news. They are:
  • Stronger detection
  • Make it easier for people to report that a story is fake
  • Third party verification
  • Flagging stories as false
  • Raising the bar for stories that appear in the News Feed
  • Disrupting the economics of fake news with better ad policies (one announced earlier in the week)
  • Getting input form journalists
He concluded with, "Some of these ideas will work well, and some will not. But I want you to know that we have always taken this seriously, we understand how important the issue is for our community and we are committed to getting this right."
Here's the note in full:
In the meantime, don't be fooled by fake news. Always check to confirm that a story is true. And for tips on spotting hoaxes in your feed, check out this public Google Doc from Melissa Zimdars, an associate professor of communication and media at Merrimack College in North Andover, Mass.
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Many LASIK Patients Have New Eye Problems After Surgery

Credit: Rocketclips, Inc. |
A significant percentage of people who undergo LASIK eye surgery to correct their vision may experience side effects from the surgery, according to a new study.
Researchers found that, three months after the participants had LASIK surgery, more than 40 percent of them reported experiencing new visual symptoms, such as seeing glare or halos around objects, that they did not experience before undergoing the surgery.
"To our knowledge, our study is one of the few that have reported the development of new visual symptoms" after the surgery, the researchers at the Food and Drug Administration wrote in the study, published today (Nov. 23) in the journal JAMA Ophthalmology. [The 7 Biggest Mysteries of the Human Body]
In the study, the researchers followed two groups of people for up to six months after they underwent the eye surgery. The first group was made up of 262 active-duty Navy personnel, whose average age was 29. The second group was made up of 312 civilians, whose average age was 32.
The people in the study completed a web-based survey about their vision before their surgery, and a few times afterward. The survey included questions about how satisfied they were with their vision and whether they were experiencing any visual symptoms that involved seeing halos, starbursts, glare or double images.
In LASIK surgery, doctors make a small cut in the eye's cornea, or outermost layer, according to the FDA. Then they use a laser to remove some of the cornea tissue, reshaping it, with the aim of improving the person's vision.
Overall, people's vision did improve after the surgery, the researchers found. However, 43 percent in the naval group, and 46 percent in the civilian group, reported experiencing new symptoms, such as seeing double images, glare, halos or starbursts, three months after the surgery. [Costly, Deadly, Complicated: These 7 Surgeries Take the Biggest Toll]
People in the study were, on average, more satisfied with the quality of their vision after the surgery than before it. However, between 1 and 4 percent of people in both groups reported some degree of dissatisfaction with their vision at three to six months after the surgery, the researchers found.
The new results show that "there is no such thing as perfect surgery," said Dr. Mark Fromer, an ophthalmologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, who was not involved in the study. However, he noted that, based on his own experience with LASIK patients, the people who experience the symptoms reported in the study do not typically feel incapacitated by these symptoms.
People should be informed about the risk of such symptoms by their doctors before they decide whether to undergo LASIK surgery, he said.
"Laser vision correction surgery can be a wonderful procedure, but it has to be for the right patient," he said. "It has to be for the patient who is willing to accept any of the possible side effects that sometimes can occur with LASIK, such as dry eye or eye glare or double image."
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Igbo want presidency, not Biafra, says Iwuanyanwu

Chidiebube Okeoma
Politician and businessman, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to stop treating the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kalu, as a hero.
Iwuanyanwu advised President Buhari not to treat the IPOB leader as an important personality by keeping him in detention for months but to quickly try him in court.
Iwuanyanwu, who spoke on Friday at the National Executive Council meeting of the Nigerian Union of journalists in Owerri, the Imo state capital, said Igbo desired to produce the president of the country and not to separate from it.
He said, “Igbo people are majority tribe in Nigeria. We are everywhere and doing greatly.”
He urged the President to quickly summon a meeting of elders in the country in order to find a permanent solution to the Niger Delta problems and insurgency.
Iwuanyanwu also berated the Niger Delta militants for blowing up oil pipelines, describing the act as stupidity capable of hindering the progress in the region.
Also, the Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, who spoke at the event, said the country’s unity was non-negotiable.
The governor vowed to do everything to keep the country as one.
Okorocha said, “I see myself as an unusual Nigerian. While Igbo parents gave birth to me, I was born in the North, went to school there and even married in the North there. I was empowered by the West. For me, there is no better place to call our own than Nigeria. We must do everything possible to protect the country from those who seek its downfall.”
On his part, National President of NUJ, Mr. Waheed Odusile, said the union was happy with the ongoing war against graft, urging the Federal Government to allow journalists practise without restriction.
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Saturday 26 November 2016

AWCON 2016: Falcons, Black Queens qualify for semi-final

Nigeria has qualified for the semi-final of the ongoing Africa Women’s Cup of Nations in Cameroon.
The Super Falcons beat Kenya 4-1 on Saturday, to finish as winners of Group B.
Florence Omagbemi, whose team hammered Mali 6-0 and drew 1-1 with Ghana in their previous fixtures, were in sparkling form with goals from Ngozi Okobi, Faith Ikidi, Oshoala Asisat and Desire Oparanozie sealing victory.
The Black Queens of Ghana won Mali 3-1 in Yaounde and came second in the group.
Nigeria will take on South Africa in the last four on Tuesday, while Ghana play hosts Cameroon.
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Attack on Delta community: I will avenge the death of my mother – Henry College


A Delta State resident, Mr. Henry College, whose mother, and younger
brother, were allegedly abducted and killed by armed Isaba militants in Epame Community of Udu Local Government Area has
vowed to avenge their death if the Delta State Government fails to intervene and ensure justice.
College and some other displaced Epame
indigenes made the vow at the monthly human rights clinic organized by
the Centre for the Vulnerable and Underprivileged , CENTREP, in Udu
on Saturday.
The Okwagbe indigene said he managed to escape when the incident
occurred and reported the matter to the Aladja Community.
According to Henry, who is currently taking refuge at the
Aladja Community Hall, “if the government does come into this
matter, I will avenge their death; I won’t allow it go like that.”
Another Epame indigene, Eric Obiama who also spoke to DAILY POST, cried out to the Government to help the Internally Displaced Persons.
The father of seven noted that he lost twenty of his live stocks, in addition to his building, which was raised down by the militants.
A leader of Aladja Community, Comrade Ighotegwolor Bezi stated that his people would fight back if they were attacked
again by the Isaba militants.
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How An HIV Positive Lady Almost Lured Me n Unprotected S*x In Lagos – Man Opens Up

Read a real life experience of a young man who was almost lured into unprotected s*x with an HIV patient. The story was shared on a popular Nigerian online forum:
“I had s*x with a lady that tried discouraging me from using a condom. Her excuse was that it injures her vagina.
It would have been tempting because of how neat and beautiful she looked like, but I refused to give in. It may sound as though am heartless but I don’t play with my life when it comes to raw s*x.
I refuse to succumb to her no s*x game. fortunately for me later my friend who works in St Nicholas Hospital (HIV centre) told me that he say that particular girl came around for her anti-retroviral drugs.
Fear catch me, as I was left in shock and fear, I then thought hope the condom didn’t tear or something, reason I was forced to go for a test . Thank God am Negative”.
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A Must Read (18+) Story: She Was Undoubtedly Aroused “Yea! Just There Danny!” Aunty Tope – Part 4

 aunty tope naijaloaded

How’s your weekend going guys? READ PART 1 PART 2 PART 3
…I eventually began scratching the new spot I was referred to as soon as I got there, and was looking with it before feeling it was courteously time to pull my hand away.
“Are you alright now ma?”, I finally asked her, with my hand half-way out. I completely avoided her eyes, even though I was earnestly wishing she would request me to continue with the scratching anywhere else!
“Uhmmmm…!” she did exactly as I prayed! She was dragging her speech though. A sign that she was equally caught in the same web as myself!
I looked up towards her face finally and subsequently met a face that had this strike of lustful desire and yet evident embarrassment! She was wishing in her heart but couldn’t know how to pass along these wishes to me. I could also sense and
even see that there was really no itching anymore but she wasn’t sure she wanted me stop soon!
“Can you come down a little please? I mean to your left.” she suddenly managed to say while barely maintaining eye contact. I dropped my eyes and began looking to move my palm to the point she referred to. My palm openly rubbed her crotch now and again as it glided across to the other side of her thigh. She was subtly trembling and I could feel her lower half quivering so slightly. My Joystick on its part was now in a state of near-burst! As it endlessly throbbed, it’s bubbly head kept grazing the fabric of my short, thus causing spasms of electric sensation to travel up my spine! In fact, I had to occasionally get hold of it
to give it a grab so as to douse the overwhelming sensation from it!
Anyways, I eventually went ahead and got to the part of auntie Tope’s left thigh just under her love-triangle when she suddenly asked me to stop!
Merely rubbing my palm on that area of her leg got the back of my fingers heavily grazing the mouth of her concealed Kittycat! With little doubt, I could now feel the suspected moisture a lot more now! She had gotten a damp patch under her panty.
Auntie Tope was seeping c–t juice for me! “You are better now ma?”, I asked again after rubbing the area now and again “Ehmmm….yes…”, she was struggling to speak. I could even hear her heart beat irrationally faster “So I can let go now?” I was innocently looking up at her rather tense face, trying my best to remain the good boy.
“No Danny…please move further to the right” she closed her eyes momentarily and then brought out her tongue slightly to lick her lower lip.
I could feel the tension in the room double “Right? Right still?” “Ehmmm…ughhh…yea…right please Danny…”
“Okay ma…I replied” while moving my fingers right-wards until they were just cupping her Kittycat! I could unarguably smell her. She was undoubtedly aroused “Yea! Just there Danny!”, she spontaneously said loudly as soon as my fingers touched her covered Kittycat! “Just there! Scratch me there baby!” Both her oily hands were now at the edge of the counter and they grabbed it with so much grit!
I felt my throat swallow hard! Mom was going to cut off my head and serve it to me in a plate if she ever stepped into the kitchen now! She was likely still at the back garden burning some of the refuse I had grazed out earlier. But she was definitely going to get done anytime! And if she was to come into the kitchen only to find me on my knees and directly facing Auntie Tope’s panty-covered Kittycat, I would need the entire world to convince her otherwise!
“Scratch my vagi…I mean scratch me Danny!”
Auntie Tope resumed with her plea. While i calmly went about her latest wish, I still obviously heard her rather sullied choice of words I stretched out my palm anyways and at a go, collected her entire meaty Kittycat in my hand! That instant, I saw her lick her lips in pleasure as she stretched out her entire self, as though she was pulling her upper body upwards! I was only beginning though for I went ahead to rub, caress, scratch and massage the increasingly soaking m—d! It wasn’t just a whiff I was perceiving anymore – her c–t scent was more than filling the air at this stage!
I was barely started when I then felt her right hand on my head! She was brazenly encouraging me to go ahead now as I shamelessly rubbed her concealed Kittycat! I had rubbed it so hard already that her panty was now a mess of wet musky
cotton with strands of hair sticking out at a couple places! When a finger incidentally went around her band and into her panty, she practically skipped!!
“Oh father lawwd!!” she was shivering! The hand on my head clung onto my hair so tightly!
I tore away the hand on my Joystick and grabbed her right thigh, thus steadying her but she instantly swung the left one up, bringing it onto the top of the counter! As she did, she pulled her denim down both thighs! I was openly presented with her entire pelvis!
To Be Continued Tomorrow…
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iPhone theft: How Seun Egbegbe’s charms failed him at Computer Village


The Interim Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Lagos chapter, Tope Bababyemi, on Friday has described the alleged phone theft of Oluwaseun Olasunkanmi, otherwise known as Seun Egbegbe as shameful.
Babayemi said the AGN would not wade into the matter, rather the law must take its course if he is tried and found guilty.
Olasunkanmi popularly known as “Seun Egbegbe’’ was alleged to have stolen nine iPhones at the Computer Village, in Ikeja.
Reacting to the development, Babayemi said, “For me, it’s an example of bad practice and by extent it’s an example of the kind of thing we as a society are working hard to discourage.
“At the level of the guild and association, because we are not a hundred percent settled, there are court cases and issues at the national level that are affecting issues at the state chapters.
“My position as interim chairman is that no formal request has been made to us for assistance in anyway.
“As such what you do in that kind of situation is you allow the law to take its course, because law and order is paramount in building society,” he told newsmen on Friday.
“If he has been found to commit that offence, the law must take its course.’’
Babyemi enjoined upcoming artistes not to engage in acts that could tarnish their image as well as that of the movie industry, globally known as Nollywood.
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BREAKING: Ondo election: Violence rocks Owo as hoodlums snatch ballot box (PHOTO)

Reports reaching SPLENSIZY from Owo Local Government area of Ondo State show that the governorship election in the state has been marred with violence.
Some hoodlums have shattered the ballot box and hijacked the ballot papers.
SPLENSIZY gathered that all efforts by security personnel drafted to the polling booth to stop the situation hit the rocks.
This is coming barely 24 hours after two persons lost their lives during an outbreak of violence.
Owo is the hometown of the All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate, Mr. Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN.
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Computer doing more harm than good to Nigerian music – Sir Victor Uwaifo


Nigerian music icon, Sir Victor Uwaifo has lamented the advent of computer, saying the trend has killed real music and presents counterfeit to music lovers.
Uwaifo, who is also a writer, sculptor, and musical instrument inventor, was speaking with the Punch.
He added that the musicians no longer had bands but depended on the computer for beats production.
The “Joromi” “Guitar Boy” and “Mummy Water” crooner advised the young musicians to learn how to play instruments.
Uwaifo’s songs made waves in the late 60s and 70s, and the Professor of Arts at the University of Benin believes that music has evolved to what we have now.
Comparing music then and now, he said “They are completely two worlds, you go to the studio and record, when you make a mistake you repeat all over again but over time they started introducing small gadgets until we got to the age of computer.
“In computer you don’t need to have a band, one man can record, he goes to the studio, lay down the track, play the other instrument, get the other musician to lay down his track differently, just like a tailor making a shirt.
“He cuts them into pieces and sews them together. So, for our young ones today, it is not that they understand music but they play music and the computer is arranging it for them.
“The computer will concise the bad voice and put it in line and shape and the producer helps a lot. The producer has an idea but the computer is supposed to be a model to have an idea of what a song should sound like but it is not music itself.
“You still have musical instrument. People must learn how to play musical instrument because once you know the rudiments of music, you can play several instruments.
“I play almost all musical instruments, from piano to sax, to bass guitar, guitar, clarinet, xylophone and a lot of other instruments. I didn’t want to play trumpet because I didn’t want any mark on my lips, that is the only one I avoided.
“So over the years, music has always been revolving. In our days, you don’t dance anyhow you have to go to a dance school to learn how to dance Bolo, Quick Step, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Bolero, Pechanga and classic but now it is a free for all dance.”
According to him, the style of music and method of production in the country had provided jobs for many of the youths who would have been jobless on the streets.
He added, “But all I know is that we allow them to go because who would have given them jobs. Most of them are self-employed. Whether you like it or not they are making waves and also making a living out of it but for how long?”
“We only thank God that most of us who have been there for over 50 years are still there and the young ones are still appreciating us.
“Sometimes they go back into our archives and give it a remix. But I will still encourage them to learn how to play musical instrument so that they can also be equipped with that in life.”
He further asserted that the computer thing is killing talents of musicians who would done without it.
He said, “Yes, it kills talents. The computer is a rogue and a thief, it is like you allow somebody to go into the examination hall with mobile phone, he knows the answer before the question.
“So music from the computer is known before they are recorded and that is no music. The person doesn’t know music yet he is playing music.
“The best thing is to encourage them to be playing live music and learn musical instruments. Instruments are still sold and they are taught in schools.
“Life is give and take so let’s give them the benefit of doubt, they are young and if I were born in this era, I probably would have behaved like them.
“So it is the situation they found themselves and it is the implied act of their existence. The implied act of my existence was 60 years ago but I have been able to give new rendition to events of life.
“I have reinvented myself over and over again but some of these people have one way to go and when that way is blocked they think that is the end.”
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Former Cuban President, Fidel Castro is dead


Former Cuban President and leader of the Communist revolution, Fidel Castro is dead.
The revolutionalist died at the age of 90, his brother said.
“The commander in chief of the Cuban revolution died at 22:29 hours this evening (03:29 GMT Saturday),” President Raul Castro said.
Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost 50 years before Raul took over in 2008.
President Castro told the nation in an unexpected late night broadcast on state television that Fidel Castro had died and would be cremated on Saturday.
There would now be several days of national mourning on the island.
Raul Castro ended the announcement by shouting the revolutionary slogan: “Towards victory, always!”
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I had sex with my son, ate over 70 people including family members – Repented witch confesses


A 98-year-old Zimbabwean woman has confessed that she took her son’s virginity as part of rituals for witchcraft.
The repented witch also confessed that in her journey as a witch, she ate more than 70 human beings including her own daughters and other close relatives.
The granny, identified only as Betserai, made the confession at House of Grace International Ministries founded by Zimbabwean Prophet, Sham Hungwe.
H-metro reports that the woman, who is from Murewa, was accompanied by her relatives, saying she had come to seek deliverance.
The Prophet, who made news headlines in the past saying he had powers to kill witches, prayed for the woman and declared her delivered.
During the midweek service, the granny confessed before hundreds of congregants saying: “I have eaten more than 70 people including my own daughters and other close relatives.
“I have been practicing witchcraft for a long time. I also killed my own daughters and I am responsible for my children’s misfortunes.
“I took my son’s virginity. I had sex with my own son some time ago.
“I had no option since it was part of the rituals.”
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Men this how to know a guy that will cheat on you...see here


It is no news that when we talk about cheating spouses, a lot of us argue that men are more likely to cheat than women. It is believed that men need to “sow their oats” and all that. But science begs to differ.
A new scientific study has shown that women are more genetically programmed to seek mates outside of their partners.
According to the professor who led the research, “Early woman would have seen having an affair as ‘mate insurance. If their current partner died or could no longer provide protection and resources, a back-up plan was essential to survival.”
This article also shows some characteristics of women that are likely to stray.
1. She has faked orgasm
If a woman finds it easy to deceive her partner in the bedroom by faking orgasm very regularly, she is more likely to cheat.
2. Her age ends in 9
There is something about a woman when she nears a decade year that makes her more likely to seek comfort outside her partner.
3. She has cheated in the past
It was found that 62 percent of women who have cheated in past relationship admit cheating in their current one.
4. Checks social media more than five times a day
Women who spend a lot of time on Twitter and Facebook are more likely to cheat. This might be because a few of them mentally bring others into their relationship or because these social media sites provide thousands of opportunities.
5. She earns less than her man
There is something about a man earning so much more than a woman that will make her feel powerless. She might see cheating as a way to restore the power.
6. She is dishonest
If someone finds it easier to lie and be dishonest whenever the situation suits them, they are more likely to cheat.
7. She likes surprises
Someone who always seeks something new and loves to be surprise might have the urge to get that surprise in means outside her relationship.
8. Her ring finger is longer than her index finger
A study by Oxford University found that having a long ring finger means you are statistically more promiscuous and more inclined to commit adultery. It was revealed the length shows the amount of male hormones, mainly testosterone, a person is exposed to in the womb. Elevated testosterone has been linked to increased likelihood of having an affair.

9. She finds it easy to switch off emotions
If it is possible for her to have sex without getting emotionally attached, then she probably has a higher sex drive and is very likely to cheat.
If 7 or more of these above tips is true for a woman, she is fantasising about cheating or already cheating. If the number is between 4-6, then it means she is likely to be easily tempted. 3 or fewer? Then she is unlikely to step out on her relationship.
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Friday 25 November 2016

Biafra: How Nigerian military killed 150 agitators – Amnesty [VIDEO]

Global human rights watchdog, Amnesty
International, AI, has released a video showing
how security agents killed 150 peaceful pro-Biafra
Recall that the body had on Thursday accused the
Nigerian military of killing 150 agitators for Biafra
in the Southeastern part of Nigeria, stressing that
the killing was intentional.
The rights body accused military operatives of
gunning down unarmed civilians before a march
to mark the anniversary of the 1967 Biafran
declaration of independence, stressing that based
on visits to hospitals and mortuaries, at least 17
were killed and nearly 50 injured in Onitsha alone.
But the Nigerian Army faulted the report , saying
that AI was only championing a campaign of
calumny against Nigeria’s military.
Following the Army’s claim, the rights watchdog
released a video to back up its claim.
See video link below:
#Nigeria army has its own way of dealing
with protests: guns. 150 Biafra activists
killed so far

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Rooney becomes Manchester United’s all-time top scorer in Europe

Wayne Rooney has broken Ruud van Nistelrooy’s
record and is now Manchester United’s top
goalscorer in European competitions, with 39
goals from 96 appearances.
United’s skipper opened the scoring in the 4-0
win over Feyenoord in their Europa League game
at Old Trafford, with a composed finish from
Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s lay-off.
Van Nistelrooy previously held the record, after
scoring 38 goals in 47 matches for the Red
Ryan Giggs is on 29 goals from 158 games and
Denis Law with 28 from 33.
Rooney’s first European goals came in 2004,
when the England international netted a hat-trick
against Fenerbahce in the Champions League.
It was also his 248th goal for United and he is
now just one short of the all-time club record held
by Sir Bobby Charlton.
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Messi says Barcelona don’t struggle without him.

Lionel Messi has denied that Barcelona is too
dependent on him.
The La Liga club has struggled to produce their
typically fluent football without the Argentine.
Messi, who missed last weekend’s 0-0 draw with
Malaga, scored twice on his return to the team as
they beat Celtic 2-0 on Wednesday in the
Champions League.
“I don’t consider talk of Barca being Messi-
dependent to be praise or a concern because it’s
not the case,” the 29-year-old said at an event in
Barcelona on Thursday.
“I’m in the best team in the world, [Barca] don’t
depend on one player.”
Barcelona travel to Real Sociedad on Sunday, who
they have not beaten away from home since
2007. Messi says they have to be prepared.
“Anoeta is a complicated stadium where we
haven’t won in years,” he added.
“[La Real] always make things tough for us there
and it’s going to be a hard game.
Lagos Based Engineer Reveals How He Got a
“In football these days it’s important to be
organised. To have a team that is well-organised
is the most important thing. To have a good team
everything starts there.”
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Premier League: Ighalo must accept bench role – Mazzarri

Watford coach, Walter Mazzarri, has told Odion
Ighalo to accept his decision to leave him on the
bench against Leicester City next week and be
ready when his time comes to start.
The Nigeria international has endured a slow start
to this season, scoring only two goals for the
Igahlo was left out of the starting team in their
2-1 win over the Premier League champions, as
Mazzarri tweaked his formation.
The Italian manager has asked the striker, to
continue working hard and wait for his chance,
ahead of Sunday’s trip to Stoke City.
“There is no message,” Mazzarri replied when
asked about Ighalo.
“What I do is watch my team during training, I
study the next opponent and then make my
decision on what is the best thing considering all
these factors.
“Ighalo has been professional and accepted the
decision. When he played, even when he didn’t
score, he played as well as the whole team has
“When we lost and we played badly, he played
badly with the whole team, there is no difference.
“I tell him he has to be ready when his moment
Watford are currently in eighth place with 18
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John Mikel obi offered N66m every week

Super Eagles captain, John Mikel Obi, has been
offered an incredible $212,000-a-weel deal by
Chinese club, Shanghai SIPG.
According to OwnGoalNigeria, the offer was made
to the midfielder’s agen t, after Nigeria’s 3-1 win
over Algeria in a 2018 World Cup qualifier in Uyo,
where he scored the second goal.
Mikel Obi is yet to play a single minute under new
Chelsea manager, Antonio Conte and has been
linked with a move away from Stamford Bridge in
Shanghai SIPG is rated third in terms of wealth
and revenue in the Chinese league and the club is
currently managed by former Chelsea coach,
Andre Villas-Boas.
Mikel Obi rejected a move to another Chinese
club, Shanghai Shenhua, last season. Former
Nigeria striker Obafemi Martins currently plays
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Neymar’s family maintains innocence on corruption charges

Neymar’s father company, NN Consultoria, has
responded to the latest attempt by Spanish
prosecutors, to jail the Barcelona forward and
insist they will be cleared of any wrongdoing.
The authorities want a two-year prison sentence
and €10 million fine for the Brazil forward, as well
as jail terms for his parents, for alleged corruption
involved in his transfer to Barcelona from Santos
in 2013.
An investment group, DIS, which owned 40% of
Neymar’s economic rights, claims it received less
money than it was supposed to get after the
NN Consultoria has now issued a statement
claiming the latest reports are not a new
development, as the case was reopened in
The statement read: “In relation to the news
published on Wednesday of the accusations
against Neymar Jr. and his father, Neymar da
Silva Santos, we reiterate it is the same process
reopened in September 2016, which had been filed
by Judge Jose de la Mata.
“The parties have not been notified of the opening
of the indictment of the Public Ministry or of the
period in which the defence may be filed. We
remain calm because all contracts were signed
with respect to legal, ethical and moral procedures
and with the knowledge of Santos and Barcelona.
“We are sure that time will offer all positive
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I still run errands for my parents – Usain Bolt

Legendary Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt said his
dream to play for Manchester United is every
much alive.
The world record runner also revealed that he still
run errands for his parents.
The sprinter added that he lives his normal life
and still walk around the streets of Jamaica alone.
The Olympic record breaker was speaking with
Coach Magazine yesterday, where he noted that
Jamaican people have been so great to him.
He said, “It has always been a dream of mine to
play for Manchester United, and it still is a dream.
“I have not spoken with José about it, but I know
he is the right coach for the job. Maybe this
season we can’t win the title, but big players want
to play for Mourinho and I expect more to arrive.
“When I won the Golds in Beijing , I thought: ‘This
is what I’ve been waiting for’. In London, I was
just thinking that I wanted to achieve that again.
“Then before Rio, when people were talking about
the ‘Triple Treble’, I knew if I could achieve that, it
would make me immortal: the greatest ever, never
to be repeated, and I wanted that.
“The Jamaican people? They have been so great
to me, but they still let me live. People don’t
believe that I can walk around Kingston by myself
– but I can.
“They say hello and ask for photos, but they let
me live a normal life even though they are so
proud of me and everything I have achieved.
“My family helped me stay grounded. I have never
been ‘Usain Bolt the Superstar’ to them, I am
always Usain Bolt their little boy.
“If I am home and my mom runs out of milk, she
will send me down to the store to get some. My
gold medals don’t count for anything, and that is
the way I like it.”
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How Assistant police commissioner tortured me over plot of land in Lagos – Pastor

Pastor Johnson Dominic of the Celestial Church of
Christ, CCC, New Jerusalem Parish, Onosa
Avenue, in Lagos State has accused an Assistant
Commissioner of Police, ACP, Dr. Emmanuel Eze
of allegedly torturing him.
Dominic, who has since been hospitalized, has
alleged he was brutalized around 5pm on Tuesday
by the ACP and his aides, who came to Onosa
community in the Ibeju Lekki area of the state in a
According to the victim, who is the head of the
CCC, he was assaulted on the premises of his
church because he refused to pay up some money
which he owed the ACP who had some plots of
land in the area.
The Punch reports that Dominic, a father of three,
was said to have bought one of the plots of land
for N1.2m, but Eze, the ACP, Medicals, in Bayelsa
State Police Command, allegedly demanded more
Dominic said, “It was around 5pm that the ACP
and his men came to my church. I was attending
to some people, who came for prayers. He came
to inspect his land.
“We had known each other for some years. The
ACP bought 16 plots of land beside my church
and he had always asked me to monitor them for
“I asked him to remove his shoes because he was
on the church premises. He got angry and
slapped me. His aides dragged me on the floor.
They beat me until I became unconscious. That
was how I found myself in this hospital,” Dominic,
who sustained injuries in the chest and head,
The 44-year-old pastor was then rushed to a
private hospital in the Jakande, Lekki Phase 1
area, where he has been admitted.
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SON seizes N100m cooking gas cylinders

Timothy Adewuyi

The Standards Organisation of Nigeria has
impounded six container loads of
substandard Liquefied Petroleum Gas
products in Lagos.
The Director, Inspectorate and Compliance
Directorate of SON, Bede Obayi, an engineer,
said this while addressing newsmen on the
activities of the organisation on Thursday.
Obayi, who said the seized cooking gas
cylinders were imported by Amaze Company
from China, added that the interception of
the consignment was achieved by SON with
the collaboration of the men of the Nigeria
Customs Service.
While conducting newsmen round the
impounded consignment at the SON
warehouse in Ogba, he said the gas
cylinders were in 12.5kg and 6kg sizes.
Obayi alleged that preliminary observation
had shown that the company had unlawfully
used SON logo on the brands without the
agency’s approval.
“The importer falsified documents and
cheated to bring in the products without due
process,” he said
He said SON would take a stringent action
against the company to serve as a deterrent
to unscrupulous importers.
According to Obayi, SON has been
sensitising Nigerians to substandard
products generally and LPGs particularly on
account of the critical nature, and the
implication of substandard products on the
“Safety is critical in cylinder manufacture
and handling. These are products that
starting from the cylinders to valves,
burners, clips, regulators and hoses are
critical in the chain. If any of these
components is not properly processed, you
will have a problem. Cracks in the pipes
could mean leakages; if the regulator is not
the right one, and it doesn’t regulate the gas,
it will continue to flow and it could become a
big problem,” he said, adding that it called
for more caution on the side of all
manufacturers and importers.
He reassured Nigerians of the readiness of
the agency to continue to safeguard lives
and property.
Obayi also disclosed that the confiscated
LPG products were picked from the Tin Can
Ports adding further testing, investigation
and due diligence would be done to ensure
that consumers got value for their money.
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NAF helicopter tumbles after landing in Makurdi

John Charles, Makurdi

One of the aircrafts from Presidential fleet
recently handed over to the Nigerian Air
Force on Thursday tumbled after it had
successfully landed at the air force base in
Makurdi, Benue State.
Our correspondent reliably gathered from an
insider from the Air Force base that the
helicopter marked Augusta AW101
tumbled after it had successfully landed.
The source, who pleaded not to be
mentioned said, “It was not a major crash,
what happened was that the helicopter had
landed but suddenly moved up and then
tumbled .”
It was gathered that only the flight engineer
was on board and did not sustain any
serious injury.
But when contacted, the Air Force, Public
Relations Officer, Makurdi, Okon Bassey, said
he was not aware of the incident because he
was undergoing a course in Lagos. He,
however, gave our correspondent the
telephone number of his assistant.
The assistant, who simply identified himself
as Gambo when our correspondent called
him on phone, said that nothing happened at
the base.
“It is all rumour, many people have been
disturbing us concerning this thing but I can
confirm to you that nothing happen,” he
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How to avoid running multiple accounts you don’t need

Nike Popoola
Most people need some sort of current or savings account, whether it’s at a traditional bank, microfinance bank or a brokerage company. But most people don’t need multiple bank accounts that serve more or less the same purpose, according to
Indeed, there are good reasons not to open extra bank accounts, even if an interest rate bonus or other attractive perk is on offer, an associate professor and director of graduate personal financial planning programmes at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Conrad S. Ciccotello, says.
The bottom line is that most people should “fight the temptation” to open more accounts and reflect on whether the accounts they’ve already opened are necessary, Ciccotello says.
“If you can open one less account, do it,”he says.
Reasons not to run multiple accounts you don’t need:
  • Risk identity theft
Experts have said that the more bank accounts you operate, the riskier it is for you to become a victim of identity theft.
“The more accounts you have, the bigger the risk of identity theft and the more monitoring you need to do. More accounts also mean more maintenance fees and more potential for inactivity fees or overdraft fees,” Ciccotello says.
  • Bank account fees add up
Fees are a top concern. That’s because multiple small fees can and do add up over time and have “a corrosive effect” on the account balance, according to Ciccotello. Consider that a N150 monthly fee on one account adds up to N1,800 each year. Multiply that by, say, three accounts and the total jumps to N5,400. The easiest way to save N3,600 is to not open those extra accounts.
Years ago, people who had large sums of money in deposit at one institution often had carte blanche to open multiple accounts on which the fees would be waived, says Gregory B. Meyer, community relations manager at Meriwest Credit Union in San Jose, California, United States.
But today, few institutions are so generous. One reason is that banks incur costs for paper, printing, postage and processing to send out monthly account statements and those costs put another dent, however, small it may seem, in the institution’s bottom line. More loans are, in fact, more valuable to a bank than more deposits are.
  • More accounts may mean more infractions
Another problem of multiple accounts is that different banks have different policies with respect to deposits, payments, withdrawals, interest rates and so on. Someone who opens multiple accounts at different institutions and becomes confused about the different policies can easily incur extra costs for a long list of services or infractions.
“Multiple accounts in multiple places means multiple disclosures in fine print,” Ciccotello says.
Some people try to use multiple accounts as a substitute for proper bookkeeping, but that’s not a good practice, says Meyer, who saw the pitfalls of this approach during his 23 years in banking operations.
“A lot of people had rental homes, and they had a separate account for each home, or they had an apartment building, and they had a separate account for each renter,” he says. “These are really people who just don’t understand how to do proper bookkeeping.”
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