Thursday 27 October 2016

Sex-starved man beats up prostitutes for refusing to service him

A 36-year-old man, Daniel Johnson, has been
arrested for beating up and injuring some
commercial sex workers » who refused to
service him in a brothel in Ajegunle, Lagos
Also Read: "In Abuja: Man bags 4 months jail
term for beating up prostitute" »
According to Champion Newspaper, Johnson had
reportedly gone to the brothel located at Akinbo
Street in the area and requested to have sex
with a prostitute » but the lady refused.
He then approached another prostitute and met
with the same rejection and this angered him so
much that he resorted to violence and beat them
up, injuring some of them in the process, before
escaping from the scene.
One of the victims who identified herself as Gloria
Francis said she was badly injured after Johnson
threw an iron chair on her which left her with a
deep gash on her leg.
The matter was reported at Tolu Police Station
and Johnson was later arrested and taken to the
At the station, he reportedly told police that the
sex workers in the hotel conspired against him and
whenever he went there to have sex with any of
them, they will deny him.
It was gathered that the sex workers decided to
refuse to service him due to his history of having
sex with them and refusing to pay the agreed
amount and whenever they complained, he would
become violent.
The police charged him to court with conduct likely
to cause a breach of public peace and assault
under the Criminal Code.
Also Read : "Shame!: Prostitutes bite customer's
ears off during fight over sex" »
When the charge was read to the accused, he
pleaded not guilty and the presiding Magistrate,
T. Abolenwa granted him bail in the sum of
N50,000 with one surety in like sum.
Magistrate Abolenwa ordered that he be
remanded in prison custody pending when he will
perfect his bail while adjourning the case till
October 31, 2016, for a mention.

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