Monday 24 October 2016

Lady Set To Offer Her Virginity For £325k After Home Breakdown For The Love Of Her Family

A woman is auctioning her virginity for more than £325,000 to help her family following a devastating house fire. Katherine Stone, 20, left Seattle to work in one of Nevada’s infamous legal brothels after spotting an advertisement on Facebook.
There, she is advertising her virginity for $400,000  however she won’t accept a bid unless she feels a “connection” with the person. Her controversial decision has left some saying she should have sex for the first time out of ‘love’, but she claims that is “exactly what she is doing”.
Speaking to CNN , she said: “People say you are supposed to do it for love. But if you think about it, I am doing it because I love my family.” Stone struck up a deal with brothel tycoon Dennis Hof, who owns seven of Nevada’s legal bordellos, in 2015.
Hof stated she could sell her virginity at his brothel – as long as he gets a 50% cut. Until then, she works at the brothel and offers non-intercourse services to raise money for her family who didn’t have insurance when the fire destroyed their home in 2014.
And even after the sale, she plans on staying on to work their for five years, at which point she will then leave to study law. She said: “I’m waiting for a man who I feel a connection with so that the experience can be special for both of us. I have the right to choose what I do with my body. And in this troubling economy, do you blame me?”

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