Friday 28 October 2016

Beware!! See The Reason Why You Should Probably Stop Taking Paracetamol (See Here)

Paracetamol is a very popular go-to painkiller in
this part of the world but is it always the right
decision to pop the pills whenever you wish.
New research shows that the drug, which has
been around for over 50 years, might not be
your best bet every time. In fact, it was
suggested that the drug actually does nothing
for most pains.
According to the conclusion from the research,
acute pains that are sudden in onset (like
headaches or pain after an operation, for
instance), would go away after a while,
regardless of how many paracetamol you pop.
Sure, paracetamol can provide reveal but it will
not work for everybody. In fact, this only works
for a small number of people.
When it comes to headaches, only one in ten
people benefit from the drug and for
postoperative pain, one in four.
If paracetamol works for you, fantastic! But be
aware that it does not work for everyone and
might even simply be a waste of money for most
when there is an alternative, which is, waiting
out the pain.

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