Sunday 26 March 2017

Two dies after drinking from their village stream _ see why

Two die after drinking from stream
· Several critically ill
At least two persons are feared dead and over 40 critically ill after drinking from a stream suspected to have been poisoned in Oboso community in Ogoja local government area of Cross River State.
Two other surrounding communities also depend on the stream for drinking water, it was gathered.
Ogoja, in the northern senatorial district of the state, is eight-hour drive from Calabar, the state capital.
The incident, which happened on Friday, has left the communities in mourning mood.
The sudden deaths and illness had led to fears of the outbreak of a strange ailment in the communities.
Commissioner for Health, Dr Inyang Asibong, in a statement, confirmed the incident.
He said the strange illness was characterised by “sudden onset of vomiting, foaming in the mouth, body weakness and spitting out of blood with some deaths already recorded in three communities in Ogoja local government area of the state that share a common water source.”
The commissioner assured all was being done to get to the root causes of the occurrence.
The ministry, he informed, had dispatched a team made up of epidemiologists, doctors, community health workers and other related health staff to the affected communities to ascertain the real situation on ground and offer immediate medical assistance to those affected.
Director General of the State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr Betta Edu, urged affected communities to stop fetching water from the stream with immediate effect.
”People should buy commercial water for now. Even after buying the commercial water, bottle or pure water, they should still try to boil it before drinking.
“They should be careful of where they eat for now, because if that poisoned water is used to prepare food it could still be dangerous.
“The community should be careful for now. If they have relatives in other areas, they can move there for now.
“We are on top of the situation. Those who are ill by the poisoning and in the hospital would get their treatment taken care of by the government,” Edu said.
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APC needs to discover democracy

APC needs to discover democracy
IN their continuing but increasingly difficult battle to compel members of the executive arm to answer legislative summons, the senate has warned of an insidious threat to democracy. Few take the warnings seriously. The most visible and recent defiance of the senate was in fact enacted last week by both the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir David Lawal, and the Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS), Col Hameed Ali (retd.). Last week’s show of defiance was not the first time members of the President Muhammadu Buhari administration would treat the National Assembly contemptuously. It is unlikely to be the last. Mr Lawal was summoned in respect of the management style of the Presidential Initiative on the Northeast, while Mr Ali was expected to appear in uniform to answer questions relating to a new harebrained order on retroactive duties vehicle owners were expected to pay.
The senate is right to observe that there is a threat to democracy, and that that threat is coming from the executive. But there is not just one threat to democracy, nor that the executive solely personifies that threat. By their indolence and sometimes criminal collusion, state legislative assemblies also constitute a threat to democracy. And by their excesses, incompetence, and corruption, the National Assembly also shares part of the blame for democracy’s insane wobble in Nigeria. In fact, for 16 unbroken and dizzying years, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) engendered a malformed democracy and proceeded to brazenly maltreat it.
The PDP’s inability to build a great democracy for Nigeria, despite their long years in office, was not the main reason they lost the 2015 presidential election. Without the menace of Boko Haram that blighted the Northeast, pervasive corruption that turned the economy inside out, and the impotence and paralysis shown by the Goodluck Jonathan government after over 200 Chibok schoolgirls were abducted from their school in Borno State in 2014, the PDP would probably have retained the presidency. What the PDP did or didn’t do with democracy was the least of the concerns of the electorate in 2015. With the Chibok schoolgirls affair now stalemated, and the economy only now managing to show some signs of life, and Boko Haram largely contained, the country is likely to turn its attention to other more esoteric and idealistic matters in 2019. But it is precisely those other matters that the APC has been unable to comprehend, let alone conceptualise or act upon.
The PDP might have failed in 16 years to conceptualise democracy, and in fact spent the better part of its unmerited years in office subverting its principles, but in less than two maddening years of hubris and indifference, the APC has shown spectacular dimwittedness towards democracy and has done its damnedest to scuttle it. If the new ruling party is not to face a day of reckoning in 2019, it must engraft into its sterile and stubborn DNA a love for and understanding of democracy. Should they be able to do it, it would help them come to terms with the appalling and alienating sectionalism they have enthroned, and give them the impetus to envision a rich blend of democracy from which Africa can draw inspiration.
Sadly for the APC, the party appears to be divided into four main blocks, and may thus find it difficult to achieve its purpose in government. To strive to the noble ideals necessary for them to retain power beyond 2019, they must reconcile the four blocks, harness their strengths, and turn them into a winning team of visionaries and empire builders. The first block is made up of the president and his inner circle, an amalgam of a hobbled leader tenuously holding together a group of aides pejoratively labelled as political and power hijackers, a block whose ideas of governance are at variance with modernity and reality, and whose philosophies bear no resemblance to anything edifying. Rather than encircle and isolate the other three blocks, given the enormous power at their disposal, the president’s block appears to have been confined into a narrow, schizoid group of scheming and angry provincialists.
The second block comprises national lawmakers just discovering identities, strengths, ideas, and potentials. Many of them were birthed in and by the PDP, and saw democracy merely as a convenient vehicle to appropriate power and wealth. In the APC, they have struggled to mould themselves into persons and forces that war against their primordial natural selves. By chance, they are discovering that the democratic vacuum created by the APC has offered them the opportunity to write their mission and vision into the void, no matter how ephemeral. They are, to their own surprise and unease, metamorphosing into unaccustomed and unconvincing champions of democracy and the rule of law. The third block is made up of the party itself and those like Odigie Oyegun who run it on a day-to-day basis. They are not controlled by the presidency, which has no idea what to do with the party and the officials, nor by lawmakers who are locked in combat with the courts, the party, the society and the executive. In fact, the APC is the closest thing to an abstraction.
The fourth block is made up of the frustrated idealists in the party, men and women who see the party in the mould of a mass movement comparable to any in the developed world, people who see the party as an organisation dedicated to championing true democracy, the rule of law, and the rights of the people, a party inspired by the true ethics of fundamental change to cobble together an economic miracle that would attract the envy of Asia, China and the West. Apparently these idealists spent too much time dreaming and envisioning things to pay attention to the frothing rudimentary foundations upon which to grow the political and civic culture of their illustrious imaginations.
It will take a miracle for the Buhari presidency to weld these disparate and often warring groups together and turn them into a powerful force unleashed into the future. For, at the moment, neither the president nor anyone in his inner circle possesses the quality, vision and understanding to find the formula to manage and reconcile the party’s disparate groups. Until that is done, for this is fundamental to the change they mouth so glibly, the APC will be unable to see democracy as the fulcrum upon which to balance the new society of its dreams. Without this vision of democracy, they will be unable to appreciate the concept of federalism, not to talk of building a country that transcends ethnic and religious divides. Far worse, they will also be unable to appreciate the deeper significance of nurturing a great and independent judiciary where court judgements are sacrosanct, a brilliant and self-confident legislature whose powers, resolutions and laws become integrated into the Grundnorm, and an executive and presidency whose aides and ministers are true nationalists incapable of being swayed by ethnic exceptionalism, religious bigotry, and political intolerance.
As they are currently constituted, the APC’s building blocks are at war with themselves. The presidency is seething with intrigues and plots, its innards poised to rupture; the National Assembly is under pressure, its leaders facing judicial and political battles that leave them little room to think grandly and nobly; and the party leaders, whether loyal or disaffected, are consumed by mistrust and regret so much so that the inspiring and invigorating ideas that should propel the party into greatness and a place in history have been spurned or buried. But if they have not written themselves off as many have done, including this column, the starting point for them is to develop a great and uplifting idea of democracy. It is not clear which among its four blocks is capable of triggering this revolution; but except they do it, there is no future for them, as the vainglorious PDP found out about two years ago after trying for sixteen years to build something on nothing, and mistaking the building for the scaffold.
A party that does not have a political or governing philosophy cannot be expected to produce a national philosophy; and without a national philosophy, no country can aspire to greatness. Something can never be built on nothing. If the current woes of the PDP do not demonstrate this fact vividly, then compare Vladimir Putin’s more purposeful Russia with Donald Trump’s regressive and ambivalent United States. Also examine Mao Zedong’s imperial and Deng Xiaoping’s reformist China, Kim Il-sung’s grandiloquent North Korea, and the forceful and captivating concepts of Pax Romana, Pax Brittanica, and Pax Americana. Nigeria since its 1960 birth has not shown purpose. Under the directionless PDP, it could not. And under the distracted and dreamy APC, it has become even more hesitant and confused. Yet until the ruling party discovers the beauty of democracy and the loftiness of a governing philosophy, its efforts will end in futility.

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Why Diageo aborted $130m equity increase in Guinness Nigeria

Why Diageo aborted $130m equity increase in Guinness Nigeria
There are fresh indications as to why Diageo Plc, the parent company of Guinness Nigeria Plc, failed in its bid to increase its share capital in the brewery giant.
It may be recalled that Diageo had in mid September 2015 announced its intention to make an offer through its wholly owned subsidiary, Guinness Overseas Limited for up to 15.7% of the share capital of Guinness Nigeria Plc.
The Nation gathered that everything seem okay as the different parties worked out the finer details of the deal.
However, trouble began to brew when some local shareholders vowed to resist any move to sell more shares to the parent company under any guise.
Convinced about what it considered the impropriety of the proposed deal, the shareholders set machinery in motion to thwart the plan thus leading to a stalemate.
Not happy with the turn of event in spite of making several entreaties to pacify the aggrieved shareholders, Diageo naturally soft-pedalled and it subsequently communicated its decision not to go any further with the potential offer to Guinness Nigeria Plc.
Further checks at the Nigerian Stock Exchange by The Nation revealed that Guinness Nigeria Plc had received a letter from Guinness Overseas Limited confirming that Diageo had taken the decision not to proceed with the potential offer.
However the major reason Diageo adduced for its decision to back down was its fears over the seeming challenging market condition in the country over the past 12 months.
But despite its inability to increase its shareholding in Guinness Nigeria Plc, Diageo assured that it maintains a positive outlook for Nigeria in the long-term just as it proposed to focus its resources on continuing to support Guinness Nigeria Plc.
Thus to enable Guinness Nigeria Plc tide things over in the face of the strangulating economy already having a negative run on its operations, the company got the nod of its shareholders for a rights issue to raise at least N40billion fresh cash injection into the business from the capital market.
The rights issue is the first in 25 years.
Justifying the need for the rights issue, Babatunde Savage, Chairman, Guinness Nigeria Plc, during its Extra Ordinary General Meeting in Lagos, said: “”Guinness Nigeria has been in this country for over 60 years and, in that time, we have continued to add significant economic and social value to Nigeria and Nigerians. We believe this Rights Issue will positively impact on the financial performance of Guinness Nigeria and help mitigate the impact of increasing finance costs in what continues to be a challenging economic environment in Nigeria.”
Echoing similar sentiments, Peter Ndegwa, Managing Director/CEO, Guinness Nigeria Plc said that the company has good fundamentals and potentials for the future. “Guinness Nigeria is a company with excellent fundamentals and we have the right strategy and the right people to grow our business for the future. This Rights Issue in combination with our productivity and cost optimisation drive will help provide the fuel to continue to build this business for Nigeria and Nigerians.”
On insinuations that the rights issue may be a further ploy to help Diageo raise its stake in the company, Ndegwa said such claims were totally unfounded.
According to him, the rights issue allows every single shareholder to subscribe for rights based on their current shareholding. So if every shareholder in Guinness Nigeria Plc subscribes for their rights, everyone would keep their current shareholding. So, it is not that we are raising new capital by other means. There is no way if everyone subscribes to the Issue that we can increase the shareholding value of Diageo.”
The rights issue, he emphasised, “Is meant to support the company to grow, it’s about bringing cash into the business therefore shareholders should feel that this is an opportunity to a business that has been very strong and has paid dividends for many years.”
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Firm to boost solar power generation with N715b

Firm to boost solar power generation with N715b
• A solar equipment.
SOLA Nigeria has set machinery in motion to boost solar power energy generation across the country with 13million pounds (about N715b), The Nation has gathered.
The fund is to help reputable companies involved in the production of solar energy in Nigeria.
Giving this hint at the weekend was the Programme Coordinator of SN, Mrs. Ifunanya Nwandu. She spoke at a renewable energy forum organised by “Power for ALL” in Abuja.
Solar Nigeria is a Department for International Development (DFID) funded programme which began in 2014.
The programme was designed to end in 2020 with the mandate to provide grants and technical assistance to companies involved in providing household solar technologies.
Nwandu said that the grant would help strong companies to accelerate their expansion to provide solar energy for 25 million Nigerians.
According to her, SN has also improved energy access for over 1.5 million people since it commenced operation in 2014.
She said that the organisation had been involved in delivering clean, reliable and affordable solar energy to Nigerians.
She said this was possible by accelerating the private markets for off-grid solar solutions.
According to her, the SN programme had also earlier provided 38 .3 million pounds to Kaduna and Lagos state governments for various developmental projects.
She said part of the projects had resulted in the construction of 175 schools and 11 clinics in Lagos and 34 primary health clinics in Kaduna with solar installations.
She said that the combined projects in both states had resulted in the provision of 6MW of solar power.
According to her, in 2016, more than 166,000 solar systems were acquired on commercial terms by individual consumers from companies who benefited from the grants provided by SN.
She said that SN was also helping to demonstrate how solar systems could be technically viable to drive growth in the private sector solar market
Nwandu said SN was committed to collaborating with the federal government and state governments to improve renewable energy to health and education facilities, particularly in the northern part of Nigeria.
In a related development, the federal government has hinted of plans to partner with relevant organisations to workout modalities for the provision of alternative sources of energy and improved wood stoves for the rural population.
Dr Shehu Ahmed, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Environment, made this known in an interview with the weekend in Abuja.
“We need to increase the use of cooking gas, liquefied natural gas, while increasing plantation of woodlots in communities or individual farms and avoiding indiscriminate bush burning,” he said.
According to him, government has put in place some strategies to keep the forest safe.
This, he said included control of wood exports to ensure forest conservation, engagement of wood-based industries in reforestation and afforestation, enhancing conversion efficiency and increasing value additions for processed wood before exportation.
He, however, said that stakeholders needed to do their bits to ensure the stoppage of deforestation.
“We all need to plan and protect our forests everywhere and anywhere, and continue to raise awareness on the need for sustainable preservation of our forests for the future generation,” he said.
Ahmed said that the federal government would intensify environmental education in schools and roll out new public awareness programmes on forest conservation and community participation.
“Awareness creation on the importance of forest to sustainable development is very critical and that is why we want to catch them young.
“This will also highlight the impact and consequences of human activities on the forests and socio-economic development as well as mobilise all stakeholders against deforestation.
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