Friday 3 March 2017

Obasanjo sitting with primary school student - reason will suprise you

I once consulted astrologer to ascertain my birth  date, says Obasanjo
•Indian told me I’ll be great, live long
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has recounted how hard he tried to know his actual date of birth.
He went as far as consulting an astrologer in India to ascertain the date, he told an audience yesterday in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.
The astrologer, failed to tell him the date, but told him he would become great and live long.
Obasanjo said when he met the astrologer, he stretched forth his palms towards the man and asked him to read and determine when exactly he was born.
Speaking at the “2017 International Youth Variety Day” and the public presentation of his books entitled: “The World of the Tortoise”, the two-time leader, who is the Balogun of Owu Kingdom, noted that consulting an astrologer in India was part of the measures he took in the past to unravel his birth date.
According to him, his largely illiterate parents kept no record of his birth in 1937.
The opening of the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) on Siun-Sagamu Road, Abeokuta, to mark the ex-President’s 80th birthday was also part of the event.
It was organised by the Centre for Human Security (CHS), an arm of the OOPL.
Explaining further, Obasanjo said that the astrologer could not help the situation after reading his palms.
The ex-President, who will join the Octogenarian club on Sunday, reiterated his earlier stand that he does not know his birth date and would not want to leave anybody in confusion about it.
His words: “Let me say this, I do not know the date of my birth, when I started school, we were asked to give our date of birth. I used to ask my mother, she would say ‘You were born on Ifo Market Day.’
“She said ‘you were born on Ifo Market Day. Tell them you were born on Ifo Market Day. All the my mother, an illiterate woman, could remember was that it was an Ifo Market Day and before the people who went to the market returned, he had fallen into labour and I was delivered,” he said.
Obasanjo explained that since he did not know his true age, he elected to rely on the age bracket of his mates, whose birth dates are established to pick a date for himself.
On why he established the OOPL after his tenure as a democratically-elected president in 2007, he said it was meant to address the dearth of “institutional memory” in Nigeria.
He said the OOPL, modelled after the United States (U.S.) Presidential Library, will serve the young and old on collections and preservation of past records and bridge the gap between Nigerians’ behaviour and attitude, which he noted are fast eroding the society.
Going down the memory lane, Obasanjo recalled his prison experience in Yola, Adamawa State. He said his interaction with inmates revealed that they were victims of parental and societal failure in the promotion of moral values.
He said: “One of the confusion in peoples’ mind is that presidential library is the same as normal library. And I see many people sending books to me. The Library is for the both young and old. I also believe that it might start bridging the gap between in our behaviour and attitude.
“One of our behavioural pattern and attitude is that we have no institutional memory; that is what brings about the idea of presidential library. If you go into our national Museums, what you see will be pathetic but these are national treasure.
“When I was growing up, if people are very doubtful of your source of wealth, you are isolated, you are ostracised. If your father goes out every night then, the conclusion is that your father maybe a thief. And we would be cleverly told to mind how we relate with children from such father,” Obasanjo said.
Anambra State Governor Willie Obiano, who spoke on the occasion, said his state shared a common affinity with the former President regarding “promotion of reading culture and eradication of illiteracy” in the country.
Obiano revealed that his administration has through its three-prong programme on education, infrastructure and teachers’/students’ welfare, raised the people’s reading culture and access to quality and affordable education.
The governor, who was represented at the occasion by the Anambra State Commissioner for Education, Prof. Kate Omenugha, shared his thought on the theme: “Presidential Libraries will reduce leadership deficit in Africa”.
The topic was also extensively debated by secondary school pupils and varsity students drawn from over seven states across the country.
He said his administration has an objective to position Anambra as one of the states with the highest literacy figure just the same way Obasanjo, through writing of books, building of library and investment in education, has been helping to increase reading culture and literacy level.
Obiano, who decried the fast declining culture, particularly among the younger generation, recalled a situation where a third year undergraduate who was asked to write ‘trader’ wrote ‘trada’ because he did not correct spelling.
He lauded Obasanjo for his continued contribution to the growth and development of the country even at 80, especially working to revive reading culture among the younger generation.
In her remarks, Governor Ibikunle Amosun’s wife, Olufunso, urged the youths to “imbibe the culture of hard work, perseverance and good work ethics” as they aspire to achieve success in life.
“Greatness is only achievable through hard work and perseverance. Nothing good comes easy and any disappointment should be viewed as part of the learning curve and winding road to success”, she said.
Speaking earlier, Education Minister Mallam Adamu Adamu and the maiden African President of the International Geographical Union, Prof Akin Mabogunje, paid glowing tributes to the former President, who they maintained, remains an exceptional leader.
Adamu described Obasanjo as a detribalised Nigerian and a “rare gift to Nigeria”. Prof. Mabogunje said the former President “stands tall among world leaders.”
“I am conscious of the fact that as an accomplished gentleman, an engineer, a General, a leader, a politician and at 80, you are still a student. You legacy will always be protected by all us”, the minister, who was represented by Dr Yakubu Gambo, said.
Commended Obasanjo for written a children’s book, Adamu said the book would be bought and distributed across schools in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
Mabogunje, who chairs the Governing Board of the CHS, at the OOPL, highlighted the benefits of the library noted Nigerian and African youths, saying that visiting the library would give then transformational encounter.
The renowned geographer added that Obasanjo’s library, if adequately explored, would improve leadership in Africa.
Mabogunje tasked Africans “on good governance through commitment, resilence, diligence, probity and not through corruption.”
Pupils from 47 secondary schools and students from 30 universities across seven states participated in debates entitled: “Young people will benefit from Presidential Libraries in Africa than old people” and “Presidential Libraries will reduce leadership deficit in Africa.”
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How to use hand sanitizer so as it will link to Poisoning Cases in Kids

Misuse of Hand Sanitizer Linked to Poisoning Cases in Kids
Credit: wk1003mike/Shutterstock
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are meant to help keep kids safe from germs, but when kids misuse them, the sanitizers may cause harm. Cases have been reported of kids with eye irritation, vomiting, and even a few cases of kids ingesting sanitizer and winding up in a coma, according to a new report.
From 2011 to 2014, there were more than 70,000 calls to poison control centers across the U.S. for children ages 12 and under who ingested, inhaled or got hand sanitizer in their eyes, according to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Hand sanitizers that contained alcohol were cited in more than 65,000 of the calls, the CDC researchers said. Alcohol-based hand sanitizers contain either ethanol, which is found in alcoholic beverages, or isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol. Sanitizers can contain 60 to 95 percent alcohol by volume; non-alcohol based hand  contain other chemicals. [9 Weird Ways Kids Can Get Hurt]
In many cases, the calls were made concerning a child who was not actually having any symptoms. But in more than 8,000 of the calls, people reported children having symptoms due to their exposure to hand sanitizer, the researchers found. Most of these symptoms were not life-threatening, and included eye irritation, vomiting, stomach pain and coughing, according to the report.
However, the researchers noted that in five cases, children fell into a coma, and in three cases, children had seizures. Other serious health effects included very low blood sugar in two children and a decrease or halting of the breathing rate in two children.
And although more than 90 percent of the incidents occurred in children under age 5, the researchers noted that there were also reports of incidents in older children, including some who had intentionally ingested hand sanitizer. These children generally had worse outcomes than the children with an accidental exposure.
This suggests that "older children might be deliberately misusing or abusing [alcohol-based] hand sanitizers," the researchers wrote in the report.
Interestingly, the researchers also found that hand-sanitizer-related incidents for kids ages 6 to 12 were less likely to occur during the summer months, perhaps because children may have more access to the products during the school year or during flu season.
Although washing hands with soap and water is preferred, the researchers said alcohol-based hand sanitizers are the next best option for hand hygiene. Ensuring that children use these hand sanitizers correctly, under adult supervision, could help reduce problems, the researchers wrote. Hand sanitizers should also be stored where young children cannot reach them, they added.
"Increased parental or teacher supervision might be needed while using [alcohol-based] hand sanitizer products, especially for older children who might be abusing these products during the school year," the researchers wrote.
The report was based on data that poison control centers in all 50 states reported to the National Poison Data System from Jan. 1, 2011, to Dec. 31, 2014.
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CBN: why Naira is appreciating

CBN: why Naira is appreciating
There is the Naira’s new strength coming from?
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) said yesterday that the currency’s appreciation against others  was the result of its market monitoring and intervention.
Its spokesman  Isaac Okorafor refuted the claim that illegal sale of foreign currencies at ridiculous rates was responsible for the change in Forex policy.
Okorafor, who spoke in Sokoto, also explained that the appreciation of the Naira was in no way connected to the allegations of illegal sale of foreign currencies.
“I want to state categorically that there is no relationship whatsoever between the allegations that dollar was being sold at 61 kobo and the current appreciation of the Naira.
“What led to the appreciation of the Naira was that the CBN did an intelligence on the market and realised that what was driving the demand on the Bureau De Change (BDCs) and parallel market was speculation.
“We reasoned that since there is a lot of pressure on the two segments from people seeking to buy foreign currencies for BTA, tuition and medicals, that if we successfully addressed that, the pressure will come down.
“Also, before now, the level of our reserves was not enough to make us comfortable enough to really do the kind of intervention that is required.
“We decided to do so now because we are a bit more comfortable with our level of reserve,” he said.
Okorafor said since the new Forex policy, the CBN had intervened with about 591 million dollars in the market, which had led to Naira gaining strength.
“Let me also state as proof that when we placed 500 million dollars in the market, only 370 million dollars was taken.
“That tells you that the real demand is 370 million dollars. When we placed 230 million dollars in the market, only 221 million dollars was taken.
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Thursday 2 March 2017

How Premature Ejaculation & Small Manhoód Almost Put An End To My 4 Year Marriage – The Solution Will Amaze You

It’s a New Solution That Works like Magic within 60 Minutes!Check it Out Here.
What Would You Give To Last Longer in The Bedroom? Yeah, I know what you’re thinking; this is certainly far from it. There are loads of programs out there offering “miracle” cures for Premature Ejaculation and small manhood size, but turns out bad and even make your situation worse.
This is an all-natural, healthy, one of a kind 2-in-1 (click here to read more about it) solution with proven result that works, every time.
Dear Friend,
Premature ejaculation and small manhood size can erode your confidence in the bedroom and destroy your sex life. Worse, it can ruin your love life.
  • If you’ve ever had to apologize for finishing too quickly…
  • If you’ve ever felt the shame of leaving her unsatisfied…
  • If she has ever cheated on you…
  • If you’ve ever lost your girlfriend to premature ejaculation…
  • If you’ve ever had to stay away from sex because of your poor performance.
Then you know how it feels. You know the crushing shame and embarrassment that premature ejaculation leads to. It is a debilitating condition. The self-consciousness that P.E. Breeds will invade other areas of your life. If left unchecked, you’ll eventually lose even the drive to chat up women. What’s the point? Right? You’ll only disappoint her in the bedroom.
Sound familiar?
I know. I’ve been there. I suffered for 3 years because of this bedroom embarrassment and small man-hood size.
There’s Hope!
I Want To Introduce You to A 2-in -1 Solution I Stumbled upon November last year Which Will Change Your Sex Life Forever!
See the Solution Here:
But first, let me tell you a little about myself.
Just like you I suffered from premature ejaculation. Starting with my very first sexual encounter. I could barely get inside before I was ready to blow. Sometimes the problem was so severe I would blow in my pants. It was humiliating and it eroded my confidence with women.
I was fortunate enough to have a great woman who believed in me and wanted the relationship to work. One night, her eyes were misted with tears, she pleaded that I get a solution to the problem.
It was then I realized if I don’t take a quick action this time, she would walk out on me like the others.
I visited a doctor the following day. He recommended I engage in Ke-gel exercises. Not only did Ke-gel exercises don’t work, they actually worsen the problem. Other doctors suggested the Start-Stop technique or the Squeeze technique.

Millions of men have tried these exercises without significant results. Desperately, I read every book I could find. I scoured the internet, talked to experts and spent a small fortune. I tried all the pills and creams and toys. None of it worked for me.
It Took A Long Time, And A Lot Of Money, But After 3 Years Of Research, I Finally Stumbled upon this Solution That Works Like Magic!
This is not another pill, and it’s not an exercise from a doctor who has never experienced the terrible problem of Premature Ejaculation. This is an all-natural based approach to defeating P.E and increasing your manhood once and for all.
This 2 in 1 Solution as shown above is highly effective.. In fact, I now go on for as long as I want. It doesn’t make any difference if my woman needs ten minutes or thirty.
Instead of seeing disappointment in her eyes when I finished too fast, she started telling her friends all about our amazing sex life!
It worked so well; I started helping other men, just like you, to overcome their Premature Ejaculation and Small Manhood Size problem.  All of them are happy with their bedroom performance.
Would you like to discover how this exact 2-in-1 Solution that ends my premature ejaculation problem permanently and increased my man-hood size works? Then visit the official page for detailed information.
You can also find below in summary, the price of the supplement and how to place your order.

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