Sunday 26 February 2017

God at work: see How a Dead Snake Rescued Woman from Her Abductors at Night

A 29-year-old woman identified as Tarisai Musandidaro from Birchenough Bridge in Zimbabwe, has every reason to thank God for being alive and free.

According to The Manica Post, the woman was kidnapped by four unknown people upon boarding their vehicle and was subsequently driven to a bushy area where they wanted to kill her, however, she was saved after a deadly snake bit one of the kidnappers.

Tarisai Musandidaro counts herself lucky following the kidnapping incident that happened recently. She revealed that the incident is nothing short of a miracle.

Although Manicaland provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Tavhiringwa Kakohwa, was not sure about the identity of the creature that attacked the kidnappers, those privy to the case said it was a snake.

“It is said that on the day in question at around 9pm, the complainant boarded a commuter omnibus a Hot Springs travelling to Birchenough Bridge. She disembarked at Chipinge Turn-off along the Mutare-Masvingo Highway and waited for another lift to take her across the bridge.

“She boarded a black sedan car which had four occup@nts on board. They were three female occup@nts and a man on the steering wheel. Upon approaching the Redstar Turn-off, the woman told the driver that she had reached her destination. The driver did not stop, but accelerated the vehicle towards Masvingo,” said Insp Kakohwa.

At that moment, the other three occupants allegedly grabbed the woman.

The vehicle turned into Birchenough Bridge-Murambinda Road and stopped after driving for a distance.

“They stopped at a bushy area and disembarked from the vehicle. The kidnappers dragged the woman into the bush. However, one of the kidnappers was bitten by a snake in the darkness. She screamed for help, resulting in her colleagues abandoning Musandidaro and shifted their attention to their injured colleague. At this point, Musandidaro ran away and hid in the bush. She spent the whole night hiding in the bush,” he said.

The following morning she made a police report.

“No arrests have been made so far and we are still investigating the matter,” said Insp Kakohwa.
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I missed Buhari’s phone call – Garba Shehu

The Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, has revealed that he missed his principal’s phone call on Saturday.
He revealed this on his Facebook page.

He wrote: “A day for the Presidential Media Team.
According to Shehu, Buhari spoke with some members of the presidential media team in his absence, but sent him a text message afterwards.
“We are thankful to the President, Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR) for sparing the time to make calls to the Media team.
“The Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed and the Special Adviser, Femi Adesina responded to the calls, exchanged greetings and thanked him for calling.

“We are together with other Nigerians of all faiths, in praying for his safe return.”
“I had an SMS from him thereafter because I missed my call! I humbly join them to say thank you, Baba Buhari!!
Earlier in the day, Adesina tweeted about speaking with Buhari, who thanked him for handling “mischief makers” very well.
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A book I would love to write in the near future, inshallah (2)

A book I would love to write in the near future, inshallah (2)
•"The fire of lightning: is our society mature enough to relate the natural occurrence of electricity with its deliberate, purposeful generation and distribution?"
The answer to the question with which I ended last week’s column is both very simple and profoundly complex. The question is: why does a phone call to China go to the particular phone number called and not to any of the other billion-plus cellphone users in that country? Before briefly dealing with both the simple and the complex answers to this question, I should perhaps reveal here the fact that it belongs to an order of questions known as “trick questions”. How is this the case? Well, by using China, the most populous nation in the world as our example, I had deliberately focused reactions to the question on the weight of numbers, that is to say on a country and a world in which the users of cell or mobile phones are legion. However, in reality, the radio frequencies upon which China’s 1.5 billion (and the world’s 4.8 billion) cellphone users are organized and grouped are limited. In other words, the networks and the providers that make the whole vast, global phenomenon of cellphone usage work are very, very limited. And that’s because the radio frequencies are limited and shared resources rooted in phenomena and processes that modern science and technology have mastered and converted to our use as a species, a global or planetary community.
Here’s another way of putting this observation across: the number of cellphone users in the world is truly awesome and moreover, it is still growing; however, instead of fragmentation and isolation, connectedness and community are the hallmarks of cellphone usage in our world. And that’s thanks largely to the fact that the laws or principles through which sounds and images can be converted to electromagnetic signals and sent and received throughout the world are limited, known values. From this observation, we can deduce the simple answer to our question: every cellphone and its user is customized to send and receive the electrical signals to which our voices (and images or pictures) are converted when we use the gadget. One mark of the customization is the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. Another is the phone number. In other words, it doesn’t matter how many cellphone users in the world there are as long as we recognize that every single one of them is indeed customized. But that is not the end of the story for we also have to deal with the more complex answer to our billion-users question.
From the bulky telephones of the past to the small, portable cellphones of the present, and from landline phones to wireless, mobile phones that you can take everywhere with you, the modern technology of communications has taken extraordinarily amazing strides. If we take the conversion of human and natural sounds to electrical signals as the starting point, the real wonder is that as this phenomenon or operation has been brought, at least potentially, within the reach of every human being on our planet, the products or gadgets have become smaller and smaller, while at the same time fulfilling more multiple and complex tasks and functions. No landlines, no direct connections and the sending and receiving agents of the basic, foundational electromagnetic signals get smaller and smaller and yet, yet the phones get smarter and smarter! At a crucial stage of the development or unfolding of this fascinating process, communications satellites enter the picture, bringing the universe outside our terrestrial home on earth into a significant part of the epic story.
I perhaps digress. The book that I have in mind and that am writing about in this series is not about the marvels of modern telecommunications technology, though of course it will not avoid that topic. No, what is central to my projected book is the fact that every single one of the marvels of the i-phones and smartphones of the new millennium is based on knowledges and ideas that are testable and are, indeed, tested. Moreover, any literate person in the world can, with some application, educate him or herself on the knowledges and beliefs from which smartphone gadgetry operates. As a matter of fact, this was what I tried to do with Monday Electrician in our conversation on Thursday last week, the conversation that led to this series of articles in my column:  I tried to spark his curiosity in the rudiments of scientific knowledge about the universe in general and, in particular, about electricity as a phenomenal entity. From the account that I gave of that conversation in this column last week, I failed woefully in that endeavor.
This was largely due to the fact that Monday Electrician seems unaware of – or resistant to – the order of knowledges and beliefs central to modern science and technology – even though he is a trained electrician who doubles as a contractor in the business of installing electrical circuitry in dwelling houses and factories. He found the idea of he and I being on a moving planet in our infinitesimally small corner of it in Oke-Bola, Ibadan, so absurd as to be beneath his commentary. And beyond the learnt, practical and repeated things that he knew about electricity, he had little interest in it as a phenomenal entity that does far many more things than lighting up houses and powering labour-saving appliances. He absolutely could not wrap his mind around the idea that sounds and images are converted to and from electrical signals during a phone conversation. Indeed, to the extent that it can be said that my “failure” with Monday Electrician was what instigated my desire to write this series as well as the book that I have in mind, to that extent is the “failure” the motive force of this discussion. Permit me to briefly engage this observation.
The careful reader of this piece would, hopefully, have noted that I place a bracket around the word, “failure” in the present discussion. This is because “failure” is perhaps not the right word to use. For how could the appropriate word be “failure” when there was not the slightest chance of success in the first place? One proof of this assertion is the fact that Monday Electrician was willing to go so far as to claim that a disbelief in witches and witchcraft was a white man’s duplicitous proposition for which any true Nigerian, any true African should show nothing but disdain. To this, add the fact that he vigorously asserted that “we” (Africans) have no obligation to prove what we “know” to them (the Western world)! They have their “science” and we have ours, that is all!
One of the most shocking claims of Monday Electrician in our conversation was an assertion that our Babalawos, Dibias, Marabouts or Sangomas traditionally did not deal in testable and tested knowledges and propositions. Herbs, the bark or sap of trees, the claw or tooth of a leopard, the ground powder of the testicles of a tiger and many more things beside these, all have their “names”, their “essences”, Monday Electrician proudly proclaimed! This of course is total nonsense, as anyone knows that has ever met and conversed with a herbalist that is not a charlatan.
I place brackets around “failure”, compatriots, because I suspect that there are many Monday Electricians out there, hundreds of thousands of them, perhaps tens of millions, including many who not only have university education, but actually teach in our tertiary educational institutions. If this is the case, it would be very mistaken, very wrongheaded to think that Monday Electrician or any of the hundreds of thousands of people like him out there can be singly and separately “corrected”. For we really are talking of the conditioned and determinate creation in our region of the world of widespread unawareness or lack of curiosity about the scientific and technological bases of modernity. Our agbero or kalo-kalo mode of capitalism is content to import and not produce any of the commodities and gadgets of up-to-the-latest-minute modernity, leaving both the masses of the citizenry and the political and educational elites largely ignorant of or indifferent to the knowledge bases of the “modernity” that we so enthusiastically and massively consume.
In a way, modernity is only a symptom, and not the root cause of the problems and crises I am discussing in this series. The struggle to attain and preserve rational, testable knowledges of the universe that we live in predates modernity. Indeed, long before the successful institutional advent of science to pride of place among humanity’s knowledge bases, all human social organizations had struggled to obtain rational, experimental knowledges of the world and its physical and environmental coordinates. What modernity did was to tremendously intensify, expand and shorten processes of the widespread distribution of rational, testable and experimental knowledges that had taken an aeon of time to consummate – but only in some societies and nations of the world and not in others. Ours happens to be one of the regions and nations of the world where the pace has either slowed down considerably or has stopped altogether. Hence Monday Electrician’s severely limited knowledge of electricity as a phenomenal force and hence our country’s longstanding and presumably insoluble problems with the generation and distribution of electrical power.
Ina monamona – the “fire of lightning”. That is the term in wide usage for electricity in the Yoruba language. Lightning is only one of the phenomenal instantiations of electricity, one that is naturally occurrent. Does this exclude modes of deliberately and purposively generated and distributed electrical energy? Frankly, I do not know. In private conversations between us, my friend, Femi Osofisan, has long argued that legends of Sango’s affinity with lightning and thunder reveal or encode the theocratic king’s “experiments” with electrical energy, experiments that ended in a tragic accident that destroyed the god-king. This argument seems to me apocryphal, the sort of after the event or the fact rationalizations that followers or devotees of an anthropomorphic god or avatar periodically provide to humanize and rehabilitate their hero or champion. Nonetheless, I must admit that it is plausible: experimental, testable knowledges did not start with the historic advent of science but had always existed in nearly all human cultures and civilizations.
I had planned to conclude the series with this week’s piece. But there remain some more issues to discuss. The astute or careful reader would have noticed that so far, we have hardly talked about untested and untestable knowledges and beliefs. Are they all of one and the same kind? Are human beings and societies divided into those with and those without untested and untestable knowledges and beliefs? What is the mix of these orders or categories of knowledge and belief in our own part of the world? And Monday Electrician, what is it about him and people like him that make them the ideal readers of the book that I have in mind to write? These and other similar questions will provide the starting point in next week’s conclusion to the series.
  • Biodun Jeyifo
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The new law on environment will create 27,000 jobs’

‘New law on environment will create 27,000 jobs’
Contrary to the belief in some quarters that the newly harmonised bill on the environment passed by the Lagos State House of Assembly was targeted at PSP operators, a lawmaker in the assembly, Hon. Saka Fafunmi has said that the law would ensure best practises, and create over 27,000 jobs.
Fafunmi, who is the Chairman, House Committee on the Environment stated further in an interview after the passage of the bill into law by the House that it is not just about PSP,  but that it is about a total and holistic issues concerning environment in the State.
The bill is titled, ‘A Bill for a Law to Consolidate all Laws relating to the Environment for the Management, Protection and Sustainable Development of the Environment in Lagos State and for Connected Purposes.’
The lawmaker explained that the law is targeted at consolidating and harmonising all laws as regards the environment, adding that the amendment that affects the area of solid waste is just about one or two percent of the whole bill.
“The bill is set to revolutionalise environment in Lagos State. The state has a population of about 26 million people. The existing legal framework could not cope with the challenges and increase in the population of the state anymore.
“So there is a need to review the entire law on the environment and that is what we have done. The bill is not targeted at anybody or a group of people. It is not targeted at any PSP. It is addressing the issue of overlap amongst the ministries.
“It was when we consolidated the law that we discovered the overlap. It is not just a Bill for the PSP unless you are being sentimental. The intervention of the PSP is the making of LAWMA.
“The responsibility of LAWMA is to maintain the environment as regards solid waste. We discovered that LAWMA cannot regulate the system as long as it is an operator. You cannot be an operator and a regulator. That made us to say that LAWMA should stop operating, they should regulate,” he said.
According to the lawmaker, who is representing Ifako/Ijaiye Constituency 1 in the House, some of the PSP operators don’t have compactors, and that there have been several complaints about them from the people.
He stressed that the government decided to provide an amendment to the existing law on the environment because the increase in population has overwhelmed the operators in terms of capacity.
“LAWMA is saddled with managing the system and also operating. This is the only state in Nigeria that is doing well during recession, look at our roads, look at the environment, street lights, traffic lights and other infrastructure.
“You can count a number of bridges that have been constructed and all these bother around attaining the megacity status of the state. For Lagos to attain the megacity status, it has to review its policy on waste management and waste disposal, and investors are willing to bring in over 600 trucks.
“The law says concessionaires. The law even allows the PSP to compete if they want to if they have new compactors and comply with the dictates of the new law. It is mere sentiment when people say there would be job loss because of this.
“The PSP operators are just about 350 and how many people did they employ? At best, they employ 10 staffs each, and that is just about 3,500, but with the new arrangement, the government would generate about 27,500 jobs.
“So, what is the basis for comparison, and with this, the residents of the state would not pay more, they would even pay less. Your bill would be paid once in a year and they would have a standard bill. It would be like land use charge, and if you pay yearly, it would be about N12,000 per annum.”
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