Saturday 11 February 2017

A popular prophet caught having s*x with a member - see what happened nex

Blessing Dube, a popular Zimbabwean prophet from Zvishavane province, recently received the beating of his life from an angry man who found him having s*x with his wife in their bedroom hut.

According to B-Metro, Prophet Blessing Dube popularly known as Madzibaba Blessing was caught on Sunday 5th February by the woman's hsband identified as Liberty Nhanha.

Liberty Nhanha is said to have beaten the prophet to a pulp after he found him playing hide the sausage game with his wife Ndaizivei Madondo.

The development soon caused a stir in the community and people gathered. In the heat of the melee, Madzibaba Blessing quickly managed to escape the scene leaving behind Nhanha venting his anger on his wife who he also brutally attacked with an axe handle all over the body.

As a result of the attack, Madondo, who reportedly sustained broken ribs, is admitted at Zvishavane district hospital where she is reported to be fighting for her life.

According to a B-Metro, a source from the area, revealed that before the fateful night Madondo was frequenting prayers and fellowships at Madzibaba Blessing’s church such that she became so close to the man of God and her husband reportedly questioned the closeness.

Suspicions having got the better of him, Nhanha decided to trap his wife when he lied to her that he was going to work and would be back after two days. Thinking that her husband had gone, Madondo reportedly invited her lover for a sleep over.

The source said Nhanha came back at around 9pm and upon arrival he tip-toed to the bedroom hut where he could not believe his ears when he reportedly heard the two lovebirds’ m0an of passion.

The enraged Nhanha forced open the door and found the two lovers giving each other the time of their lives and gave them a thorough hiding.

A source said: “During the attack both MADZIBABA Blessing and Madondo screamed like trapped animals while receiving a thorough hiding from Nhanha who was loudly exclaiming, ‘I will kill both of you’. He used an axe handle to attack them. As for madzibaba Blessing his cries were not just about pain but they were also about humiliation when he later bolted out of the bedroom hut stark n*ked.

“This was also after Nhanha missed him with an axe whose handle he later used to assault his wife with. The wife is battling for her life at Zvishavane hospital,” said the source who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals.

After committing the offence Nhanha reportedly disappeared from home and his whereabouts are unknown. The disgraced man of God however, is telling people that he was at the house for overnight prayers with the woman when she s£duced him and later had s*x.

Madzibaba Blessing did not respond to B-Metro request for a comment on Tuesday afternoon when he hung up his phone the moment he was asked about the incident.
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Another terrorist group, Muslim Brotherhood plotting to bomb banks, barracks, prisons – Lai Mohammed

The Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, on Friday alerted Nigerians of an alleged plot by Boko Haram affiliate, Muslim Brotherhood Cell in Kogi State, to launch a deadly attack on banks, arm depots and prisons across the nation.
In a statement signed by his Special Assistant, Segun Ayeyemi, Mohammed disclosed that the Cell was planning to acquire bomb-making chemicals and high-calibre weapons which it intends to use in perpetrating the act.
The statement reads, ”One Usman, an IED apprentice, left the cell some time back to join Islamic State in Libya. The new desire to acquire IED precursor chemicals could suggest that Usman or other persons may have returned from Libya and have acquired IED-making skills intended to increase the activities of the group.”
Mohammed said intelligence also revealed that the group is making serious efforts to acquire sophisticated arms, including shoulder-fired rocket launchers.
The Minister appealed to Nigerians to be vigilant and to report any suspicious persons or movements to the appropriate authorities.
”Further intelligence monitoring has revealed that members of the Muslim Brotherhood are planning to forcefully free their members who are in detention in Kogi, Abuja and Kaduna, including one Bilyaminu, an IED expert for the group who is now at Kuje prison,” he said

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How Premature Ejaculation & Small Manhoód Almost Put An End To My 4 Year Marriage – The Solution Will Amaze You!

How Premature Ejaculation & Small Manhoód Almost Put An End To My 4 Year Marriage – The Solution Will Amaze You!
It’s a New Solution That Works like Magic within 60 Minutes!Check it Out Here.
What Would You Give To Last Longer in The Bedroom? Yeah, I know what you’re thinking; this is certainly far from it. There are loads of programs out there offering “miracle” cures for Premature Ejaculation and small manhood size, but turns out bad and even make your situation worse.
This is an all-natural, healthy, one of a kind 2-in-1 (click here to read more about it) solution with proven result that works, every time.
Dear Friend,
Premature ejaculation and small manhood size can erode your confidence in the bedroom and destroy your sex life. Worse, it can ruin your love life.
  • If you’ve ever had to apologize for finishing too quickly…

  • If you’ve ever felt the shame of leaving her unsatisfied…

  • If she has ever cheated on you…

  • If you’ve ever lost your girlfriend to premature ejaculation…

  • If you’ve ever had to stay away from sex because of your poor performance.
Then you know how it feels. You know the crushing shame and embarrassment that premature ejaculation leads to. It is a debilitating condition. The self-consciousness that P.E. Breeds will invade other areas of your life. If left unchecked, you’ll eventually lose even the drive to chat up women. What’s the point? Right? You’ll only disappoint her in the bedroom.
Sound familiar?
I know. I’ve been there. I suffered for 3 years because of this bedroom embarrassment and small man-hood size.
There’s Hope!
I Want To Introduce You to A 2-in -1 Solution I Stumbled upon November last year Which Will Change Your Sex Life Forever!
See the Solution Here:
But first, let me tell you a little about myself.
Just like you I suffered from premature ejaculation. Starting with my very first sexual encounter. I could barely get inside before I was ready to blow. Sometimes the problem was so severe I would blow in my pants. It was humiliating and it eroded my confidence with women.
I was fortunate enough to have a great woman who believed in me and wanted the relationship to work. One night, her eyes were misted with tears, she pleaded that I get a solution to the problem.
It was then I realized if I don’t take a quick action this time, she would walk out on me like the others.
I visited a doctor the following day. He recommended I engage in Ke-gel exercises. Not only did Ke-gel exercises don’t work, they actually worsen the problem. Other doctors suggested the Start-Stop technique or the Squeeze technique.
Millions of men have tried these exercises without significant results. Desperately, I read every book I could find. I scoured the internet, talked to experts and spent a small fortune. I tried all the pills and creams and toys. None of it worked for me.
It Took A Long Time, And A Lot Of Money, But After 3 Years Of Research, I Finally Stumbled upon this Solution That Works Like Magic!
This is not another pill, and it’s not an exercise from a doctor who has never experienced the terrible problem of Premature Ejacu-lation. This is an all-natural based approach to defeating P.E and increasing your manhood once and for all.
Nude story
Nude pi
This 2 in 1 Solution  as shown above is highly effective. In fact, I now go on for as long as I want. It doesn’t make any difference if my woman needs ten minutes or thirty.
Instead of seeing disappointment in her eyes when I finished too fast, she started telling her friends all about our amazing sex life!
It worked so well; I started helping other men, just like you, to overcome their Premature Ejaculation and Small Manhood Size problem.  All of them are happy with their bedroom performance.
Would you like to discover how this exact 2-in-1 Solution that ends my premature ejacu-lation problem permanently and increased my man-hood size works? Then visit the official page for detailed information.
You can also find below in summary, the price of the supplement and how to place your order.
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See what this lady said to people with small dick

She's savage! lol.
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