Friday 20 January 2017

South Africa To Include Driving Lessons In School Curriculum

In a bid to reduce the overwhelming accident rate in South Africa, the Road Traffic Infringement Agency and the Department of Basic Education have announced that driving lessons will soon be included in the SA school curriculum. This comes after 1714 deaths were recorded over the 2016/17 festive season from SA roads.

According to Buzz SA, the two departments will extend driving lessons into high school curriculum and the Soshanguve East Secondary School to guard them on driving.

Speaking of the plan to include driving lessons to the school curriculum, the Minister of Transportation, Dipuo Peters said:

'We also have the partnership with the Department of Basic Education to ensure the inclusion of road safety in the curriculum and the training of teachers. This essentially entails different aspects of road safety awareness which are intended to adequately skill new drivers.'
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See The 5 Funny Styles Nigerian Guys Use To Toast A Woman (Find Yours)

Most Nigerian guys have a lot of growing up to do when it comes to psyching ladies. They have not given up on the weird ways in which they ask ladies out or call out to women.
Toasting Styles
In this present age and time where there is technological advancement, you will expect some of these Nigerian guys to flow with the tides and be more confident when it comes to asking women out. You would even expect some of them to be brave and summon the courage to walk up to women.
Moving on to the ridiculous ways in which men approach women in Nigeria, you will laugh at some of the things they use as their pickup lines. Women on the other hand are tired of hearing the same old story and are more likely to turn down whoever approaches them with lame lines.
Find below some of the lame and ridiculous lines Nigerian guys use when they want to ask women out:
1. The whistlers
Nigerian guys in this group are usually the touts and agberos you see around. They would rather hang around in groups and make noise when they see a pretty lady walk by. You will not even be sure of the one that has interest in the babe as they would keep making funny sounds with their mouths.
If you the lady looks in their direction, they would be inspired to throw lewd and bawdy remarks at her. If she ignores them, they would insult her and her generation.
2. The swagalicious bouncers
The Nigerian guys that fall within this group are so conscious of themselves. They believe in the have the confidence to walk up to any woman and ask her out. This confidence is not so far-fetched; having dressed in sagging jeans and some shirt with sneakers, they feel they are presentable enough for any girl to like and immediately fall for.
They however mess up the situation with the attitude they put up with it, they bounce and are so conscious of themselves to the point that they do not pay attention to what the ladies are saying.
3. Those who call you baby the first time
Some Nigerian guys do not know that women get turned off when they walk up to them for the first time and start to use words that are endearing on them. It makes them look cheap as the women keep wondering if they use these words for every woman they meet.
Those who call women ‘baby’ are usually business men who have goods on the high sea; they are boisterous and entice women with their assets.
4. The weaklings
The Nigerian guys you will find in this category are those who feel intimidated by women and their successes. They would stick around as friends until they gather enough momentum to tell the women about their feelings. They are usually afraid of being turned down and would tag along until they feel the women are starting to acknowledge them.
5. The smooth guys
Trust me when I say the Nigerian guys in this category are good; they are so smooth they would have you trip with the silliest remark they say. Whether they make sense or not, most girls would drop their guards when men like these approach them.
Which style do you Use? Mine is number five (5)
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How I Have Kept My Marriage growing For 10 Years – Singer Darey

Award winning R&B singer Dare Art Alade and his wife Deola Ayeni Art-Alade have been married for 10 years. In an industry where marriages crash per-minute, we thought to ask him the secret to his successful union that’s already blessed with two kids.

‘By just taking things easy, it’s the grace of God. Also, spending time with your family, it is important to realize what is important to you, put your family first. You have to protect your family and you keep answers to such questions very short. You don’t want to say too much, saying too much is unnecessary. It’s really nobody’s business. The tongue and teeth fight but still in the same mouth. Brothers and sister have arguments too. Nobody has a perfect relationship but it is how you manage yourself that is important. Once you start involving the public or different people, it gets a bit difficult. I didn’t get married because I want to count 50 years or what people will say about me, I got married for myself’ he said.

Reacting to a statement made by Flavour in 2016 where he said ‘it’s impossible to be in the industry and have a successful marriage’, Darey says, ‘what am I supposed to think? He was speaking for himself lol! He wasn’t talking about me. How do I answer the question when I am living in the situation? I am already an answer to the question. But away from that, there are lots of responsibility involved in marriage and if you are not ready for it, then you are not ready for it, but it is important to speak for yourself. You can’t generalize’.
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10 ways to know your girlfriend slept with another man

I know that many ladies will not like this thread but the truth is bitter they say. These are perfect signs that your girlfriend just tumbled beneath the sheets with someone else.
Note:- These signs don’t work for Badoos
1. She smells of Fluid
For those of us who have high sense of smell than that of a shark will attest to this. As for me, I can smell Fluid on a lady’s body even if she’s 100km away. This mostly happens when a lady fails to shower or clean up herself aftermath of the deed
2. She rushes to the bathroom
Just when your girlfriend returns from somewhere and the first thing she does is rush to the bathroom to clean up and sleep afterwards, something suspicious is happening.
3. She smiles sheepishly
The moment she sets her eyes on you after sleeping with someone else she will be smiling sheepishly even when situation does not warrant that smile. This may be due to guilty conscience.
4. She tries to avoid eyes contact with You
Another sign that your girlfriend just tumbled beneath the sheet with another dude is that she will avoid eyes contact with you during conversation. Try just to give her a suspicious look and you would notice discomfort printed on her face.
5. Her shirt looks Rough and Dirty
The region of the left and right side of her breast pockets will be slight rough and dirty since na that region guys dey squeeze pass. Though, this may only be visible when she’s putting on a white shirt. I noticed this when my friend’s visitor came out of his room yesterday.
6. She would turn down your advances
Just after she has made love with another person and you try to coerce her into love making, she won’t be excited to have intimacy with you. She will always look for an excuse telling you how tired she is, or she’s not in the mood.
7. She spends more time in the toilet
Let’s assume she normally poo poo for 10 minutes but one day she returns from somewhere and goes to the toilet and spends up to one hour shocked This shows that something is wrong which might be what we are talking about.
8. She starts nagging unnecessarily
She flares up the moment you ask what kept her so long. She will go mad telling you to stop getting her upset with you irrelevant question and that you don’t trust her to have asked such a question
9. Her lipstick is wiped off
Another way to know that she just got laid with someone else is that her lipstick will be wiped off. Let’s assume she applied heavy lipstick before going out and on returning back her heavily applied lipstick disappears, there’s high tendency that she has locked her lips with someone else.
10. Her make up is freshly applied
Another sign to watch out for is that her make-up is freshly applied. Her hair will be well packed, her clothes well adjusted and sprays perfume.
Person wey commot in the morning dey return back in the evening and the make-up is freshly applied.
This shows there’s possibility that she reapplied the make-up after the deed was done so that you won’t smell something.
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