Tuesday 6 December 2016

Unbelievable! Meet Teenage Boy Born With 26 Fingers And Toes (Photos)


A boy with 26 fingers and toes has left many people baffled as to how a man could grow such and be able to function well.
A teenage boy born with 26 fingers and toes has attracted attention because of his abnormality. He has now been nicknamed ‘Octopus’ by people.
The 14-year-old boy identified as Omar Martinez says he feels uncomfortable each time people try to stare at his fingers and toes.
Since the death of his parents, the teenage boy has been working hard to care for his sisters, cutting wood and doing menial jobs to survive while his mates are in school.
The boy from El Salvador in Central America has six fingers on each hand and seven toes on each foot. Doctors revealed the boy inherited it from his grandfather and grandfather.
However, the teenager uses his hands just like any other person and does his chores well.


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Meet The Nigerian Entrepreneur Who Rejected Job Offer From Bill Gates (See Why)


Chris Kwekowe, a young Nigerian entrepreneur reportedly turn down a job offer be a software engineer at Microsoft, owned by the richest man in the world, Bill Gates to begin his own start-up in Lagos.
The twenty-three years old Lagos university graduate proudly revealed this to Bill Gates during a television interview for Africa’s brightest young entrepreneurs in August 2016, according to Vanguard.
He said he did so, to build up his own website called Slatecube– a website aimed at curbing Nigeria`s unemployment problem.
“When I told him, Gates was intrigued and he smiled. After the programme, all the directors were like, ‘Dude, you mean you actually turned down a job at Microsoft and had the guts to tell Bill Gates?’”
According to reports, a survey of 90,000 young Nigerians which was done in January 2016 discovered that 45% of college graduates didn’t have jobs with key reason on lack of professional skills such as: critical thinking, entrepreneurship, and decision-making.
He noted that Slatecube seeks to solve that problem by nurturing the graduates through digital internships and so far, Slatecube has an 80% employment rate for its users. Companies that have used the platform, have saved over $100,000 in 2015 by hiring skilled, ready to work employees.
Chris who recently won the 2015 Anzisha Prize which came with a $25,000 cheque, is currently seeking investors and potential employers to use Slatecube in America and expected offices in Kenya, Ghana, and South Africa in 2017.
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Guys! Your Partner Is Less Likely To Cheat If You Do This One Thing Well In Bed


Scientists have discovered that if a man does this very well in bed, his partner is less likely to cheat.
A new report by Dailystar has revealed performing a certain sèx act could stop your partner from cheating.
According to scientists, a new study found that giving oral sèx is proven to stop ladies from straying – and the more they get the less likely they are to play away.
Researchers at Oakland University quizzed 243 heterosexual men in relationships to see whether they performed cunnilingus to make their partner feel more satisfied in the sack. They found that men are more likely to perform oral sèx if they think their partner is attractive and at risk of being seduced by another man.
Obviously keeping your partner happy isn’t just down to giving her great oral sèx, but according to scientists it helps alot.
The news comes after a recent study revealed there’s an “oral sex gap” between women giving and receiving. According to a new survey called “Was it good for you too?” men are more likely to receive oral sèx but not return the favour.
The study found that 63% of lads said they’d received oral during their last sexual encounter compared to just 44% of women.
Researchers also discovered that more ladies (59%) than men (52%) reported performing oral sex on their partner.
But it’s not necessarily down to guys being selfish between the sheets.
The authors reckon it actually comes down to women feeling sensitive about being “unclean” down there.
They said: “Women indicated that they would not be comfortable receiving oral sex from a partner unless they had just finished showering/bathing, due to feelings of self-consciousness about the way they smelled.
“This interfered with their ability to focus on their own pleasure and led to feelings of anxiety when receiving oral sex was a possibility.”
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Na Wa Oh! Parents Threaten To Disown Their Daughter For Selling Her Virginity To Raise Money


A teenage girl who made the decision to sell her virginity for £850,000 to help her family and her parents have said they do not need the money.
Parents of 18-year-old girl, Aleexandra Khefren said they would disown the girl if she goes through with the plan.
In a recent interview,Aleexandra said, “I was 15 and said maybe I can do this too with my virginity. And I looked it up on the internet and saw some girls who sold themselves for €3.5million or more. Many girls lost their virginity and after that, maybe after many years they break up so it’s not worth it.
“I live in a very poor country, so I need to help my parents and buy them a home. I’m just looking at it strictly business, not emotional. I think it will be alright, I will just drink a glass of wine and it will go through.
“I will not think about it, I know the cost, I know what I’m doing it for, not the actual thing.”
Aleexandra claims her parents need the money and she is doing it for them.
Her mother and father have come out to say they don not need the money and do not understand why their daughter would want to do that.
The teenage girl disclosed that she got the idea when she was 15 after watching the movie, Indecent Proposal.
Her mother burst into tears while her father was disgusted when they heard.
Her uncle said, “They have begged her not to do it, but she told them, ‘I’m 18 and I can do what I like with my body’. They have threatened her and said if she goes ahead with selling herself they will not consider her their daughter anymore. It is a terrible situation. Her mother was in tears and it was a terrible atmosphere. Just awful.”
Aleexandra claimed she wanted to sell her virginity so she can buy her parents a house as they will soon be evicted from their current home. The parents have denied this claims, saying they are comfortable.
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