Sunday 2 October 2016

Gbese Re Ooo!! Despite The Hype, IPhone 7s Exploded (See Photos)

The question is who copied who? Samsung is likely most famous for being an Apple copycat. After all, the company was sued repeatedly by Apple for stealing its technology and designs.
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 has been famous for causing series of untimely explosions in the past few weeks due to battery issues.
The same unforeseen forces that landed on Samsung Galaxy Note 7 have also landed on iPhone 7 Plus as reported by a user who ordered iphone 7 Plus in China.
According to the Reddit user, a co-worker pre-ordered the iPhone 7 Plus and was excited to get it, only to be greeted by an exploded phone.
See Photos Below:-
“Something happened between the factory and delivery,” is all the phone’s owner had to say in his thread on Reddit.
Apple is yet to respond to the situation…
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Check Out The 9 Signs That The ‘Nice Guy’ Isn’t Actually That Nice

Finding a nice guy without red flags is a priority for a woman, as you venture into relationships. But the unfortunate “nice guy syndrome” happens when you’ve been duped into thinking you’ve met a nice and genuine man who ends up being a major man-hood. Here are some signs that he might not be as kind-hearted as he’s making himself out to be.
1. He feels the need to bring up constant reminders of how nice he is – as if he always is trying to prove something. Generally, people that are faking it tend to go the extra mile, in that sense.
2. He compares himself to other guys who are assholes, and makes himself a saint in comparison. Yeah, right. Especially a red flag if he talks about how frustrating it is that girls always fall for “the bad guy”. Yup, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
3. He lets you decide everything. This might seem cute in the beginning, but the inability to make his own decisions, and always agrees with you means that he’s suffering not just from nice guy syndrome, but lost boy syndrome, an equally annoying situation to face as a woman.
4. He talks shit about his exes – showing he’s clearly not the bigger person. A mature and nice guy knows not to talk badly about his ex and convince that he’s some sort of pitiful victim. He’ll probably talk shit about you once you break up as well!
5. Or he talks badly about other women generally. If he’s willing to talk shit and engage in petty cattiness with you rather than trying to get you to simmer down and namaste, that gossipy trait might mean he’s not so nice after all.
6. He avoids confrontation, but in a passive aggressive way. He tries to stay neutral, but it costs your needs and desires. He ends up avoiding with disagreements rather than dealing with them head-on, as you need to with a partner.
7. When things don’t go his way, it’s a my way or the highway attitude, this inability to compromise means that he’s really not a nice guy.
8. He has been in the friend zone a lot, and refers to it as the friend zone. Men who feel sorry for themselves when their platonic girl friends don’t have reciprocated females use the words “friend zone” and are prime example of male fragility.
9. He does and says a lot under the guide of humor, including making excuses. If you see him making rude comments or playfully commenting on how you take things too seriously, that funny gene might just be an a*****e gene.
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SO SAD!!! How Hundreds Died During ‘Peaceful’ Protest

Dozens have been killed and injured in Ethiopia’s Oromia region after security forces confronted protesters at a festival, witnesses say.
Some people died in a panicked stampede after police employed tear gas and baton charges, they said.
Thousands had gathered for a religious festival in Bishoftu, 40km (25 miles) from the capital Addis Ababa.
Some reports said police responded after anti-government protesters threw stones and bottles. Others said demonstrators were entirely peaceful.
Ethiopia’s government said in a statement that “lives were lost”, adding: “Those responsible will face justice”.
An Oromo activist, Jawar Mohamed, is quoted as saying nearly 300 people were killed and many more injured. He said troops and a helicopter gunship had opened fire, driving people off a cliff and into a lake.

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Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki resumption date.

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The Ebonyi State University Abakaliki finally announces their resumption date,  10th October 2016....................The Univerity wishes both the Returning and the Freshers all the best this semester.
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