Wednesday 9 November 2016

Here Is What Unmarried Men Are Thinking At Different Life Stages, What Stage Are You In?

We have to admit it, romantic relationships have a lot of bearing in our life plans.

There are countless articles and stories online about how women react to being unmarried at different ages and stages. Most would make the wrong assumptions that only women go through such anxiety but it is not true.

Let’s take a look at these different stages and how men approach them.

18 to 23

Although they are nearly leaving their teenage years, most guys in this stage are often still like randy teenagers. Their approach to women is still immature and they can be very irrational. Settling down is far down their list so trying to make something stable with guys like these would only end in disaster.

24 to 29

Though a little more matured, these guys are still sowing their wild oats. They are very unlikely to be monogamous or turn down attention from the womenfolk. So, marriage-minded ladies should simply keep off lest they become a baby mama for an unserious dude.

30 to 35

At this age, men are starting to become more responsible when it comes to romantic dealings. With family members hinting at them that it’s time they settled down, and their friends already building homes, it is likely that they are now thinking along those lines. They might even be able to recognise what they want in a woman and have met that one special one.

36 to 40

This is the wife-hunting stage. Men, at this point, have one goal. To find themselves a good woman. Whoever they meet is a potential mate. They no longer have the time for girlfriend shenanigans. They are surrounded by friends who have not only gotten married but are settling down with kids. They avoid family functions to keep away from the stigma of being single.

40 to 49

Any man still single at this age must have a reason. Most single men at this age are probably widowers or divorcees. If they have never been married, it is most likely because they simply do not want to. If it is due to circumstances, then know that these men are desperate to settle down. They might not approach women with as much vibrancy as they did as youths. They would, however, be glad for any good lady who comes up to them.

50 and above

If he is not a priest, widower or divorcee and he is single at this age, then, this is the point where we all simply just give up on him.

What stage are you in?
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See The 9 Things Donald Trump Has Promised He Will Do First As US President (See Here)

The billionaire businessman, Donald Trump has been elected as the 45th president of the United States of America.

Trump made several promises while campaigning to become the leader of the free world that would drastically change U.S. policy.

One of his promises is that as president he will make America great again.

Shortly after the 70-year-old was declared winner of the US election, the president-elect gave a victory speech in New York where he promised what he is going to do on first day in office.

Here are 10 things Trump said he would do on his first day in office:

1. “Convene his top generals and inform them they have 30 days to come up with a plan to stop ISIS.”

2. “Repeal Obamacare and undo some of Obama’s executive orders.”

3. “Begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from the country.”

4. “Notify all countries that refuse to take back dangerous illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in this country that they will lose access to visa programs if they continue to do so.”

5. “Fix the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

6. “Call the heads of major companies who are moving operations oversea to inform them that they’ll face 35 percent tariffs.”

READ ALSO: Nigerians react to Donald Trump winning the US elections

7. “Start taking care of the military.”

8. “Suspend Syrian refugee resettlement.”

9. “Meet with Homeland Security officials and generals to begin securing the southern border.”
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See The 5 Crazy Things Couples Do When They Become Comfortable With Each Other (Choose Yours)

When the newness of a relationship wears off, and the lovers fall into a pattern of intimacy, how does this affect their relationship?

Many times, what happens at this stage is that the partners get far away from the awkwardness that is usually common at the beginning of the relationship.

Each partner knows what the other likes already; they also know the boundaries of each other’s temperaments. In short, they know all about each other.

This is actually a very good stage to be in, as it suggests that the relationship lasted long enough for understanding to blossom.

What are the crazy things that couples might do at this stage? [Emphasis on the word crazy]

1. Let out ‘gas’ in presence of the other

Some partners actually believe that if the other has not done this in their presence, he/she is still hiding something from them.

Crazy, yeah? But it is actually a gauge for closeness and intimacy.

2. Play fighting

This actually needs no explanation, except to say that it does not happen without a certain deep level of intimacy.

3. Ridiculous nicknames

This is really reserved for really playful, close partners, and most times, the crazier the nickname, the likelier it is that the partners are very intimate.

4. Jokeful insults

Surely Nigerians in relationships must understand this very well.

“See your head like Badagry coconut.” We all know this is not really an insult, It is a word of endearment.

5. Brutal honesty

Simply because by this stage, you both are too close to be mincing words on serious matters.

You just say it as it is.

Choose Yours

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See Gobe!!! Kenyan Women Protest Poor Bedroom Performance Of Their Husbands And Failure To Get Them Pregnant

Women in Kenya, Ndeiya ward say their drunkard husbands are unable to sire children and they may look elsewhere for sober bedmates.

The women who are from Ndeiya ward, said instead of minding the home-front to allow babies come, their husbands prefer to leave the house to drink alcohol all day.

Speaking during a peaceful protest at Thigio shopping centre on, the demonstrators said younger women are the worst affected as they are “unproductive”.

“If you walk in this village, you will find so many young married women, but only a few are pregnant. Those who are not are suffering in silence because their men cannot perform,” resident Nancy Wangari said.

She said men have been drinking anything alcoholic to keep them high, but society bears the consequences of sexual dysfunction.

“It would not be a wonder if we start looking for men to sire our children. Our husbands will not know anything. We will trick them that the pregnancies are theirs and they will support us,” Wangari said.
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