Sunday 1 October 2017

Presidency lists 57 achievements of Buhari’s administration

The Presidency on Saturday listed 57 achievements recorded by President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration in the last two and half years.
The achievements, according to a statement by the Senior Special Assistant on media and publicity, Laolu Akande included Release of 106 Chibok girls, as well as over 16,000 persons in Boko Haram captivity.
Also on security was Tackling insurgency, decimation of Boko Haram in the North East.
Recovering 14 local governments and territories previously under Boko Haram control in the North East, rebuilding lives of citizens there; about one million displaced persons in the NE have returned to their communities in two years of this administration.
Curbing the incidence of kidnap across the country. (Arrest of kidnap kingpins and dismantling of kidnap cells across the country)
Restoring morale of the Nigerian military; re-organizing and better equipping the Nigerian Armed Forces.
Purchase of 12 Super-Tucano aircrafts worth $600 million to aid the Nigerian military’s current operations in the North East.
Ensuring continued peace in the Niger Delta through consistent funding of the FG amnesty programme for ex-militants.
Introduction of an improved mechanism for distribution of aid to IDPs in the North East through the establishment of the Special Intervention Programme of the Federal Government. (Door-to-door strategy)
On economy, the achievements are Implementing the National Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) to aid economic recovery, taking the country out of her worst recession in 29 years, despite fall in oil prices.
N1.2 trillion expended on capital/infrastructure projects nationwide, a milestone in the nation’s history.
Effective implementation of the Treasury Single Account, and increasing government revenue by over N3 trillion as well as entrenching transparency and accountability.
Implementation of the Bank Verification Number (BVN), thus tackling corruption by plugging loopholes for siphoning of public fund and tracking of illicit funds through multiple accounts
Ease of doing business: the Federal Government signed into law two bills from the National Assembly (Acts are the Secured Transactions in Movable Assets Act, 2017 (otherwise known as Collateral Registry Act) and the Credit Reporting Act, 2017) which has facilitated access to more affordable credit for Nigerians, fast tracked budget submissions and promotes Made-in-Nigeria products.
Establishment of the Presidential Quarterly Business Forum to enhance interaction and private sector participation in the development of the economy.
Institutionalizing E-governance setting the foundation for the creation of a truly digital economy.
Creation of opportunities for youths to leverage innovation in technology through the introduction of the Aso Villa Demo Day (AVDD) through which over N700 million has been disbursed to young entrepreneurs.
The revitalization of the Made-in-Nigeria campaign. (Emphasis on consumption of local products gain grounds)
Implementing reforms in the civil service which has led to the elimination of over 30,000 ghost workers, thereby saving the country billions of naira monthly.
Massive investments in agriculture, e.g, Anchors Borrowers Programme to improve local produce, improving fertiliser distribution and access across states through the Presidential Fertilizer Initiative.
Reduction in rice imports as a result of government’s policies that has encouraged massive rice production across Nigeria.
Improving transport infrastructure (rail and road); construction work ongoing on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, renovation of Abuja International Airport runway, completion of Abuja – Kaduna Railway among others.
Social Investment Programmes (SIP): N-Power Volunteer Scheme creating jobs for over 200,000 (and still counting) unemployed graduates in all the 36 states and the FCT.
SIP: Ongoing Government Enterprise and Empowerment (GEEP) Scheme; commenced in November 2016 in collaboration with the Bank of Industry, where soft loans ranging from N10, 000 to N100, 000 have been given to over 189,000 market women and traders across different states.
SIP: Home Grown School Feeding Programme, where almost three million schoolchildren have been fed, while tens of thousands of cooks have been engaged in their respective states.
SIP: Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) scheme, under which about 25,000 less privileged Nigerians so far are now being funded with the monthly N5,000 stipend in 9 pilot States (Bauchi, Borno, Cross Rivers, Ekiti, Kwara, Kogi, Niger, Osun and Oyo). More beneficiaries are expected to be added in more states.
The establishment of MSMEs Clinics, a small Business support programme to support entrepreneurs and small businesses in different states.
Establishment of One-Stop-Shops to support policies on Ease of Doing Business.
The take-off of the 2nd Niger Bridge.
Phasing out subsidy for petroleum products, elimination of fuel scarcity and queues in petrol stations.
Implementation of the FG Niger Delta new vision, a comprehensive road map to improve livelihood and social infrastructure.
Improved power generation nationwide adding $500million to Nigeria’s sovereign wealth fund and about $87million to its excess crude account.
The creation of the N30billion Solid Minerals Development Fund.
Encouraging the patronage of local contents and increasing export in agriculture.
Signing of Executive Order 001 which is the promotion of transparency and efficiency in the business environment – to ensure that public servants offer prompt service in a predictable and transparent manner, and sanction undue delays.
Signing of Executive Order 002 which is on prompt submission of annual budgetary estimates by all statutory and non-statutory agencies of the Federal Government including incorporated companies wholly owned by FG.
Bailout of cash crunch states; about N689 billion to 27 states of the federation to pay salaries in 2015.
Complete refund of Paris loan deductions to states (unprecedented).
Implementing the 2011 UNEP report for the ongoing Ogoni clean-up process after decades of oil spills and pollution.
Modification of the tax system so that it is more efficient.
Reforms in the airports (reconstruction of the Abuja airport runway and ongoing work at the Lagos airport).
Reforms at the nation’s seaports (Issues with cargo clearance at the ports addressed)
Improved duration (under 48 hours) for visa approval especially for investors.
Resuscitation of the nation’s refineries which are now working at 50 percent capacity for the first time in over a decade.
Eleven of the dead 33 fertilizer plants have been resuscitated while four others are to be revived shortly and this has profound impact on the ongoing revolution in the agricultural sector.
For the first time in more than 45 years, the Mambila Power Plant is set to take off with the allocation of $5.6billion for its realization and an expected 3,050 MW output upon completion.
Increasing external reserves to a 13 month high of $33 billion from $29.13 billion which has surpassed the ERGPs target of $30.56 billion despite global low oil prices and production challenges.
Cancellation of the Joint Venture cash calls with oil multinational companies operating in Nigeria (For the first time in the history of the industry) which has led to savings of billions of dollars lost to fictitious contract payments.
Release of N2 billion take off grant for the Maritime University as part of measures to address agitations in the Niger Delta region.
The new development bank of Nigeria (DBN) is finally taking off with initial funding of $1.3billion (provided by the World Bank, German Development Bank, African Development Bank, Agence Francaise De Development) to provide medium and long term loans to MSMEs.
On the anti-graft battle, the presidency listed the following as achievements: Improving Nigeria’s international image and regional cooperation with neighbouring countries in fighting insurgency.
 Anti-corruption war: Prosecuting alleged corrupt public officers and recovering billions of naira of stolen public funds; the successful establishment of the whistle-blower policy.
Signing of Executive Order 004 – Voluntary Income Asset Declaration Scheme (VAIDS). This aims to increase tax awareness and compliance, and reduce incidence of tax evasion.
Signing of agreements with a number of nations to provide Automatic Exchange of Information.
Signing of the Extradition Treaty between Nigeria and United Arab Emirates (UAE) toward strengthening Nigeria’s anti-corruption campaign.
Establishment of PACAC – a think-tank that has provided leadership, direction and also built capacity of personnel in the fight against corruption.
Health achievements are Eradication of polio disease in the country.
The introduction of the One Primary Health Centre per ward programme of the Federal Government.
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President Muhammadu Buhari’s Independence Broadcast 2017(Full Text)

October 1st remains a special date for all Nigerians as this marks the day when we attained one of the most precious of human desires — freedom.
Over the years the country has gone through trials and tribulations, but October 1st is always a day for celebrations.
It is a day for thanks giving, reflection and re-dedication.
It is also a day for remembrance. We should remind ourselves of the recent journey from 1999 – 2015, when our country happily returned to democratic rule.
 However, in spite of oil prices being an average of $100 per barrel and about 2.1m barrels a day, that great piece of luck was squandered and the country’s social and physical infrastructure neglected.
We were left with no savings and huge infrastructure deficit.
The APC Government’s Campaign rallying cry to restore security, re-balance the economy and fight corruption was not all rhetoric.
The country must first be secured. The economy must be re-balanced so that we do not depend on oil alone. We must fight corruption which is Nigeria’s Number One Enemy. Our Administration is tackling these tasks in earnest.
In the past two years, Nigeria has recorded appreciable gains in political freedom. A political Party at the Centre losing elections of State Governor, National Assembly seat and even State Assemblies to the opposition parties is new to Nigeria. Added to these are complete freedom to associate, to hold and disseminate opinions. Such developments clearly attest to the country’s growing political development. But like all freedoms, this is open to abuse.
Recent calls on re-structuring, quite proper in a legitimate debate, has let in highly irresponsible groups to call for dismemberment of the country. We can not and we will not allow such advocacy.
As a young Army Officer, I took part from the beginning to the end in our tragic civil war costing about 2m lives, resulting in fearful destruction and untold suffering. Those who are agitating for a re-run were not born by 1967 and have no idea of the horrendous consequences of the civil conflict which we went through.
I am very disappointed that responsible leaders of these communities do not warn their hot-headed youths what the country went through. Those who were there should tell those who were not there, the consequences of such folly.
At all events, proper dialogue and any desired constitutional changes should take place in a rational manner, at the National and State Assemblies. These are the proper and legal fora for National debate, not some lop-sided, un-democratic body with pre-determined set of objectives.
Government is keeping up the momentum of dialogue with stakeholders in the Niger Delta to keep the peace. We intend to address genuine grievances of the communities.
Government is grateful to the responsible leadership of those communities and will pursue lasting peace in the Niger Delta.
On security, Nigerians must be grateful to our gallant Armed Forces for rolling back the frontiers of Boko Haram’s terrorism, defeating them and reducing them to cowardly attacks on soft and vulnerable targets.
Nigeria is grateful to its neighbours and the international community for the collective efforts to defeat this world-wide menace of terrorism.
Not even the most organized and most equipped police and security forces in the world can escape the menace of modern day terrorism, as we have seen in recent years in Europe and other parts of the world.
But we are not letting up. Our Armed Forces in an effort to enhance the operational capability of troops of OPERATION LAFIYA DOLE have established Mobile Strike Teams in the North East. These will ensure the final push to wipe out the remnants of Boko Haram.
In addition, through targeted air strikes most of the leadership and identified logistics bases and routes of the insurgents have been neutralized. The Armed Forces have established a Naval presence in the Lake Chad Basin as part of the coordinated military efforts to curtail the movements or re-emergence of the sect in the area.
Government is working round the clock to ensure release of the remaining Chibok girls, as well as other persons in Boko Haram captivity. Government will continue to support the Armed Forces and other security agencies to fight not only terrorism, but kidnapping, armed robberies, herdsmen/farmers violence and to ensure peace, stability and security in our country.
With respect to the economy, the Government has remained pro-active in its diversification policy. The Federal Government’s agricultural Anchor Borrowers Programme, which I launched in November 2015, has been an outstanding success with:
· N43.92 billion released through the CBN and 13 participating institutions,
· 200,000 small holder farmers from 29 states of the federation benefitting,
· 233,000 hectares of farmland cultivating eight commodities, namely Rice, Wheat, Maize, Cotton, soya-beans, Poultry, Cassava and Groundnuts, in addition to fish farming.
These initiatives have been undertaken in close collaboration with the states. I wish to commend the efforts of the Governors of Kebbi, Lagos, Ebonyi and Jigawa States for their support to the rice and fertilizer revolutions.
Equally commendable are contributions of the Governors of Ondo, Edo, Delta, Imo, Cross River, Benue, Ogun, Kaduna and Plateau States for their support for the Presidential initiative for palm oil, rubber, cashew, cassava, potatoes and others crops.
With the abundance of rainfall last year and this year, agriculture has enjoyed Divine intervention.
Since December last year, this Administration has produced over 7 million 50Kg bags of fertilizer. Eleven blending plants with a capacity of 2.1 million metric tons have been reactivated. We have saved $150 million in foreign exchange and N60 billion in subsidy. Fertilizer prices have dropped from N13,000 per 50Kg bag to N5,500.
Furthermore, a new presidential initiative is starting with each state of the Federation creating a minimum of 10,000 jobs for unemployed youths, again with the aid of CBN’s development finance initiatives.
Power remains a huge problem. As of September 12th, production of power reached an all — time high of 7,001 Megawatts. Government is increasing its investment, clearing up the operational and financial log jam bedeviling the industry. We hope to reach 10,000 Megawatts by 2020.
Key priorities include better energy mix through solar and Hydro technologies. I am glad to say that after many years of limbo, Mambilla Power Project has taken off.
Elsewhere in the economy the special window created for manufacturers, investors and exporters, foreign exchange requirements has proved very effective. Since April, about $7 billion has come through this window alone. The main effect of these policies is improved confidence in the economy and better investment sentiments.
The country has recorded 7 consecutive months of lower inflation, Naira rate is beginning to stabilize, appreciating from N525 per $1 in  February this year to N360 today. Broad-based economic growth is leading us out of recession.
Furthermore, in order to stabilize the polity, the Federal Government gave additional support to states in the form of:
·State Excess Crude Account loans,
·Budget Support Facility,
·Stabilization Fund Release
to state and local government as follows:
·N200 billion in 2015
·N441 billion in 2016
·N1 trillion in 2017
Altogether totaling N1.642 trillion.
This was done to enable states to pay outstanding salaries, pensions and small business suppliers who had been all but crippled over the years.
In addition, the Government’s current N500 billion Special Intervention Programme is targeting groups through;
· Home Grown School Feeding Programme,
· N-Power Job creation to provide loans to small-scale traders and artisans,
· Conditional Cash Transfer,
·Family Homes Fund and
·Social Housing Scheme
Fellow Nigerians,
We are fully aware that fighting corruption was never going to be a straightforward task. We expected corrupt elements to use any weapon to fight back, mainly judicial obstruction and political diversion. But we are determined to eradicate corruption from our body politic.
In this fight, the Government has:
·Empowered teams of prosecutors,
·Assembled detailed databases,
·Accelerated the recovery of stolen funds
The Administration’s new institutional reforms include:
·Enforcing Treasury Single Account,
·Whistle-Blowers Policy,
·Integrated Payroll Personnel and Information System
We have signed multi-lateral cooperation agreements on criminal matters with friendly countries. There are signs of increasing cooperation from the Judiciary. Recently the Chief Justice of the Federation directed Heads of all our Courts of first instance and Appeal to accelerate hearings of corruption cases and dismiss any judicial officers found to have been compromised.
Justice Salami has just been appointed to chair the Judiciary’s anti-graft committee. Government expects a lot from this Committee.
I commend the National Assembly for refocusing on its oversight committees. They should, in addition, ensure swift passage of enabling corruption laws. But fighting corruption is a bottom to top operation. I call on all Nigerians to combat corruption at every turn. By not asking for and refusing to accept a bribe, by reporting unethical practices or by blowing a whistle, together we can beat corruption. The government for its part will work for accountability at all levels – Federal, State and Local Governments. CHANGE will then be real.
As we enter the second half of our term of office, we intend to accelerate progress and intensify our resolve to fix the country’s challenges and problems.
Thank you and a happy holiday to all of you.
God bless our country
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Nigeria@57: Power remains a huge problem – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari says power remains a huge problem to the country despite the fact that energy production has reached an all time high of 7,001 Megawatts as of Sept 12.
President Buhari stated this in his broadcast to mark Nigeria’s 57thindependence anniversary on Sunday in Abuja.
He, however, saidd that government was increasing its investment, clearing up the operational and financial log jam bedevilling the sector.
President Buhari also announced that a new presidential initiative that would create a minimum of 10,000 jobs for unemployed youths across 36 states of the federation and Federal Capital Territory (FCT) would be soon inaugurated with the aid of CBN’s development finance initiatives.
He noted with delight that the country had recorded seven consecutive months of lower inflation.
“Naira rate is beginning to stabilize, appreciating from N525 to one dollar in February this year to N360 today.
“Broad-based economic growth is leading us out of recession.
“Elsewhere in the economy the special window created for manufacturers, investors and exporters, foreign exchange requirements have proved very effective. Since April, about seven billion dollars has come through this window alone.
“The main effect of these policies is improved confidence in the economy and better investment sentiments.’’
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Poem Written by OAU students for Independence day

The National Association of English and Literary Studies (NASELS), Obafemi Awolowo University Chapter on the Sunday October 1 celebrated the  independence day with different poems  under the theme Tears Of Laughter.
These are the poems rendered by different poets and poetess;
*Buaha Dansabe Kuni*
Every Octo-first, with the heart inside us burning,
We laugh, though, with our conscience mourning.
*Nwude Princess Ifeoma*
The Giant at Fifty-seven!
Where on earth is your Haven?
*Adekunle David:*
In You flow the tears of the patriots,
Our fears and cries are your introits.
*Owolabi Damilare*
Nigeria: our green is gone,
And our prided white is torn.
*Adeyemo E. Oluwatosin:*
The truth we pose to hate today;
lie we will paint as fate someday.
Now, all hail the giant of Africa!
Oh dearest Goliath, behold your replica.
*Akinfenwa Olaitan!*
Failures compiled, Nigeria wobbles, helplessly.
Fatally crippled, she stands, Independently.
*Popoola Faith Oluwabusayomi:*
Freedom we say,
Not to doom or destruction,
But for the future to fusion,
For our lost harmony to gain.
*Ogunlusi Ifefikayomi Oreoluwa:*
Nigeria, thou art a great and blessed country among nations,​
Nigeria, thou art full of visionary leaders and enthusiastic creations.​
*Ovbokhan Okuonghae:*
Nigeria; the depraved of the brave
Nigeria; ace in prevarication graves.
*Jacob Timothy. O:*
Nigeria! Land of meek and Onions
Onion leader, meek followers.
*Adeife Victor:*
Nigeria; the gold that rushed out of the quarry.
Nigeria; the dwarf that declined growing fat with merry.
*Owoeye Rebecca Odunayo*
Nigeria a land where positions are struggled to attain
One country, with various tribes contain.
*Olawoye Boluwatife E.:*
Nigeria; a domain where suffering masses enjoy crumb
Nigeria; leaders in affluence aware plays dumb
*Opaaje Alexander Damilola:*
This promise land of many decades
Let’s call the saints’ interventions for our aids
*Adebobuyi philip (Philipology):*
Nigeria; No! Dusk’s bells toll…
Will we gauge those falling pillars
Wouldn’t we bite our sandy fingers…?
*Akinremi Damola*
Our leaders must realize that the law for self-enrichment is not the key,
But everyone’s enrichment is what should be the Will.
About the poets and poetess
*Buah Dansabe Kuni* is a young thriving writer who cries with the pen daily, aiming to amend the odds of the society. Studies English language at OAU.
*Nwude Princess Ifeoma* is an  English language student of OAU. A poetess, Speechwriter and Public speaker.
*Adekunle David* is a student at the department of English, OAU.
*Owolabi Damilare* is the current General Secretary of Nasels-OAU chapter, a poet, and an oap at Greatfm 94.5.
*Adeyemo E. Oluwatosin* is a budding tree of poetry, studies  literature in English at Obafemi Awolowo University.
*Ruthie* is a 200l student of the Department of English, OAU. She’s an aesthete.
*Akinfenwa Olaitan* is a 300level student of the Department of English, OAU. She’s a budding fine writer.
*Popoola Faith Oluwabusayomi*
Is a student of English in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife who fall for writing.
*Ogunlusi Ifefikayomi Oreoluwa* is a student of Department of English, OAU.  A blogger, a poet and a PR.
*Ovbokhan Okuonghae* is a final year student of mass communication, University of Benin. A poet and inspirational speaker.
*Jacob Timothy o.* is a student of history department, 300 level obafemi Awolowo university ile-ife, osun state.
*Adeife Victor* is a graduate of mechanical engineering. He’s a writer, graphics and engineering designer.
*Owoeye Rebecca Odunayo*
is a student of Department of English, OAU. A writer, a poet and a speaker
*Olawoye Boluwatife.E.* He is a student of the department of English *OAUIFE.*A poet.
*Opaaje Alexander Damilola* is a student in English department, OAU. He’s well known for his literary prowess in literature for being a poet and an orator.
*Adebobuyi philip (Philipology)*
is a student of the department of Linguistics and African languages, Oau. A poet,a political analyst and a publicist.
*Akinremi Damola* is a student of Obafemi Awolowo University,
Department of philosophy and his a poet.
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