Wednesday 19 April 2017

Oil Prices Fall to 11-day Low on US Shale Output Surge

Ejiofor Alike with agency reports
Crude oil prices fell on Tuesday, hitting their lowest in 11 days as a United States Government report said shale oil output in May was expected to post the biggest monthly increase in more than two years.
At a time when the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other producing nations have been trying to cut output, government drilling data showed US shale production next month was set to rise to 5.19 million barrels per day (bpd).
Reuters reported that shale output from the Permian play, the country’s largest shale region, was expected to reach a record 2.36 million bpd.
Global benchmark Brent crude futures fell 11 cents, trading at $55.25 a barrel, while Brent touched $54.76 intraday, its lowest since April 7.
US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose one cent to $52.66 a barrel, with their intraday low as $52.14, also the weakest since April 7.
The US Energy Information Administration “estimates for a combined 124,000 barrels-per-day growth in US shale production over May have added another bearish element to the market,” Reuters quoted analysts at JBC Energy, based in Vienna, as saying.
More barrels could be on their way to the market from U.S. shale fields as financial companies are investing billions in production, a Reuters analysis showed.
Members of the OPEC are cutting oil production by 1.2 million bpd from January 1 for six months, the first reduction in eight years.
The Energy Minister of the United Arab Emirates said he saw healthy oil demand growth this year and believed inventories would fall, but it would take more time to rebalance the market.
He said “conformity” within OPEC and other producers was improving and that the UAE was complying 100 per cent with its pledge to cut production.
OPEC leader, Saudi Arabia, tightened February crude oil exports to the lowest since mid-2015, official data showed yesterday.
A preliminary Reuters poll showed analysts expected data to show US crude oil stocks fell in the week to April 14, building on a surprise decline the previous week.
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Southern Kaduna killings: We hold El-Rufai responsible – Catholic Church

The Catholic Diocese of Kafanchan in Jema’a local government area of Kaduna State, has blamed the killings in Southern Kaduna on Governor Nasir El-Rufai.
They accused him of taking sides with the suspected killer Fulani herdsmen.
Bishop of Kafanchan Diocese, Most Revd. Dr. Joseph Danlami Bagobiri, said, “Governor El-Rufai has in most cases seemed to have abdicated his responsibility of being Governor to them all, and instead gave in to the luxury of waging an unrelenting media campaign against Southern Kaduna people.”

The Catholic Bishop in a terse statement he issued on Tuesday, said, “The sole aim of these attacks is to conquer our people and occupy their lush lands and turning same into grazing fields for the marauding nomads. The Governor of Kaduna State is pursuing this detestable policy by his plan to forcefully take over lands in Southern Kaduna and turn same to Grazing Reserves and Routes for his kinsmen.
Bagobiri who is also the Chairman, Southern Kaduna Christian Elders Association, stated categorically that, “He (El-Rufai), unabashedly takes sides with the armed herdsmen (His kinsmen) thereby failing in his responsibility as a true statesman, becoming therefore a biased umpire who blames and criminalizes Southern Kaduna victims as the cause of the mayhem.”
“To show Government’s insensitivity on this volatile matter, there are ongoing expansionist plans to annex more land to the already existing grazing reserves at Ladduga in Ikulu Chiefdom of Zangon Kataf Local Government area and transmute that locality from being a district into an emirate.”
According to Bishop Bagobiri, “On 15th April 2017, at about 7:00 pm, an attack was launched by Fulani militias in Asso village, Jema’a local government area of Kaduna state. The attack came when the people were in the church for Easter vigil celebration. The killers took advantage of the event by sporadically shooting at the faithful killing at least 12 persons on the spot with many injured.
“The attitude of the state government has been marred by lots of complicity and bias which exacerbated rather than ameliorated tensions. The Governor has made several efforts in the media to discredit figure of casualties that were arrived at through painstaking research, and is known for trying to change the true narrative by presenting the victims as the villain and the aggressors as the prey.
“The Governor has the penchance of using state apparatus to insult, denigrate, intimidate, arrest and put in prison all voices of reason from Southern Kaduna who dare to challenge his handling of this crisis. Among those that have fallen victims of his tyranny are: traditional rulers, journalists, youths, political leaders, academicians, while threatening our lawyers and other leaders (Religious and Unions) with arrest for daring to speak out against the genocide.
“The primary responsibility of government as enshrined in the constitution is the protection of life and property of citizens irrespective of ethnic and/or religious persuasion. Any breach of this fundamental principle of social contract contravenes the very reason for which Government exist for.
“Because of government’s inability to serve as an un-biased umpire in the face of these crises, we are sometimes tempted to belief that there is a well-planned Jihad against the people of Southern Kaduna, and Christians generally in Northern Nigeria as this is amply demonstrated by the incessant attacks and atrocities committed against the aborigines of the Middle Belt region in Northern Nigeria.
“The killings continue unabatedly in fields and bushes, thereby preventing farmers from visiting and cultivating their lands. This is happening today as the Military and other security forces mount road blocks in towns and major roads while bushes remain un-safe for farming.
“In the Godogodo and Pasakori attacks in Jemaá Local government area for example, the military merely watched and supervised the killings and burning of homes on the pretext that their mandate did not include fighting the herdsmen.
“When the youth mobilized themselves to repel the attackers, the soldiers deliberately blocked them from entering the town. The herdsmen and their collaborators turned the towns into killing fields and killed mostly women, children and the elderly who couldn’t run for cover.
“The level of barbarity was such that pregnant women got their wombs blown out and massacred before their children. And these innocent children were not spared either. This level of viciousness was never witnessed even in the brutal tyranny and regime of Adolf Hitler.
“What is most intriguing is the level of sophistication of weapons; Ak 47, Machine Guns and many other deadly instruments of death are being freely used by the herdsmen, leaving wondering how these weapons got to their hands.
“The governor has described the Fulanis as vindictive and un-forgiven people. This may simply be the projection of the Governor’s own mindset to an entire people. Our experience living with Fulanis for decades does not prove this. The indigenous communities of Southern Kaduna have been living peacefully with the Fulani herdsmen who came to join them as neighbors until the architects of the view that the average Fulani man is vindictive and un-forgiving came into power.
“The mayhem and killing with impunity in Southern Kaduna and the Middle Belt region and beyond by the Fulani herdsmen, using sophisticated weapons is a recent development fueled by this kind of philosophy. To present any person or group of persons as revengeful and to go ahead to support and sponsor a praxis of retaliation as we are witnessing in Kaduna State today, is not only a detestable behavior but an evil mentality that will not engender social cohesion and harmonious coexistence in a plural and heterogeneous setting such as ours.
“The natives and herdsmen of Southern Kaduna have always had their differences as is common in herdsmen and farmers relationship everywhere in the world. These differences sometime end up in clashes and skirmishes resulting from invasion of each other spaces, but such differences have assumed an un-precedent height under the current government with the use of very sophisticated weapons of destruction.
“What we are witnessing in Kaduna state is not the so called un-forgiving spirit of the Fulani people towards others, but the transfer of a hate mentality from a handful of people in leadership within the State to an entire ethnic group, with disastrous consequences. All humans are created by God with rationality and the milk of human kindness in their hearts. This often shows itself in love expressed in mercy, compassion and forgiveness. No rational human person is created without the disposition to overlook some offences committed against him or her. Only those with dead consciences are indisposed to show compassion and forgiveness. A world that does not forgive is doom to fail. An eye for an eye philosophy renders the whole world blind it is said. Describing an entire people as un-forgiven is not a plus but a minus for such people.
“If the Fulanis stop the aggression in Southern Kaduna today, there will be peace in the environment and the entire State. The non-retaliation of Christians to great abuses and violations of their human rights is termed as weakness, which is not correct. God has put the feeling of mercy and compassion in each of us regardless of our ethnicity and religious affiliations.
“If the Southern Kaduna had been trouble shooting people, they too would have established militia groups and go on rampage in domains other than their own. But alas this is not what is happening. They are being attacked in their sleep and places of worship right in the land that divine providence has given as their own. And even at that, they are told not to defend themselves in the face of aggression.
“The earlier we rediscover this truth of conscience (that all rational beings are imbued with a spirit of mercy and compassion) and begin to live this truth to the full, the better for our Society. Therefore the promotion of the philosophy that any offence committed is like a debt that must be avenged for either now or in the future is not only false and un-wholesome but it is the figment and projection of the personal idiosyncrasies of a few but powerful people. This mindset if not checked and corrected has the potential to erode the fabric of any social organization.
“The killings with impunity in Southern Kaduna must not be allowed to continue. And Government in the State has a special and irreplaceable role in bringing this scourge to an end. The current Government in the State must follow the example of past Governments by initiating measures that would unify rather than divide the people of the State on ethnic and religious lines as this Government has been doing since its inception.
“We have had our challenges on harmonious coexistence in the past. But past Governments demonstrated statesmanship in Governance by bringing stake holders across board to parley on how to resolve our indifference. The current administration in the State seems to dread this kind of interface which had proven to be effective in the past.
“Government must change its attitude from alignment with people of one ethno-religious group in the State, she must resist the temptation of acting as the mouthpiece of one group against others and begin to display true statesmanship in seeing and treating the entire state as its constituency.
“The current Government got it all wrong right from the beginning when it openly stated that she will treat the citizens of the State not on the merits of their being Kaduna state indigenes but on the basis of who voted and who did not vote for the party that won the election. This is a wrong premise to operate under a democracy such as ours, which promotes and respects diversity particularly on political matters. We cannot all become members of one Party in Kaduna state. It is unfortunate that this kind of segregational mindset seems to be teleguiding government’s policies, utterances, appointments, and the distribution of infrastructure for development and social initiatives.
“This Government has taken discrimination on religious and ethnic lines to a height that has never been witnessed in the history of Kaduna. Today we are left with a situation where there is much concentration of development in the North and Central Senatorial districts to the utter neglect of the Southern Senatorial District which is predominantly Christian. The Northern part of the State monopolizes the Executive, the legislative, the Judiciary and occupies all slots of federal appointments such as the ministerial and those of parastatals.
“This disgusting mentality of premeditated discrimination and marginalization is shown by the lopsidedness in both political appointments, locations of infrastructural facilities, and worst still the delineations of political constituencies and polling units which institutionalizes rigging at source. While the Hausa/Fulani dominated areas in Kaduna State have cornered over 48 Federal Institutions to their domain, southern Kaduna can hardly boast of one of such institutions in her domain. Instead of the current government to work towards redressing this disturbing, inhuman and unjust imbalance, she is rather shamelessly contemplating the removal of the Kaduna State University (KASU) Campus and the College of Education (COE) from Southern Kaduna to his Fulani dominated space. What a shame and a slap to justice, fairness and objectivity in dealing with people.
“In all these we have watched with pains and patience for about two years now how government in the State is being managed as a personal estate in a way that excludes many stake holders from the State. We want to state emphatically that Kaduna State is for all of us, regardless of political, ethnic and religious affiliations.
“The Governor should stop running it as his personal establishment. Kaduna State is the only State that we can call our own. And because Kaduna State is our State, we are contributing significantly for its progress not only on the Spiritual level, but also our works in the areas of education, medi-care, social upliftment and building of capacities of the people cannot be ignored. Government must recognize us as equal stake holders in the management and running of the affairs of the State. We do not accept being treated as aliens in our State.
“Despite these imbalances in our nation and in our State, here we are again celebrating another feast of the resurrection of Christ. The fact of our Lord’s resurrection revolutionized the lives of the Disciples of Christ. It transformed them from being a timid and sometimes a seemingly clueless group of disciple, to a fearless and courageous team that turned Jerusalem at some point upside down. Our faith therefore in the risen Christ must so influenced and transformed our lives as it did to the lives of the Disciples of Christ particularly at the times of persecution such as we are facing.
“The injustices in our Society notwithstanding, we exhort believers not to be fainthearted but courageous in facing the challenges of our time. We are to renew our faith and commitment to the living and resurrected Jesus, who triumphed over death and evil as the way to surmounting all the abuses and discrimination that we suffer in Nigeria today”, the Catholic Bishop said.
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Lagos govt to execute the general overseer of C.P.A , others on death row, see what he did

The Lagos State Government is set to execute the General Overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly, Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, also known as Rev King and other prison inmates on death roll.
This was disclosed by the State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Adeniji Kazeem during a press conference in the state.
Kazeem said the state government was reviewing the cases of those on death roll and will be taking a crucial decision soon.
According to Kazeem, previous administration had not deemed it fit to sign documents for the execution of convicts on death row, but the Ambode administration is moving towards signing the execution document.
Kazeem said, “Very soon, you will see the action of this government on that issues, we are reviewing the case on Rev. King and others on death roll.
“Lots of people are on death row, Rev. King is not the only one on death row, it is on the instruction of Ambode that I visited the prisons recently and I discuss the issue with the prison officials and they expressed concern.
Recall that the Supreme Court had on 27 February, 2016 upheld the judgment of the Appeal Court which passed death penalty on King. 
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Ethiopian Airline lands as Abuja runway opens

•Passengers, envoy hail airport’s reopening six weeks after
Buhari delighted
President Muhammadu Buhari has hailed the 
ministries and others behind the successful repair of 
Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja runway, 24 hours ahead of schedule.
He lauded the ministries of Transport, Power, Works and 
Housing, security agencies, Kaduna State Government, the contractor, Julius Berger and others. 
The President said he looked forward to such display of inter-agency cooperation and efficiency in the operation of the entire Federal Government machinery.
Buhari, in a statement by the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, also thanked Ethiopian Airlines for cooperating with the Nigerian government during the period of the closure of airport.
He described it as a good example of intra-African cooperation.
Ethiopian Airline flight A350-XWB yesterday landed about 12:07pm at the Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport, a few hours to the official opening of its runway.
The runway, which was closed for six weeks, will be officially opened for traffic today.
Speaking to reporters before the aircraft landed, the Minister of State for Aviation, Hadi Sirika, said the runway’s rehabilitation was completed on schedule.
He added that though the reopening date was meant to be today, it was not bad to reopen a day earlier.
Said the minister: “April 19 was the due date for opening the airport, but due to earlier delivery than anticipated, there is nothing wrong with opening it a day earlier as we have achieved the target.
“Other works like the taxi way markings are still going on. It is non-critical routine that will continue, but the safety critical matters have been dealt with. The runway has been completed totally and it’s in perfect shape
“I just landed now on the same runway. The final exercise was this morning and the friction test was carried out and they found out that it meets international standard and the ICAO standard and recommended practices.
“So, the runway is safe, it’s good, it’s perfect and we thank all of you for bearing with us.
“We are celebrating because we set out to achieve a target and we have achieved it.
“We thank Allah for his guidance; we thank His Excellency for his support. I also wish to thank all my colleagues, who did it all, and the media and the Nigerian people for standing by us,” he said.
Sirika lauded Nigerians and air travellers for their resilience during the closure of the airport.
But some passengers aboard Ethiopian airline hailed the Federal Government for delivering as promised.
Most of the passengers, who The Nation spoke with at the arrival lounge, said they thought the runway won’t be re-opened as promised.
Hungarian Ambassador to Nigeria Prof Gabor Ternak, who was at the airport, said the example set by the Nigerian government was record breaking to other countries.
“It was a surprise that the Abuja airport would be re-opened on the schedule much less, a day earlier. I was really surprised.”
“I did not anticipate that the airport would be ready tomorrow, how much more a day earlier. This is really a change government and it speaks volume of the country to other countries of the world.”
Another passenger, Ibrahim Dikko, said: “It is something that all Nigerians should be proud of and it’s an indication that if we put our mind to something, it can be achieved.
A Hungarian passenger, who was aboard the Ethiopian aircraft, Dr. Gabor Baranyi, said passengers were told they would land in Kaduna, but at the last minute, it was announced that the aircraft would land in Abuja.
Baranyi said: “It was a smooth journey and landing in Abuja. I must say l didn’t expect to land in Abuja but it was really good to land in Abuja again after six weeks.”
A United States citizen, Mrs. Adrienne Cox, who was elated to land in Abuja, said she could not hide her joy of landing straight in Abuja without the hassle of landing in Kaduna before coming to Abuja by rail or road.
“I am so happy that the aircraft landed in Abuja. It was like a dream because we were told that it would land in Kaduna,” she said.
An 18-year-old passenger, Abdullahi Aliyu, said it was a surprise to land in Abuja.
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