Sunday 5 March 2017

Nigerians give the sick Buhari two-week ultimatum to return to Nigeria

An advocacy group, Concerned Nigerians, has given President Muhammadu Buhari a two-week ultimatum, to return to Nigeria and resume his office as the President.
In a statement signed by its convener, Prince Deji Adeyanju, the group wondered why Buhari was still performing some presidential functions, despite handing over powers to his Vice and now Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo.
“During this period, he has not made any public appearances and has only clandestinely “communicated” with very few people.
“Furthermore, details of President Buhari’s health status have been kept away from the generality of Nigerians while his media team and other members of his cabinet/party make conflicting comments regarding his health.
“We acknowledge that during this period, President Buhari has satisfied constitutional requirements by transmitting letters to the National Assembly handing power over to his Vice President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, on an acting capacity.
“On Thursday March 2nd, 2017 again in a capacity as President of Nigeria President Buhari spoke to the King of Morocco with respect to bilateral relations between the two countries as well as Morocco’s application to become a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
“These actions, as well as President Buhari’s continued vacation, constitute a constitutional dilemma capable of destabilising the country. President Buhari’s insistence on performing the functions of President after having transmitted power to Ag. President Osinbajo in effect creates de-facto and de-jure, which does not bode well for the country.
“To this end, we urge President Buhari to return to the country on or before the 60th day after which he left the country (15 days from today) failing which we will begin a series of peaceful processions across the country aimed at sensitising the public as to the legal & constitutional dilemma created by President Buhari’s continued absence from office and his insistence on performing official functions while away,” the statement read.
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Oil producing community want Buhari back alive - see reasons

Oil-producing communities in the Niger Delta yesterday said they have declared a period of fasting and prayer for President Muhammadu Buhari, to return to the country alive and healthy.
National Chairman of the Host Communities of Nigeria, (HOSCON), umbrella body of all areas producing oil and gas, Dr. Mike Emuh, said the decision was because Buhari’s government had shown it was capable of solving the problems of the region.
A statement on Friday by Monday Whisky, the group’s spokesman, Emuh said “At an enlarged national emergency meeting of the Host Communities of Nigeria, HOSCON producing oil and gas, presided over by the national Chairman, Bishop Dr. Mike Emuh (JP) the Issue of the President’s health was exhaustively discussed.
“The need for HOSCON to stand in the gap in offering prayers for the President’s quick recovery was approved by the general house.
“The emergency national meeting resolved as follows: that the entire leadership of the HOSCON in the 17 oil/gas producing, including impacted and satellite states, would starting today, hold a three-day fasting and prayer on a daily basis.
“That the leadership of HOSCON believes so much in the pragmatic leadership style of president Muhammadu Buhari and seeking the face of God to grant him quick recovery will not be out of place for the HOSCON to embark upon.
“Host Communities of Nigeria as a grassroots oriented and peoples friendly pressure group believes strongly in the efficacy of fasting and prayers in addressing whatever health challenges our dear president has now.
“We have also mobilised over 50 notable clergymen across the producing, imparted and satellite states to lead this fasting and prayer throughout the three-day duration”.
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FG gives N10,000 to victims of Rann bomb blast

The 58 victims that were affected by the mistaken bombing in Rann, have received N10,000 each from the Presidential Committee on the North East Initiative.
The care givers and hospitals, however, got a N1million donation.
“58 victims of the Rann accidental air strike received 10,000 Naira each from the PCNI”, the committee confirmed via their Twitter handle@NePcni on Saturday.
“The care givers and hospital staff received 1 Million Naira donation”, it added.
On January 17, an AirForce jet dropped bombs on Rann, a village housing Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), killing about 236 people.
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Obama is a bad, sick guy - Trump says

Obama  is ‘a bad,  sick guy’  –Trump

Says ex-president tapped his phone before election
US President Donald Trump got his English lexicon mixed up again yesterday as he exploded on Twitter against former President Barack Obama, accusing him of wire tapping his phones before the election.
Although he provided no evidence to back up the claim, one of his Tweets gave evidence of his weak English knowledge by not spelling correctly the simple word: tap. Trump spelled it as ‘tapp”. It was not the first time that the US leader would be so cavalier in his writing.
“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!,” he wrote.
“Is it legal for a sitting President to be ‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” he added
It wasn’t clear what, exactly Trump was referring to as he raged against his predecessor, whom he labelled a bad (or sick) guy!”
He also said a talented lawyer could make a “a great case” out of the situation.
Obama’s post-presidency office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Yahoo News on Trump’s accusation, and the White House did not immediately clarify from whom Trump had “just learned” this new information.
Trump has the authority to declassify almost any classified material, and could substantiate his accusations if he wanted to.
The Saturday-morning Twitter storm was striking as Trump and Obama had largely appeared to paper over their differences — at least publicly — since the election.
Trump called Obama “a very good man” shortly after his stunning November victory.
But Trump had started to increasingly blame Obama for his misfortunes, particularly an embarrassing and politically toxic string of leaks coming out of the federal government.
Trump has been particularly irked by reports linking his campaign and transition team to Russia.
He fired his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, after it was revealed that the retired lieutenant general talked to Russia’s ambassador about Obama-era sanctions and then misled Vice President Mike Pence about them.
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