Sunday 5 March 2017

Obama is a bad, sick guy - Trump says

Obama  is ‘a bad,  sick guy’  –Trump

Says ex-president tapped his phone before election
US President Donald Trump got his English lexicon mixed up again yesterday as he exploded on Twitter against former President Barack Obama, accusing him of wire tapping his phones before the election.
Although he provided no evidence to back up the claim, one of his Tweets gave evidence of his weak English knowledge by not spelling correctly the simple word: tap. Trump spelled it as ‘tapp”. It was not the first time that the US leader would be so cavalier in his writing.
“Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my ‘wires tapped’ in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!,” he wrote.
“Is it legal for a sitting President to be ‘wire tapping’ a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!” he added
It wasn’t clear what, exactly Trump was referring to as he raged against his predecessor, whom he labelled a bad (or sick) guy!”
He also said a talented lawyer could make a “a great case” out of the situation.
Obama’s post-presidency office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Yahoo News on Trump’s accusation, and the White House did not immediately clarify from whom Trump had “just learned” this new information.
Trump has the authority to declassify almost any classified material, and could substantiate his accusations if he wanted to.
The Saturday-morning Twitter storm was striking as Trump and Obama had largely appeared to paper over their differences — at least publicly — since the election.
Trump called Obama “a very good man” shortly after his stunning November victory.
But Trump had started to increasingly blame Obama for his misfortunes, particularly an embarrassing and politically toxic string of leaks coming out of the federal government.
Trump has been particularly irked by reports linking his campaign and transition team to Russia.
He fired his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, after it was revealed that the retired lieutenant general talked to Russia’s ambassador about Obama-era sanctions and then misled Vice President Mike Pence about them.
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Saturday 4 March 2017

Any traditional ruler that sees me will die – Oba Ishola reveals [VIDEO, PHOTO]

A traditional ruler, Onido of Idolorisa, Oba Aruna Ishola, has revealed that any other Oba that sees him will die untimely. He also disclosed that drinking of palm wine, and eating of snakes were forbidden for both indigenes and strangers in the community.
To prevent mass deaths, Oba Ishola said he does not attend the meetings of the Ogun State Council of Obas and Chiefs.

He told reporters that the moment he became Oba, he was forbidden from seeing other traditional rulers.
He said becoming an Oba in Idolorisa and living in the community come with a lot of restrictions.
According to him, “My crown should not be seen by any other Oba in Yorubaland.
“If another traditional ruler sees me with my crown, that monarch will die in a matter of days.
“Such traditional ruler will die an untimely death.
“It may sound strange, but that is what would happen.
The Oba also noted that it is also forbidden for him or any of his subjects to sell land in the community. Land is freely given to any stranger who wants to reside or use it for commercial purposes.
He said those that founded the village, never sold land, “Who are we to do it?” he asked, adding that members of the community were not ready to bear any consequences for violating the traditional law.
“It is a tradition handed down to us by our fore fathers.
“The tradition is as old as the town and it has been like that ever since.
“There is nowhere there are no taboos.
“If a child is born to me today, I will not see him or her and he or she will not enter this palace until 90 days.
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Female minister for Sex appointed in Spain

The Spanish Government has appointed a Minister of Sex in order to boost the nation’s declining population.
Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy confirmed Edelmira Barreira as the country’s top sex official.

The Spanish government revealed that the move is aimed at getting Spaniards produce more babies.
With this move, the government hopes to boost Spain’s falling birth rate, which is one of the lowest in the developed world.
Experts have however attributed the decline in birth rate among Spaniards to long working hours and the culture of eating late at night.
Spain in recent years has recorded declining birth rates which according to reports places it among developing countries with the lowest index.
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Why my husband always releases sperm on the floor during sex – Wife tells court

A 37-year-old woman identified as Mrs Mutiatu Olaosebikan, has lamented the refusal of her husband to discharge his semen inside of her during sexual intercourse.
Addressing an Igando Customary Court sitting in Lagos, Mrs Olaosebikan said her husband, Sunday, prefers to discharge his sperm on the floor because he is not interested in having another child.
According to Mrs Olaosebikan, “My husband is in the habit of disposing of his sperm on the floor during intercourse.
“He does not want me to get pregnant; he no longer releases sperm into me when we have sex.
“He started this withdrawal method five years ago; I only have one child who is six years old now.
“Whenever I queried him about the withdrawal method he uses, he failed to give me a satisfactory answer.’’
The trader, who is a mother of one went on to claim that her husband was a talkative who can’t keep family secret.
“My husband is a talkative, he talks too much and he cannot keep the family secrets. He is in the habit of sharing our family issues with his relatives, friends and the public.
“There was a day I was attacked spiritually; blood was gushing out of my eyes, nose and mouth.
“When I was rushed to a prayer house, I was told that my husband caused the sickness because he talks too much about out affair to the public.
“My husband is very stingy; he does not give me money. I have been the one taking care of our baby from birth till now,’’ she said.
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