Wednesday 22 February 2017

171 Libyan returnees arrive in Lagos airport yesterday

171 Libyan returnees arrive in Lagos airport
ONE hundred and seventy-one Nigerian returnees from Libya yesterday arrived at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos, recounting their ordeal..
The returnees were received by Special Adviser to the President on Diaspora and Foreign Affairs Mrs. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, who cautioned Nigerians to desist from dangerous search for greener in Libya.
She said yesterday’s number of 171 brings to over 1,000 returnees, who have been brought home from Libya in the last two years.
The returnees were 112 women, 49 men and five infants.
They were flown in aboard an Airbus 320 belonging to Nouvelair with registration number TS – INB that landed about 4.13p.m.
The returnees were also received by officials of International Organisation of Migration (IOM), Nigerian Immigration Service, Police, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and other security agencies.
Speaking in an interview with reporters at the Hajj Camp axis of the Lagos Airport, Mrs. Dabiri-Erewa admonished the returnees not to see themselves as criminals, but Nigerians who have experience of seeking greener pastures, but could now tell a different story.
She cautioned parents to advise their children against such risky ventures of travelling to foreign lands without knowing the risks involved.
She urged state governments to design empowerment programmes for the returnees to enable them pick their lives back.
She said the Federal Government was committed to ensuring that such people were rehabilitated after their experience abroad.
Dabiri-Erewa said: “This is not the time to travel abroad. It is always a sad story to be trafficked. Some of these persons wanted better life. But now, they know better that it is not worth the trouble .
“We will continue to caution patients to discourage their children from embarking on such trips .
There is no better time to learn skills than now. We are calling on all Nigerians in Libya to come back home because such trips is not worth it at all.
“We are, therefore, calling on state governments to design empowerment programmes to assist these persons that are lucky to have arrived alive. Some died trying to move to Europe. Many more will be brought back home.”
Narrating her ordeal, one of the returnees, who identified herself as  Gift Peters, said many Nigerians were exposed to harrowing experiences in Libya.
She alleged that many were serving jail terms for offences they did not commit.
The returnee said she was lured into the trafficking ring without the knowledge of her parents by an unidentified trafficker, “who is on the run”.
Peters said : “Travelling to Libya is not worth the experience. Words cannot describe the torture and maltreatment we encountered. Some of us were beaten with iron, burnt and sent to jail.
“Many Nigerian girls are in prison and many have died from gunshot wounds. I even lost many of my friends.”
The NEMA team that facilitated their movement from the aircraft to the Hajj Camp was led by its Director of Search and Rescue, Air Commodore Salisu Mohammed

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Buhari to rest more in UK

Buhari to rest more in UK
•President Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari is staying back in the United Kingdom because he needs more rest, the Presidency said yesterday.
But there is no cause for alarm, presidential spokesman Femi Adesina said.
Speaking with State House reporters, Adesina said: “The President wants Nigerians to know that he appreciates their prayers, he appreciates their concerns and their goodwill. He has added that there is really no cause to worry.
“He is the one who owns the body and there is nobody who will know his body more than him and he says no cause to worry.
“It makes sense to say that maybe from the results of the tests, further rest has been recommended”.
The statement did not say how long the rest will last.
“I speak for somebody. I do not speak for myself. So it is what he tells me to say that I say and the statement transmitted to me is that the President needs to rest for some further time,” Adesina said
On the possibility that the President will speak directly to Nigerians, he said: “What he has just done is to speak to Nigerians.”
Asked to speak on the President’s state of health, Adesina said: “Don’t you know that the Hippocratic Oath even forbids a doctor from speaking about the condition of his patient, except the patient authorises it? It is only the patient himself who can speak about what he is going through.
“This is the person going through these series of tests and rest and he says no cause to worry. Let us believe that.”
On why reporters trying to see the President in UK are being prevented, he said “I do not consider that as harassment. Presidents are not hijacked and interviewed. Those things are scheduled. So I do not consider that as harassment.”
Reacting to the possibility of the president spending months in the UK, the media adviser said: “What we have just said is what I will want us to believe. The President said he needs to rest further; the same President that communicated that to us, when it is time for him to come, he will also communicate to us.
On the claim that the President has lost his voice, he said.
“Those people need to prove it. He spoke with President Trump. Did Trump say he did not speak with the Nigerian President? Anybody can allege anything.
“My message to Nigerians is that let us learn to believe our leaders. This is a man we elected into office and he says no cause to worry; let us believe him.”
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How Premature Ejaculation & Small Manhoód Almost Put An End To My 4 Year Marriage – The Solution Will Amaze You!

How Premature Ejaculation & Small Manhoód Almost Put An End To My 4 Year Marriage – The Solution Will Amaze You!
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I was fortunate enough to have a great woman who believed in me and wanted the relationship to work. One night, her eyes were misted with tears, she pleaded that I get a solution to the problem.
It was then I realized if I don’t take a quick action this time, she would walk out on me like the others.
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This 2 in 1 Solution  as shown above is highly effective. In fact, I now go on for as long as I want. It doesn’t make any difference if my woman needs ten minutes or thirty.
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Check the link  to read more.

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Stop calling Nigeria ‘Naija’, NOA appeals

Mr Garba Abari , Director-General, National Orientation Agency (NOA), has appealed to Nigerians to stop referring to Nigeria as `Najia’ to keep its originality.
Abari told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Tuesday that the new trend of making funky the original name of Nigeria was worrisome and not in the best interest of the country.
“We try in all our advocacy visits to insist that Nigeria must be referred to as Nigeria and not Naija.
“So, our schools have a role to play in this; the media itself has also got a very fundamental role to play because it is the media that helps in the propagation of this kind of misnomer.
“All of us, as individuals, as corporate organisations, as media, whether broadcast, print or online, must wake up to the reality.
“That the more we use these misnomers referring to our country, the fallout of it is that, a significant percentage of our younger ones will not even remember that Nigeria is the original name of our country.
“I want to appeal to all Nigerians, young and old to always refer to our country as Nigeria.”
Abari also urged parents to key into the efforts to preserve the country’s original name by discouraging their children and wards from referring to Nigeria as `Naija’.
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