Wednesday 11 January 2017

Agric minister travelled out of Nigeria without buhari's permission

Heineken Lokpobiri1
The minister of state for Agriculture and Rural Development, Senator Heineken Lokpobiri, over the weekend, discarded President Muhammadu Buhari’s order and traveled out of the country without presidential approval.
Recall that all ministers, presidential aides and top officials of the federal government have been mandated to seek approval from the president through the chief of staff, Mr Abba Kyari for trips outside the country.
But rather than wait for approval, Lokpobiri who is said to be having a running battle with the substantive minister, Mr Audu Ogbeh over schedule of duties, rushed out of the country in company of two of his aides, Mr Amber Enene and Mrs Eniye Ambakederimo to China.
The president was reportedly briefed and he instructed the chief of staff to ascertain whether or not Lokpobiri actually traveled without a written permission.
Two undercover agents were said to have been sent to the ministry after which the president directed Kyari to respond to Lokpobiri’s request to travel on Monday, January 9, 2017, knowing that the minister was already in China. The response asked Lokpobiri to ‘step down’ the trip.
A copy of the letter from the chief of staff and obtained by Leadership with reference number SH/COS/63/1/A/3310 and titled ”Re: Permission to travel to the Peoples Republic of China ”, read in part: “With reference to your letter Ref.No FMIC/PRPU/597/59, dated 28th December on the above subject matter, I write to inform that Mr President has directed that the trip be stepped down”.
According to a top presidency official, the minister had written ‎a letter dated December 28, 2016, to the president through Kyari but had yet to receive a response before jetting out to China with the aides.
According to a source, “The man in actual fact, wrote to this office but we were yet to reply before he travelled;j may be he took it for granted; we got to know from the Permanent Secretary on Monday evening that the minister left Nigeria twenty four hours ago and this was disrespectful to the office of president. The minister knows the rules, the guidelines are clear but may be he took such lightly.”
He, however, blamed the development on the rivalry between Ogbeh and Lokpobiri.
“These politicians should find a way of sorting out their issues, they should leave the civil servants out of their troubles. Why the PS? Why not the senior minister who had complained to all the directors that his colleague was not cooperating with him and that their inability to sort out schedules is creating problems.
“Ogbeh had complained to most of us and was already threatening to report the junior minister before the two guys quietly came to the ministry to secret verify Lokpobiri’s absence.”
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Tuesday 10 January 2017

How to go into a deep sleep in few minutes

 Have you ever been overworking to the extent that your system get use to being awake in the midnight or you find it very difficult to easily fall asleep? I have the solution here to give you,  just by carrying out this simple tests.

        The vast majority of people require seven to eight hours of sleep to feel fully rested, but 40 percent of Africans and Americans get less than that amount. That sleep debt has serious ramifications for productivity, motivation, and creativity, not to mention mood.
So what to do? It feels impossible to find the time to get those seven to eight hours of sleep every night when you’re trying to cram in a full day of top-tier work, plus some semblance of a social life, relaxation time, and a chance to reflect or meditate on it all. One chunk of time you can easily re-purpose beneficially is that agonizing
15-20 minutes (or more) it takes you to actually drift off once you’ve hit the sack.
Try Dr Weill's “4-7-8” breathing trick to help you fall asleep in less than 1 minute:
       According to the American Psychological Association , more than half of all Millennial have lost sleep sometime during the past month due to stress. Ugh. Even worse, Millennial suffer from stress-related sleep loss significantly more often than Baby Boomers and older adults. This might be because the biggest stressors across all generations are money, work and the economy, and overall, twenty-somethings are more likely to encounter financial hardship than their parents.

       But sleep is important, guys. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night is crucial to your mental, emotional and physical well being. Now worrying about not getting enough sleep is going to keep us awake at night.
However, fear not I have a trick to share with you and I know a trick for falling asleep in under one minute.
My trick for battling anxiety and falling asleep is based on a relaxation exercise touted by Dr. Andrew Weill, well-known holistic health guru and Harvard educated doctor. A firm believer in the healing properties of breathing relaxation exercises (think yoga-like deep breathing), Dr Weill says a type of breath known as the “4-7-8 breath” is “the perfect, portable stress antidote, as it puts the practitioner in a relaxed state almost immediately.”

     Gonzalez says the 4-7-8 breath is almost like magic. “Do you know the feeling of being put under by anesthesia, where you are conscious, and the next thing you remember is waking up? That’s what this is like for me: As soon as I start the practice, the next thing I remember, I’m waking up in the morning and can’t even remember beginning the 4-7-8 count the night before. Crazy.”
Basically, what you to is breathe in for 4 counts, hold your breath for 7 counts, then breathe out for 8 counts. You can see Dr. Weill demonstrate 4-7-8 breathing here.

Method one of two

Follow these steps and see it yourself.
1. Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth, and keep it there through the entire exercise.
2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
3. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four .
4. Hold your breath for a count of seven.
5. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight .
6. This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat three more times for a total of four cycles.

Method two of two (for better understanding) 

If you encounter any confusion on the first method, follow these steps
1. Place the tip of your tongue against the tissue ridge right above your upper front teeth. Keep it there for the remainder of the exercise.
2. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound as you do so.
3. Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose while mentally counting to four.
4. Hold your breath for a mental count of seven.
5. Exhale completely through your mouth for a mental count of eight. Make the same whoosh sound from Step Two.
6. This concludes the first cycle. Repeat the same process three more times for a total of four renditions.

Get your sleep masks ready. We’re totally down for trying this tonight.


    You may be wondering how this breathing techniques works and the reason you fell asleep after practicing this. The reason is that breathing -in with your nose with a mental count of four and holding your breath again for seven seconds before breathing it out with your mouth while counting 7, these things limits the amount of time you breath in one minute, there for causing a systemic dizziness and this produces a chemical effects in your system which will make you fall asleep easily.
It's a very good method to relieve stress and anxiety therefore restoring your immune system back to its normal state even after a hypertension experience.

When you’re stressed out or anxious, like when you’re unable to fall asleep, you’re probably under-breathing. By extending your inhale you force your lungs to take in more oxygen, then by holding the breath you allow that air to flow through your bloodstream. The 4-7-8 breathing exercise slows your heart rate, bringing in more oxygen to your body, which in turn calms your heart and your central nervous system, and thereby your mind.

written by Eje sunday
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Simple measure on how to grow back a long hair under two weeks

Have you ever been worrying about the sluggish way your hairs grows? Or you've been regretting your new haircut or trying to grow out your hair for a rapidly approaching event, but no matter what your reasons are, there are some practical measures i have prepared just for you that can encourage speedy hair growth. To grow your hair in a week, try enriching hair treatments like a warm oil scalp massage, adjust your hair care routine in a way that avoids putting stress on your hair, and consume nutrients known to help hair growth (like protein and biotin). There are limits on how much hair will grow in a week, but giving your hair a little extra love will maximize hair growth in a short period.

It's also important you note that the rate at which your hair grows is genetic and it normally grows at around a quarter to a half an inch every month. You can, however, do things to increase the growth rate of your hair and improve on the thickness and the healthiness of your locks. If you want long and luscious locks of hair, then read these ten tips on how to make your hair grow longer, faster and more beautiful.


1. Use Of natural ingredients
Simply get a bow of any size you want and mix one yolk of an egg with a tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (or linen oil) and a tablespoon of Vodka (or Cognac). Massage this mixture into the roots of your hair and then, spread to the lengths; wait for about thirty minutes. For better results you can put a shower cup on your head and cover it up with a towel. After the thirty to forty minutes, wash and condition your hair, as usual. You will be amazed by the astonishing results, especially, if you do this mask regularly, once a week or once every two weeks, during one month or two.
If you don’t find an egg mask too appealing, then try a coconut oil, sweet almond oil and honey hair mask. Simply mix these three ingredients in equal proportions, warm it slightly in a pot and massage the mixture into your hair; leave for about thirty minutes before washing out. This wonderful natural hair treatment will nourish and rejuvenate your hair, making it shinier and glossier, while also boosting hair growth.

2. Eat foods reach in High protein

It is not only our outside beauty efforts, massages and sophisticated hair masks are important, but also, if you really want to have thick and beautiful locks, then watch what you eat! Did you know that food can make a tremendous difference in how fast your hair grows? Protein provides a building material for your hair to grow quicker, look healthier and be stronger, as protein is the very stuff that hair is made from, so the more protein you eat, the more your hair can grow; so make sure to include eggs, nuts, fish, chicken, red meats, etc., into your balanced diet. Eat healthy and your hair will grow rapidly.
Increasing your protein intake will promote healthy hair growth and ensure you do not start to shed or lose your hair. Make sure your diet is a balance of meat, fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains. If you are vegetarian, ensure you get enough protein through soy based foods, beans, nuts, and grains.
But If you would like to follow a high protein diet, it’s important that you choose your protein sources wisely. Avoid processed meats or full fat dairy products, as these can lead to other health issues. Make sure you are also getting enough healthy carbs in your diet that are high in fiber and full of nutrients, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

3. Use warn oil scalp massage method

This method works very fast, It’s a very easy trick, but it works wonders! Just heat up a little bit of oil (my most loved oils for this purpose are: linen oil, olive oil, coconut oil, argan oil and jojoba oil); Do not boil the oil, just slightly warm it up, so that it’s pleasantly warm and comfortable to touch, then, gently massage your scalp with this treatment or ask your partner to do it for you. If you have a friend or, better, a lover, who will give you this wonderful head massage, this experience will become even more pleasant! Ask them to massage your head, gently going through the roots of your hair in circular motions. This scalp massage can last for about fifteen or twenty minutes; then spread the oil on the length of your hair, wait for about half an hour and shampoo your locks thoroughly; you might even need to shampoo your hair twice. Not only this experience is very relaxing, but also, you will love the result. This treatment works wonders for the hair growth and makes your tresses look very shiny, glossy and healthy, especially, if you do it regularly.
A warm oil scalp massage uses natural oils to improve the health of your scalp and encourage hair growth. Oils like coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil can all be used during your scalp massage. Keep in mind warm scalp massages have not been scientifically proven to lead to faster hair growth.

For better Understanding, follow these steps :

     • Start by warming up the oil on a stove top or in the microwave. Test the oil before you use it to make sure it is not boiling hot; you want a comfortable temperature that will not damage your scalp or your hair.
     • Use your fingers to gently massage your scalp with the warm oil in slow, circular motions. If you have a partner or a friend close by, ask them to help you massage your scalp. Have them massage your scalp with their fingertips for fifteen to twenty minutes.
    • Then, run the oil through your hair and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Shampoo your hair well, possibly more than once, to remove the oil.

3. Always  Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar 

      Apple cider vinegar is a great way to remove the dirt, grime and pollution that can accumulate on your hair, as well as strip away the residue that is left by hair products. Not only apple cider vinegar can help boost your hair growth, but also, being a natural detangling and shine improving treatment, it can tremendously change the appearance of your locks, of course, for better – hair becomes softer, shinier, stronger and looks healthier! Add two tablespoons of vinegar into a litter of water and rinse your hair with this homemade healthy conditioner; use this treatment as the final step of your shampooing/conditioning routine. If you aren’t a big fan of vinegar odor, then add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil into your apple cider vinegar rinse, such as rose essential oil, for example (or you can mix lemon juice with water, in the same proportion, instead of using apple cider vinegar).

Another substitute of apple cider vinegar rinse, that can also make your hair shinier, healthier and stronger, as well as it can improve hair growth – is rose water. Just spray some rose water to your already clean shampooed hair, gently massaging it into your scalp in circular motions, then apply your regular hair conditioner to the lengths of your hair avoiding the roots, leave this treatment on for a couple of minutes, before washing off with lukewarm water.

Apple cider vinegar can be very effective at removing dirt, grime, and oil buildup in your hair, as well as any residue from your hair styling products. You can use apple cider on the days you do not use shampoo as a natural alternative or apply it following your regular shampoo and conditioner routine.

Simply apply this by adding  two tablespoons of vinegar to two cups of water and rinse your hair with this mixture. Though the water may smell strongly of vinegar, this smell will fade.

4. Brush and comb your hair for at least 2-4 minutes daily.

Ensure this practice is done every morning and in the evening time daily and watch the way your hair grows back in one week.

Make sure to massage your head gently, it’s not working by the principle ‘the harder you brush, the faster it grows!’ Gently brushing your hair twice a day for, at least, two minutes stimulates the blood circulation in your scalp and spreads your natural oils evenly over your hair. Healthy blood circulation is essential for hair follicles to work efficiently and grow new healthy hair. Remember never to forcefully brush your hair when it’s wet, because it can damage your locks and cause breakage. We don’t want it, because we love our hair, right?! Instead, gently brush through your hair with a wide tooth comb or use a special detangling brush for a smooth and pain free detangling.

5. Always Brush your hair before going to bed.
Do not always be conscious of whether your hair is growing faster or not and avoid over-brushing your hair. Over brushing your hair every day can actually be bad for your hair and lead to poor growth. Instead, use a boar bristle brush a few times through your hair before bed. This will help to distribute the oils in your scalp onto your hair so it stays moisturized, naturally.

 Just Start at your scalp and use even strokes to go through each section of your hair at least once. Brushing once a day before bed can also increase circulation on your scalp, which can improve its health and encourage hair growth. Though brushing your hair is not scientifically proven to lead to faster hair growth, it can help to improve the overall health of your hair.

Never sleep with a tight ponytail or a tight braid, it definitely won’t help your hair grow faster and can even cause breakage of your hair and pain in your scalp. Make a loose ponytail instead. And the second tip for an efficient night hair care is this – try to sleep on a silk pillow case; it won’t cause friction and it’s much kinder to your hair, than cotton pillow covers. And, by the way, silk pillow case is not only beneficial for your hair, but it also can help prevent facial wrinkles from appearing. What a wonder is this silk: healthy and shiny hair, plus wrinkle-free skin on your face!


1. Eggs –( as protein )

Your hair is basically made up of protein, and eggs are a fantastic and versatile source of protein. So, including eggs into your diet is another good tip on how to make your hair grow faster. Chicken and duck eggs contain minerals, such as sulphur, iron and zinc, which are also needed for healthy hair growth.

2. Carrots and  sweet potatoes ( as vitamin)
You also need plenty vitamin A for good hair growth. Every cell in your body, in fact, needs vitamin A and it also helps in the production of the natural oils in your scalp, so it will stop your head from becoming dry and itchy. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, as also are carrots and pumpkin.

How to make your hair grow faster? Eat more salmon! Salmon is a true superstar in our list of foods for long and thick hair. Salmon contains plenty of the Omega-3 fatty acids that your hair needs for becoming healthier, thicker and glossier, so salmon is the perfect healthy hair growth food to add to your diet.

4. Avocado – (Great source of natural fatty acids)

Avocados are another great source of amazing, natural fatty acids. Great on their own, with salads or in sandwiches, avocados are packed with the good fats that your body and hair need and, you can always use them in a hair mask too, if you don’t feel like eating them.

5. Oysters –( General source of zinc)

A lack of zinc in your diet can lead to hair loss and oysters are very rich in zinc, as well as they contain plenty of protein. If you don’t like the taste of oysters, you can also get zinc from fortified breakfast cereals and whole grain bread.

6. Vitamin C rich blueberries, kiwis, limes, strawberries, lemons and oranges

Fresh fruit, such as blueberries, limes, strawberries, kiwis and oranges contain lots of vitamin C, and your hair really does need vitamin C, because it plays a vital role in the blood circulation in the tiny vessels that feed your hair follicles. With insufficient vitamin C content in your diet, your hair is more vulnerable to breakage. Brussels sprouts are also particularly rich in Vitamin C.

7. Iron, zinc and protein in lean red meats
A lack of iron in your diet can also be a cause of thinning hair. Including lean red meat, such as beef, veal and lamb in your balanced diet will provide you with both protein and the essential mineral – iron.

8. Green leaves, (Ugu leaves, water-leave,  spinach, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale and broccoli)

Another good suggestion on how to make your hair grow faster is to include into your healthy diet fresh green leafy vegetables, like spinach, collards, kale, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, which are a great source of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for healthy hair growth. Spinach and Brussels sprouts, in particular, are a wonderful source of beta carotene, iron and vitamin C, all of which will feed and nourish your hair and promote a healthy supply of blood to the hair follicles.

9. Nuts -(walnuts, cashews, butternuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans and hazelnuts)

Walnuts, cashews and butternuts contain a significant amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and are also rich in vitamins and biotin, which helps make your hair grow faster, thicker and longer, as well as to protect the cells of your hair from the sun. Almonds also are very high in biotin. You can eat walnuts, cashews, butternuts and almonds as a snack, use walnut or almond oil as a salad dressing or as a cooking oil, to reap all the benefits that these nuts have to offer. Macadamia nuts, pecans and hazelnuts are also very hair-healthy, but avoid buying them covered in sugar, chocolate or salt.

10. Protein in lean turkey, duck, emu or chicken
To get all the protein that your hair needs to grow long and thick, poultry is a great alternative to red meat. Chicken, duck, emu and turkey provide all the building blocks that your hair needs to grow healthier and denser, and their meet also contains a good supply of iron and zinc.
There are many other foods that help your hair grow faster and thicker. Hair is almost all protein, so make sure to include protein-rich food in your healthy and balanced diet.
How to make your hair grow faster naturally? What are your favorite foods and products that make hair grow faster and healthier?

Written by Eje Sunday.
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Buhari sacked FRC boss because of his 2019 ambition – Fayose speaks

Fayose b
Ekiti State Governor, Mr Ayodele Fayose has described the sack of the Executive Secretary of the Financial Regulatory Council (FRC) of Nigeria, Mr. Jim Obazee, in connection with the implementation of the controversial Corporate Governance Code 2016 as an afterthought.
Fayose said the sack was a cover-up to stem the tide of negative public reactions towards the implementation of the controversial law that stripped the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye and others of their positions.
In a release issued in Ado Ekiti on Tuesday and signed by the governor’s Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, Governor Fayose said, “When they realised the implication of their action on President Muhammadu Buhari’s 2019 ambition, especially the personality like Pastor Adeboye that’s involved, they quickly sacked an innocent man who must have acted on instruction.

“Obviously, their attention is more on 2019, not on justice and any love for the sustenance of Christianity in Nigeria.
Mind you, they have only suspended the implementation of the regulation, they did not abrogate it. It is obvious that they have an agenda. And if you look at the president’s pattern of life, he is a sectional leader, whose appointments reflect sectionalism and nepotism.”
He said it was funny that a president that is over 70 years will be the one to implement a regulation limiting the age of General Overseer (GO) of Churches to 70 years, asking; “If men of God like Pastor Adeboye, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop Mike Okonkwo and others cannot be GO of their church beyond 70 years of age, how do we now justify a man like President Buhari who is over 74 and still willing to be president beyond 2019 that he will be 77?”
Governor Fayose, who described those defending President Muhammadu Buhari by claiming that the law was made when Dr Goodluck Jonathan was president as hypocrites, asked; “Even if the law was made before President Buhari assumed office, who is to blame for its implementation? Could President Buhari have implemented a law he does not believe in and could the sacked FRC boss that they have now used as the fall-guy have implemented the law without the consent of the President?”
He questioned the speed at which the President reacted by sacking the FRC boss, asking; “Why was there no such swiftness in his action on Southern Kaduna killings where a race was almost wiped out, with people killed like goats? Why didn’t the President react swiftly to the Senate indictment of the EFCC Acting Chairman, Ibrahim Magu?
“Obviously, it was an afterthought, which was aimed at dousing the negative outcry that greeted the action by using the sacked FRC boss as the fall-guy.
“This has further made it very clear and evident that Buhari is not a leader, he is ruler. He is a religious apologist that believes that he must silence anybody that does not believe in his line of thought either politically or religious wise.
“Sadly, all those things that we have forgotten and never thought will happen again in this country are now happening. The country is now badly divided more than ever before.
“Nigerians have been able to read through President Buhari in this short time to realise that all he is doing now is to destroy this country like he did in 1984, but God will not allow him.
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