Saturday 7 January 2017

My people discouraged me when I left accounting for blogging –Olorisupergal

Blogger and social media personality, Oluwatosin Ajibade aka Olorisupergal tells Ademola Olonilua about her brand
 When did you begin to blog?
 I began to blog in 2010 but I started my social media marketing initiative in 2008.
 What attracted you to blogging?
There was really no attraction to it other than the fact that I needed a platform where I could gather information and disseminate it to a large audience and to do that, I needed to create a blogspot. On February 8, 2010, I took the bold step and created my blog.
When you started blogging, did you ever imagine you would become this big?
To be honest, I never imagined it would be this big. It was never planned because it was not like I went to school to study anything on computer science or blogging so as to become a blogger. It just happened and I used every opportunity I came across to get to where I am today.
When you started, were you ever discouraged by friends or family?
To be sincere, I was discouraged by family and friends but it paid in the long run. The only thing that kept me going was that I had to ensure that I succeeded in this endeavour and make my blog work to prove everyone who had a negative impression about my decision wrong. It was hard convincing my dad that I left accounting for blogging.
Was there ever a time you wanted to quit blogging?
There were lots of times I wanted to quit. Mondays were usually a big challenge for me and I would wonder why I was still blogging. The frustration came most times when clients owed and they would not want to pay while some would see no reason why I should get paid for a job that had been delivered. It was difficult sustaining the online business.
Did you go into blogging because you had an insight that it would be lucrative?
I had no orientation into becoming a blogger or a digital media strategist. Everything I know was through self- tutelage and hard work and to God be the glory, I keep getting better each day. I had no idea of how lucrative blogging would be until I got into the business and began to understand it.
Blogging for me became lucrative six years ago when people began to pay for posts and adverts and this made me map out advert rates.
I also make money from background take-over and other spots which can be sold to clients to place their adverts. For Google AdSense, a lot of publishers had issues with their policies so, it was difficult making money from that source.
You have written a lot of stories both good and bad about Nigerian celebrities. Has any of your posts ever pitted you against any celebrity?
Yes. There are some posts I just have self-pity on some celebrities. We have staff writers on the site now so I hardly publish on the site. I am focusing on the business aspect while writers publish on the site.
Have you ever been threatened based on a post on your blog?
Whenever there is a negative story about any of your friends in the industry, do you post it on your blog?
Negative stories about my friends in the industry, I will say no.
Have you lost any valuable friendship over a story you posted on your blog?
I don’t have sleepless nights over that because people come, people go.
What has your blogging experience taught you in terms of news reporting?
I have learnt a lot in terms of news reporting since I began to blog and first on the list is to always apply work ethics while publishing. Also, one has to know the dos and don’t’s of reporting a story. It is very important to confirm your source and story before publishing. It can never be overemphasised to confirm if your story is true or just a rumour so you know which angle to take it from. Always give credits when your stories are not originally from you to avoid plagiarism also known as copy and paste.
From the feedback you get, do you feel loved or hated?
Sometimes I feel loved and sometimes hated. Everyone can’t feel loved all the time so when the hate comes, it’s a reminder to brace and love yourself. I don’t seek people’s opinions to love or hate me because I love to be myself.
So far, what is your net worth?
No answer. I can’t answer that.
What has been your most controversial post so far?
That would be the Queens’ College story we published in 2016.
Has any of your posts got you into trouble?
A lot and the recent was the story we broke online in 2016, the Queens’ College story.
How do you handle negative criticism and comments from your blog visitors?
We handle that the best way we can; over time, I have grown a thick skin.
At what point did you start making money from your blog?
We did not start making money from the blog till after two years and that was in 2012.
With such a strong presence online, did you ever wish you were as popular in real life as you are in virtual reality?
I think there is a balance to it. I love to keep my life away from the scene and just focus on work. When I am at a gathering, I don’t come out as Olorisupergal or make an announcement that I have arrived. I love to lie low and be behind the scene. If people walk up to me and ask if I am Olorisupergal, I respond mostly in the affirmative. I try to balance it all and not get caught up in the whole hype.
Blogging demands a lot of time, how many hours do you spend on your system or smartphone?
I spend an average of 18 hours online. Whenever those who know me see me, the first thing they ask for is a power bank or they say, ‘can I borrow your hot spot?’ I am always with my work kits because that is what the job demands so that you can stay online and be informed because nothing must go on without me getting to know and possibly break the news first.
How long can you stay without your smartphone and computer?
Maybe when I sleep; that’s the minimum I can allow or when it comes to special occasions that don’t allow mobile phones or laptops.
How do you feel winning a Future Award?
It was a dream come true and it’s a process in getting to the top. Everything started as a joke with a Nokia phone back then in 2008. The recognition, nominations, awards started coming in 2011 from other platforms which I appreciate for everything but this was a major award. The platform awards people in different industries and you wonder when you will get on the platform or be nominated and it happened in 2016. The category for New Media was the first on the platform after 10 years. I was really happy and I didn’t hide it because I expressed it in tears, prayer, gratitude to God and the organisers of the award. I did all I could within the short period to express how excited I was winning the New Media category at the Future Awards Africa.
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Air Force got attack choppers to fight Boko Haram, militants

The Nigerian Airforce (NAF) has acquired two Mi-35M attack helicopter to fight terrorists and deadly criminal gangs.
The Mi-35M is a rugged helicopter that offers round the clock combat use of guided and unguided weapons in regular and challenging climate conditions, which is equipped with the latest navigation suite, target sights system, laser range finder and location finder.
Air Vice Marshal Isiaka Amao, Director of Training and Operation of the Nigerian Airforce, said this at a briefing on Friday to highlight major activities of 2016.
He said “some of the major achievements of the NAF from January to December 2016 include the Acquisition of 2x Mi-35M helicopter with capabilities for night operations; acquisition of additional 2 new DA-40; reactivation of ATR-42 NAF 931; acquisition of A-Jet NAF 478 in addition to the operable 7 A-Jet ac fleet; induction of Super Mushshak ac (SMK) into the NAF inventory as a primary trainer; and induction of 3x EC-135 helicopters handed over to the NAF by NNPC in Mar 16.”
Amao also disclosed that NAF provided most of the surveillance and intelligence activities towards the success of the counter-insurgency campaigns in the North-East and other special missions in the country.
“In the year 2016, 62 per cent of Intelligence missions were conducted not only to determine the location of abducted Nigerians but to also provide battle field situational awareness for the land forces”, he noted.
Speaking further, Amao added that many liaison/logistics and re-supply sorties were flown to move large volume of materials in support of the Land Component’s advance into Sambisa.
These, he said, included ammunition, water, tyres and other stores to staging areas in support of Op Crackdown.
He said that “CAS, logistics resupply and ISR missions aimed at dislodging the BHTs from their enclaves were further conducted in sustenance of the offensive operations on the ground.
“Additionally, MEDEVAC and CASEVAC were conducted in support of the surface forces.
“In the beginning of Jun 16, the Air Component’s efforts were geared towards consolidating the successes achieved during NA OP CRACK DOWN. Considerable number of AR and some AI, CAS and CAP sorties were flown to further degrade BHTs capabilities.
“These missions were conducted in Northern Borno and the Sambisa general area.”
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My Children feeds from own personal money despite we lives in Aso-rock - Aisha Buhari

Aisha, wife of President Muhammadu Buhari has claimed that she feeds her children with her personal money.
She said that the State House, Abuja catered for her welfare only when it was necessary.
According to Aisha, she had not been accorded the official privileges given to her predecessors as the Fist Lady of the country.
Mrs. Buhari’s claims, contained in a rejoinder by her media aide, Adebisi Ajayi on Friday were consequent upon accusation of abuse of privileges at Nigerian High Commission in London leveled against her by Sahara Reporters, an online media apparently on her trip to the United Kingdom recently.
Mrs. Buhari therefore challenged the online reporters to show evidence of their report to disproof her claims.
The rejoinder read thus: “The attention of the Wife of the President, Hajia Aisha Buhari has been drawn to a report in Sahara Reporters where, she was amongst other things accused of abuse of privileges at Nigerian High Commission in London.
“It is not in her interest to join issues with anyone or defend others mentioned in the report, it is however paramount to put the record in proper perspectives as its concern her trips to UK vis-à-vis the Nigerian High Commission in London.
“Aisha Buhari has never traveled to London with a large entourage as was carried in the report. The highest number of people on a trip involves her three kids, ADC, and her personal physician.
“The Nigerian Commission in London has never offered any favor either monetarily or materially to her or her so called entourage on any of her trips to London.
“The state house in Abuja caters for her meal when necessary, and other healthy food or variety needed by her children are her personal responsibility.
“It is on record that the Nigerian Commission in London does not receive Aisha Buhari at the airport with any official distinction or privileges as was accorded other first ladies before her
“Her drivers are privately arranged without any recourse to the embassy for staff.
“She has never complained or raised dust about any of these acts by the High Commission because of the understanding, as clearly spelt out and practiced by her husband, that public office must be separated from the private lives of the occupants.
“She has always been an advocate of good governance where officials of government are responsive and appealing to their constituents, it therefore baffles the imagination that one could believe she would corroborate with any government official however highly placed either at home or abroad to shortchange the Nigerian people.
“These records are not hidden for a non-mischievous reporter who really intends to inform the people and not to disparage the family of the President just to add weight to a report.
“Aisha Buhari would have ignored this, like all of such baseless accusations, but the angle to which the report was presented has a corruption and abuse of privileges connotation which negates the fundamental principle upon which this administration thrives.
“Consequently, Sahara reporter or any of the embassy staff is hereby challenged to provide any concrete evidence either in hard or soft copy to contradict Aisha’s Buhari’s position as it concerns her trips to London.
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We dont know if Tomopolo is stil alive or dead-Army

The Acting Director of Information, Office of the Chief of Defense Staff, Brig. Gen. Rabe Abubakar has declared that the army does not know
whether Ex-militant leader, High Chief Government Oweizide Ekpemupolo, Alias Tompolo is dead or alive.
Brig. Gen. Abubakar made the statement during his tour of military establishments in the State. HE was also at the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ Warri Correspondents’ Chapel.
Abubakar said, “ I don’t know if Tompolo is dead or alive but all I know is that the Armed Forces and other security agencies are ready to mitigate the various security challenges in the Niger Delta Region.”
He also bemoaned the spate of criminalities and terrorism in the North East and Niger Delta by the Islamic Sects and promised on behalf of the Armed Forces to continue providing and
maintaining security in the area.
He debunked the claims that that the Armed Forces is against some communities in the region.
According to him, “ Those insinuations are coming from people who feel our presence will impede their illegal operations in the Niger Delta.
We are here to provide, maintain security and create the enabling environment in line with the constitution which is our mandate.”

 READ MORE: The driver and the pastor

Brig. Gen. Abubakar appealed to the media practitioners and other stakeholders in the Niger Delta to shun every form of sentiment and synergize with the Armed Forces to move the nation forward.
Brig. Gen. Abubakar said, “My visit here is to inform you that Nigeria’s Armed Forces and Security Agencies are extending the hands of friendship in a way of collaboration, synergizing and equally seeking their cooperation and your understanding taking into cognizance the fact that we are engaged in many operations across the spectrum of this great country. Media is one of the key stakeholders that we have at the back of our mind as a very key partner in
mitigating the barriers of operations that the military and other security agencies are undertaking and we want to remind you that media being an agent of the escalation and fostering peaceful and harmonious relationships, it becomes important that we have this forum. “

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