Friday 21 October 2016

Nigerian Man Weeps As His Fiancee Dies In Accident Weeks To Their Wedding (Photos)

According to a man Obayi, his fiancée, Jennifer Obayi, died in his arms, in front of his house, last Saturday, after a road accident. They were meant to wed in December.
He wrote:
The bus she boarded had a terrible accident, just in front of my house and she bleed to death right in my arms. She died few minutes after the accident. I still can’t believe My Love is gone forever. She will be buried next Friday. This is so sad! Can I ever live without her??”
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That Time Someone Gave a Homeless Person $100,000 Just to See What Would happen

by Karl Smallwood   

In 2005 a homeless man called Ted Rodrigue stumbled upon a briefcase filled with crisp $20 and $50 bills totaling $100,000 (about $123,000 today). Ted was then told by screenwriter Wayne Powers that the money was his to keep and do with as he wished, so long as he would allow a film crew to document the result. Rodrigue, understandably, jumped at the opportunity, leading to a somewhat controversial documentary- Reversal of Fortune.
According to an interview with Powers, the genesis of the documentary stemmed from his time in LA where he was frequently asked for money by the homeless, prompting him to ponder, “What would a homeless person do if I gave them a million dollars?” Powers was curious if such a substantial amount of money could change a person’s life for the better or if it’d simply make it worse. He took this idea to an executive at Showtime where he’d briefly written a short-lived series called Out of Order. The executives loved the idea, but weren’t exactly thrilled at the idea of paying out a million dollars, eventually talking Powers down to $100,000.
With funding in hand, all Powers needed was a homeless person to give the money to. According to him, he picked Ted after filming several conversations with him and coming to the conclusion that Ted was a man who’d been dealt a bad hand and deserved a break for once.
As Ted put it, “When I look back at my childhood, I think it was screwed up. My mother was an alcoholic. We used to have parties all the time at the house. We used to as kids sneak in and grab a beer; sometimes they’d even give us one. I started drinking- I’ve been drinking since about 13.”
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Please Help Me! My Husband Has Refused To Have S*x With Me Because Of This Disturbing Thing


A woman is about to run mad over the disturbing thing that happens to her private part each time she wants to have s*x with her husband.
She wrote:-
“My husband and I have been together for four years and our marriage has been good to say the least apart from one disturbing thing.
“For about a year now, he keeps telling me that I always have a funny smell. Sometimes I can detect a distant smell but he makes it sound really bad to the extent that we no longer have foreplay during sex.
“I have tried everything including using roll on and I shower every day, but he says the smell is still there. I am very embarrassed by this and have even lost self-confidence since I cannot help but wonder how many other people actually pick up the smell.
“I don’t know what to do about this but I’m worried our intimacy is headed south, please help me.”
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Riddle Time!!! Let’s Find Out Who The Brilliant splensizites Are – Attempt This SIMPLE Riddle

QUESTION :- “ What word starts with letter E ends with the letter E but only has one letter in it ” ?
I dont even know the answer…lolsss So am walking pass it, i advice if you dont know it too just do like me and give way for the brilliant once …lol
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